Chapter 235 Nine Dragons Swallowing Sky Array

After dealing with the Yan Wolves, Xiao Ling began to let Feng Changning choose the style of the martial art.

“Changning, what is the name of our school.”

“Otherwise, it’s called Xiaolingmen, it’s easy to remember.”

Xiao Ling happily circled around Feng Changning.

“The school is called Jiufengge.” Feng Changning ignored Xiao Ling’s proposal.

“Martial style uses this.”

Feng Changning pointed to the dark blue architectural style and said.


At this time, all the 100,000 Gold Core puppets were released by Feng Changning.

The puppets started their work according to Xiao Ling’s orders.

A few months later, the residents on the giant island knew that a new Sect had arrived on the island.

In the huge lake of 100,000 miles, in the hidden spirit gate, at this time the Sect array on the entire island has been upgraded, but the spirit gathering array composed of Dao Item level spirit gathering beads has not moved yet.

At this time, in the underground space of the Hidden Spirit Island, a wave of Dao Item’s successful refining sweeps the underground space.

“Yes. It’s smoother than I thought.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Dao Item feedback appeared, and Xu Fan hurriedly summoned Clone One.


With the first clone, there was a comfortable sound. The Spirit Swallowing Orb in the center of the mixing chamber was completely formed.

Allowing the clone to receive Dao Item feedback is the only way for Xu Fan to get along during this time. Let the clone accept Dao Item feedback on his behalf, so that the clone is only temporarily strengthened, and then the clone will slowly return to its original state.

“After the Spirit Swallowing Orb is refined, Sect’s puppets will no longer need to consume Spirit Stones. If they need to be dispatched on a large scale, just bring the Spirit Swallowing Orb.”

In the past, puppets can also consume spiritual liquid as their own power, but the conversion efficiency is low, and the power output is a bit insufficient. It is good for ordinary puppets to do some chores. Once a battle occurs, the power will be pulled.

Xu Fan then summoned the second clone who had been resting for 3 consecutive days.

“Ontology, what are you doing?” The second clone looked at Xu Fan with a grim look.

Had it not been for such a good-looking anime, I would have explained my ambitions a long time ago.

“Don’t put on a bad face, this is Dao Item Spirit Swallowing Orb.”

“Go and get me one, Nine Spirits Swallowing the Sky Great Formation.” Xu Fan said. Now the state of the second clone is a bit dangerous, and Xu Fan doesn’t dare to squeeze him continuously.

After hearing Xu Fan’s mission, the clone’s expression eased a little, and after taking over the Lingzhu Orb, he disappeared in front of Xu Fan.

Xu Fan’s figure appeared beside Lingye Waterfall.

“Don’t even cultivate, Sect’s spirit gathering formation is upgraded, here is temporarily closed.” Seeing the disciple who cultivated hard, Xu Fan said softly.

“There is also that tortoise, you come out too, it will save you a while Spirit Power is too pure to smoke you.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes, Elder.”

The disciples surrounding the Lingye Waterfall, after saluting Xu Fan, all retreated, waiting for the upgrade of the Sect Spirit Gathering Array on the outside.

The Tianji tortoise lying on the bottom of Lingye Lake also slowly climbed up from the bottom of the lake.

At this time, the tortoise shell of Tianji is already ten meters in size.

After the Tianji Turtle crawled out from the bottom of the lake, he crawled to the outside very calmly and calmly. When passing by Xu Fan, he nodded gently to Xu Fan.

That expression is like the affirmation of the old cadre to the young man.

For a moment, Xu Fan felt that he was doing a good job.

“Strange feeling.” Xu Fan shook his head and threw this feeling out of his mind. After confirming that no one was around, he sent a signal to the second clone at the top of the Sect array.

With Xu Fan’s signal in place, the Spirit Liquid Waterfall stopped, and the Heaven Spirit Liquid Divine Beast dissipated between the heaven and the earth without the Spirit Liquid being refilled.

An aura lighted up from the top of the Sect array, and a ghost of Nine Dragons turning over the clouds appeared on the top of the Sect array.

The original three hundred and sixty fifth-order spirit gathering orbs had been transformed into nine long dragons at this time, swimming in a cloud of spirit.

With all the preparations completed, the second clone slowly installed the final core accessories.


As if the sound of the beginning of heaven and earth, the whole Sect fell into a strange wave of fluctuations.

Then nine long dragons appeared at the top of the Sect array, each with different colors.

The red red dragon, the yellow earth dragon, the blue water dragon, the green wooden dragon, the golden golden dragon, the cyan wind dragon, the silver thunder dragon, the black shadow dragon, and the white light dragon.

After the emergence of the nine color dragons, several colorful dragons were born, representing the rest of the attributes.

Then a Tianhe came from the void and crossed above Sect.

For a time, the density of the Spirit Power of the entire Sect changed.

The density of Spirit Power is only a little bit higher than before, but the quality is several times higher than before.

These Spirit Powers seemed to have life, wandering around the disciples of the Hidden Spirit Gate.

It’s as if you are swimming and saying, “You come to suck me.”

It turned out that the spirit liquid had slowly changed from the concentration of clear water to a more viscous direction.

The original Lingye waterfall has disappeared, replaced by a line of Lingye composed of dragons thrown into the Lingye Lake.

