Chapter 234

Xu Fan habitually asked Grape to open the hologram of the entire hidden island.

“Hey, where did the Zhen Yaoxing go?” Xu Fan asked strangely.

“I was borrowed by the master’s second disciple.”

Grape told Xu Fan the causes and consequences of this incident.

“Awesome, and maximize the value of this righteous wind.”

“In the end, I sold them. It seems that my apprentice is not a murderer.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

For so many years, Xu Yuexian seldom kills immortal cultivators, even if he has enemies with him, at most he will take away all his belongings.

According to her rules, as long as she doesn’t want to kill her, she will not kill the other party.

“She sold Zhengfeng to Tianluodian.”

There is an extra light curtain in front of Xu Fan, and above it is the information of Tianluo Temple and the information of enemies with Zhengfeng.

“Good guy, do you think you don’t live long enough? Why do you like to provoke the devil?” Xu Fan said while looking at Zhengfeng’s enemy’s information.

There are 6 Demon Cultivator Mahayana Venerables who are offended by the scenery. It is said that they stole all the wealth of those Demon Cultivator.

“Sell Zhengfeng to Tianluo Temple, it is better to kill him, maybe the soul lamp was lighted by that demon.” Xu Fan said, suddenly feeling a trace of destiny.

I’ll do the math, yes, my apprentice hasn’t decided with that Karma yet, so it’s hard to find out how it is.

It would cost life to go deeper, but Xu Fan didn’t dare to try it easily because of the system.

“Forget it, the disciples have their own blessings.”

At this time, Xiong Li returned to Yinling Island and released Zhen Yaoxing.

Xu Fan’s figure appeared on the satellite island, and he had not dealt with the three Five Elements Ming monkeys.

“Master.” The pangolin knelt in front of Xu Fan with three five-spirited monkeys.

“Get up.” Xu Fan said lightly.

“Thank you, Master.”

With this set, Xu Fan suddenly felt like an emperor.

Looking at the three five-spirited monkeys, Xu Fan throws three Jade Slips.

“There is a monster Cultivation Technique suitable for you. You can major in this Cultivation Technique in the future.”

“The biggest use of this Cultivation Technique is to allow me to control your body to exert nine levels of strength.” Xu Fan directly said his own purpose.

Seeing the worried little eyes of these three five-spirited monkeys, Xu Fan continued: “Don’t worry, it will not have much impact on you.”

“Cultivation well, when I ascend, I will return you free.” Xu Fan’s technique of painting cakes is getting more and more proficient.

In an instant, the three five-spirited monkeys became excited. They were already ready to be enslaved by this human race for a lifetime, but they didn’t expect that there would be a chance in the end.

Xu Fan waved his hand, and the Sect formation of Yinling Island split a corner, covering the entire satellite island.

A green drizzle came up and down on the satellite island. This is the effect of the combination of the soul lamp and the Spiritual Qi, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

“In the future, the okay department will be here to cultivate. When you are bored, you can play in the huge lake of 100,000 miles.”

“But remember, don’t walk out of the huge lake of 100,000 miles, or else.”

“Peng Peng Peng~~~”

After three consecutive beeps, small red flowers grew on the heads of the three Wulingming Monkeys.

“Otherwise you will be eaten by the little red flowers on your head.” Xu Fan suddenly said gloomily.

Astonished the three Five Lingming Monkeys, three small red flowers swayed easily on their heads.


The five-linged monkeys are scared to their mother tongue.

“Okay, I should go now, you guys have a good cultivation.”

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

At this moment, the pangolin suddenly knelt down and said to Xu Fan, “Master, I also want the master to control me to fight.”

“Please master give me Cultivation Technique.”

Looking at the pangolin, he didn’t have Cultivation Technique, and the crisis awareness rose sharply for a while.

“You are a pure soil attribute, and you can’t give you much advantage.” Xu Fan looked at the pangolin and said, shaking his head.

“Just supervise their cultivation.” Xu Fan said again.

“Observe, promise to complete the task.” The pangolin said happily.

Xu Fan looked at the pangolin with a smile flashing in his eyes. I can’t see through you carefully.


After Xiong Li returned to Sect, he released Zhen Yaoxing and returned to his courtyard.

“Grapes, Head Teacher said, she would suggest Elder to refine another grape.” Xiong Li said, took out the Interspatial Ring containing 300,000 top-grade Spirit Stones and handed it to the tool puppet.

In the underground space, the grape’s body gleamed and then dimmed.


The tool puppet faintly replied Xiong Li.

“I hope that Elder will make a grape that speaks with emotion. Your tone is very boring.” Xiong Li said as he picked off a bunch of grapes from the vine and ate it.



The endless sea, a remote giant island in the offshore.

Feng Changning returned to this huge island after all the hardships.

Looking at the giant island below, Feng Changning waved and released 100 castrated space-based satellites.

“Take over space-based satellites, explore the entire giant island, and find the best place to build Sect.” Feng Changning ordered.


A little girl with wings behind him flew out of Feng Changning’s bracelet, circled Feng Changning a few times, and then landed on Feng Changning’s shoulder.

A torrent of data flashed in the eyes of the little girl with wings, receiving information from the entire island.

“Changning, this island is so barren. According to the information given to me by the Big Brother, you can only develop to third-level Sect here.”

The little girl sitting on Feng Changning’s shoulder said.

“Xiaoling, is this huge island enough for us to develop for more than a hundred years, when the resources are not enough, we will expand outward.” Feng Changning smiled and rubbed the little girl’s cheek with his fingers.

Along the way, with this tool spirit as the company, Feng Changning had a lot of fun on the road.

“Well, Xiao Ling will help Changning Big sis.” Xiao Ling said with a grin.

At this time, the satellite has been released for two hours.

A panoramic picture of the huge island appeared in front of Feng Changning. All the human towns, mountains, rivers, and rivers above were clearly marked.

If you look closely, this picture is still an instant dynamic picture.

“This is the whole picture of this huge island.” Feng Changning exclaimed. If she had this thing in her home world, she would be able to unify the world a hundred years in advance.

“Yes.” Xiao Ling said, marking a giant mountain range.

“Master, this is the most suitable place to build Sect.”

“But there is a group of Demonic Beasts, which need to be cleaned up,” Xiao Ling said.

“Okay.” Feng Changning said as he flew towards the marked direction with Xiao Ling.

In a canyon, thousands of flame wolves were swept accurately and harmlessly by the puppets controlled by Xiaoling.

Feng Changning looked at the flame wolf corpses all over the floor, and praised Xiaoling: “Awesome, using the Gold Core puppet to encircle and suppress the Demonic Beasts of the Nascent Soul period, it didn’t even damage a puppet.”

“What’s this, if the grape Big Brother is here, it is estimated that even blood will not spill out.” Xiao Ling said.

Afterwards, more than 10,000 puppets began to decompose the corpses of this group of Demonic Beasts in an orderly manner under Feng Changning’s shocked gaze.

Fur, bones, meat, internal organs…

I wanted to find a word to describe the current scene, but it made Feng Changning, who is familiar with hundreds of books, feel the word is poor for the first time.

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