Chapter 237

Above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan was salting fish daily.

Xiong Li appeared on Xu Fan’s Lingzhou.

“Meet Elder,” Xiong Li saluted.

“Get up, you are the first one of the disciples to advance to the Gold Core, this big brother, you deserve it.” Xu Fan praised.

“Xie Da Elder praise.” Xiong Li said embarrassedly.

“Well, now that you have advanced to the Gold Core stage, you should still go out and do things on your own.”

“Go to the Sect treasure house to receive a set of Magic Treasures and 1000 top-grade Spirit Stones that can be used during the Gold Core period, and go outside to meet the world by yourself.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

The Hidden Spirit Gate has not restricted the freedom of disciples. If you want to go out, you only need to report it.

However, all the disciples in Sect like to live in Sect, either in cultivation or in the trial tower, which seems very boring in Xu Fan’s eyes.

All Xu Fan wants to drive out the disciples who have been promoted to Gold Core and meet the world. Don’t be Gold Core Nascent Soul anymore. He is like a little otaku who has never seen the world.

If you are young, you should go out and do some more adventures. As long as you don’t die in the realm of cultivating immortals in the Gold Core stage, it is still relatively safe.

At this time, Xiong Li’s face showed an embarrassed expression.

“Big Elder, can I stay in Sect.”

“If a foreign enemy invades, I can still contribute.” Xiong Li said firmly in his eyes. His most important goal is to become the pillar of Sect.

“You have a big heart, Elder took it. Letting you out is to show you the real world of immortality, but not to drive you out.”

“It’s too early for you to contribute to Sect before Gold Core.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, and a Gold Core puppet appeared behind Xu Fan.

“Can you beat this Gold Core puppet?” Xu Fan asked.

Seeing this Gold Core puppet, Xiong Li lowered his head in shame and said, “No.”

“Sects of such puppets are more than one million. Before these puppets died, there was nothing like you, a little Gold Core disciple.”

“Go out for a long time, solve the single problem by the way, and then cultivate well after returning.”

“If you want to contribute to Sect, there is also a Cultivation Base, which is less important.”

“Your task now is to practice well, and leave the rest to Sect.”

“Entry into the WTO is also one of the practice.”

“That’s probably all I have to say. Okay, you pack up and go to the treasure house to get your stuff and then go out.”

“Don’t come back after ten years.”

“Well, you go, don’t disturb me fishing.” Xu Fan waved and said.

Xiong Li looked at Xu Fan and then at the puppet, flying towards Wanbaofeng with a warm heart.

At the same time, he kept the words of Xu Fan firmly in his heart.

“I will definitely reach the Void Refining Period.” Xiong Li said silently in his heart.

Xiong Li came to the treasure house in Wanbaofeng.

The puppet saw that Xiong Li came, and immediately took out an Interspatial Ring.

“This is the Outing Interspatial Ring that Sect has equipped for you. There are three Sect disciples’ outing attention manuals inside. It’s okay to take a look outside.”

“The rest is a thousand top-grade Spirit Stones, which every disciple who goes out has.”

“If you meet someone you love outside, you can go back to Sect and apply for 1000 Top Grade Spirit Stones.”For some reason, Xiong Li felt the puppet’s voice a little ambiguous.

“Grape, are you springing up?” Xiong Li asked.

“…” Can you have a good chat?

“Go in and choose the treasures you can use, at most it can’t exceed the third level of the treasure.”

“This set of puppets is half given to you by Sect, and your Contribution Points will be gone in these ten years.” The puppet looked as if his interest was broken.

“Understand.” Xiong Li nodded and said, any Tier 3 treasure in the treasury can top his Contribution Points for ten years.

Xiong Li stepped into the treasure house and came out soon.

A set of three-type Spirit Power medium armor, a Magical Item cloud car, and a set of Five Spirit Guardian bracelets.

“Why don’t you get more.” the puppet asked.

“These are enough. If you take more, you will be a little greedy.”

After Xiong Li finished speaking, he left Wanbaofeng.

At the gate of Yinlingmen, a group of disciples of a generation came out to bid farewell to the big brother.

“Big brother, go all the way well~~” Ten Thousand Soldiers said.

After ‘Bang~~’ after the sorrowful words had not come out, Xiong Li was directly sent a thousand miles away with a punch.

“You go well.” Xiong Li said lightly.

“Brother, it’s just the Medicine Pill that I refined. It can heal, practice, and restore Spirit Power. You take it with you on the road.” said a disciple who majored in pill refining.

“Master, these are some more practical little Magic Treasures. It’s more convenient for you to stay on your body.”

“Brother, this is a treasure hunter in the Foundation Building period. If you bring it, you must meet good things on the road.” Lei Wenxi said.

At this time, the tens of thousands of soldiers that had been beaten out flew back.