“This Spirit Power seems to be a bit fierce.” Xu Fan said, feeling the Spiritual Qi around him.

“Yes, now the Spiritual Qi and quality in Sect can be compared to ordinary Sacred Land.” Ning Dao said next to Xu Fan.

Looking at the nine long dragons of different colors in the sky, Ning Dao felt like he had seen this scene somewhere.

“Sacred Land is at this level.” Xu Fan asked in astonishment. He planned to refine nine Dao Item-level Spirit Gathering Orbs when there was nothing wrong to complete the Nine Dragon Swallowing Array.

“The general Sacred Land is like this. The Great Master is very rare in the world of immortality. Dao Item does not mean that it is refined.” Ning Dao said, generally there is the Sect where the Mahayana Venerable is located, which can be refined. Great Master, it shouldn’t be used as an ancestor’s contributory.

“Is it difficult to refine Dao Item?” Xu Fan asked strangely, he lacked this knowledge a bit.

“It’s not difficult, it’s the level of refining ten pieces and four pieces successfully.” Ning Dao said while looking at the evildoer in front of him.

“Ah, I didn’t expect other refining tools, Great Master, to be of the same level as me.” Xu Fan said calmly, speaking low-key to himself in his heart.

“Believe you a ghost.” Ning Dao said with a blank look at Xu Fan.

With the upgrade of the Sect Spirit Gathering Array, all the disciples returned to normal.

At this moment, an illusion appeared in the sky of Sect, and a giant spirit god in heavy armor stood horizontally above the hidden spirit gate.

“The highest-level Gold Core vision of the cultivator!” Ning Dao exclaimed.

“Grape, is Xiong Li?” Xu Fan asked.

“The master guessed right. Xiong Li defeated the last puppet of the Foundation Building some time ago and got the permission to advance to the Gold Core.” Grape said.

“It turns out that it’s probably because Spiritual Qi has increased greatly, speeding up Xiong Li cultivation.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at the vision in the sky, frowned and said, “This vision is a bit unstable.”

“Grapes, go to the treasure house to get a drop of the origin of gold.” Xu Fan said.

As soon as Xu Fan’s words fell, the golden dragon hovering among the nine long dragons in the sky suddenly rushed into the vision.

Suddenly, the golden light of the vision spread, and the vision of the giant spirit god in the sky became more stable, and a golden dragon phantom appeared on the heavy armor of the giant spirit god.

The vision slowly shrank in the sky, and then landed on the top of the bearish mountain.

“Grapes, no need.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, Ning Dao clapped his hands and said, “I remembered that this kind of Spiritual Qi automatically condensed mythical beast can finally extract the origin of various attributes.”

“Really. How long does it take for this to condense a drop.” Xu Fan asked happily, unexpectedly there would be such a good thing.

“At least one hundred years.” Su Rantian walked over and said at this time, looking at Xu Fan in amazement.

“Do you sell this Spirit Gathering Array? I want to install him in my palace.”

“…” Xu Fan, as expected, was inhumane.

“One drop in a hundred years is okay, better than nothing.” Xu Fan automatically ignored Su Rantian’s second sentence.

“Big Elder, now the quality and density of Sect’s Spiritual Qi are enough to support Mahayana cultivation, and there is surplus behind it. Are you recruiting a little disciple, or it’s wasted?” Ning Dao suggested.

“These disciples are enough, there are too many Spiritual Qi, then give a little bit to Outer Sect Island and Satellite Island.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes.” Grape’s voice sounded.

At the top of the Sect array, two giant beams of light shot out directly over the Outer Sect Island and Satellite Island.

Holding the whip to supervise the cultivation of three five-spirited monkeys, the pangolin looked up to the sky.

At this time, the density of Spirit Power on the satellite island changed greatly. For a time, the speed of the three five-spirited monkeys was much faster.

Looking at the five spirit monkeys that are still being cultivated, the pangolin is directly whipping the three monkeys.

“I felt the master’s gift, but I didn’t thank you for the first time. How did I teach you before?”

The three five-linged monkeys did not dare to neglect, and quickly got up and kowtowed their heads in the direction of Yinling Island.

“That’s right, continue cultivation.” The pangolin said, putting away the whip.

The members of Outer Sect in Outer Sect Island cherish their membership of Outer Sect at this time.

A member of the first group of beginners came to the teacher exhibition and asked: “Elder, our Outer Sect has such a concentration of Spirit Power, what kind of scene do you think it should be on the Inner Sect island.”

“Elder, have you been to Inner Sect?” the Outer Sect member asked.

“Of course I have been there. The concentration of Spirit Power in Inner Sect is ten times that of the current one.” Shi Zhan forcedly pretended, and it seemed that he had never been in Inner Sect.

Every time I saw Xu Fan, I was on the spirit boat.

“Wow, if only I could enter Inner Sect and take a look.” The Outer Sect member said.

“Cultivate well, earn more points, maybe you will be summoned by Elder.” The teacher exhibition patted the shoulder of the Outer Sect member and said, wondering if I would find a chance to go in Inner Sect to see what the scene is.

“Yes.” The Outer Sect member said.

On the main peak of the hidden spirit, Xu Fan sat alone in the pavilion on the edge of the cliff.

“Every time I take a break after a major event, I feel extra comfortable.” Xu Fan said, taking a sip of tea from his teacup.

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