“Big brother, these are two puppets that specialize in serving people. You take the road to do some chores.” Ten Thousand Soldier said.

Later, Xiong Li received a lot of gifts.

Looking at this group of juniors, Xiong Li felt more like his family.

“Well, everyone don’t give it anymore, I can’t use so many things.” Xiong Li said with a smile.

“Sect stipulates that you will have to go out for ten years to get to the Gold Core stage. Outside, I hope I can meet all the brothers and sisters.”

“Let’s see Xianxianjie again.” After Xiong Li said goodbye to everyone, he flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

Xu Fan, who was still fishing on the spirit boat, looked at Xiong Li’s departure and said with a smile: “The young bird flies away, and after returning, it will be the eagle.”

“I hope the project I arranged for you will give you a pleasant experience.”

In Linsen City, Xiong Li opened the book and marked out the itinerary that Sect must see.

“Let the young birds spread their wings and fly, the first stop, go to Hehuan Xiancheng Yuxian Pavilion to experience a one-stop service.” Xiong Li said with a weird expression.

“Why would Sect let me go to that kind of place.” Although he rarely goes out, Xiong Li also knows what it is.

Although Xiong Li is strange, he still wants to go on the itinerary arranged by Sect.

At the center of Linsen Xiancheng Teleportation Array, Xiong Li came to the area of ​​the teleportation center mainland.

“Where are you going.” The teleportation array manager said.

“Hehuan Xiancheng.” Xiong Li said.


Xiong Li’s answer got an extremely ambiguous look, the kind of look that a man understands.

“Sincerely benefited 300,000 Spirit Stones.” The teleportation array manager said.

Xiong Li took out 30 top-grade Spirit Stones and handed them to the teleport manager.

“I wish you a good time.”

The teleportation array started by the teleportation manager with a smile.


The sky and the earth crossed, and Xiong Li’s head was a little dizzy. Although it was not the first time he took the teleportation array, he still couldn’t get rid of the dizziness.

The dizziness is only temporary.

As soon as Xiong Li walked out of the teleportation formation, he was embraced by a slender jade.

“This strong fellow daoist, where are you going.”

Jiaojiao’s voice made Xiong Li very uncomfortable.

Talk as you speak, what are you talking about.

Xiong Li frowned and said, “How do I get to the Yuxian Pavilion?”

“Oh, fellow daoist is going to Yuxian Pavilion, so we happened to go there too, I will take fellow daoist there.”

A pair of eyebrows carefully looked up and down Xiong Li.

“Let’s go, then.” Xiong Li muttered, as if he already knew where the Yuxian Pavilion was.

“Then come with me.”

The charming woman holding Xiong Li’s arm smiled and said.

“You lead the way, and I’m not used to being touched” Xiong Li said with a frown.

“The slave knows.” The charming girl said softly.

She sees a lot of serious people outside and coquettish people inside. She knows that when she arrives at the Yuxian Pavilion, she is not completely exposed, and the charming girl disdains in her heart.

Xiong Li followed the girl all the way to an extremely magnificent store, outside there were countless beautiful women like Celestial Immortals soliciting customers.

The closer the shop is, the more nervous Xiong Li is. For some reason, he feels that there is a huge test waiting for him in front of him.

The woman who was guarding the Yuxian Pavilion soliciting guests could see Xiong Li from a distance.

“Sister Lingling found a cultivator. I guess he can’t do it alone. Which of you is interesting.” said the woman guarding the door.

At this time, the woman still wanted to talk, and there were three Raiders passing by her side.

Before Xiong Li entered the shop, he was entangled by three women in colorful clothes.

Before Xiong Li spoke, he was dragged into the Yuxian Pavilion by the three women.

At this time, above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan was watching the live broadcast.

“I don’t know if Xiong Li can stand it.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, with all due respect, is it a bit wrong for you to arrange the disciples to go out for practice like this?” Li Xuandao said.

“It’s just a massage, just seeing the world, not as serious as you said.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Today, why are you free to come to me?” Xu Fan asked as he looked at Li Xuandao.

At this time, Li Xuandao had already advanced to the Realm of the Gold Core Dzogchen, and he was only one step away from Nascent Soul.

“It takes a long time for cultivation to come out to relax.”

“I haven’t thanked the Master yet. If it hadn’t been for such a good cultivation illusion, it would have been impossible for a student to advance so quickly.” Li Xuandao thanked him.

“With a little effort, besides, I am improving the cultivation environment of the entire Sect, not for you alone.” Xu Fan said indifferently.

Although the two are commensurate with their masters and apprentices, the element here is more of a deal.

“I still have to thank Master.” Li Xuandao said seriously.”Your cultivation speed is indeed fast. It is only a few years before you have completed the Gold Core period.”

“At this level, your ascent to the Great Thousand Worlds is estimated to be a thousand years ago.” Xu Fan said enviously. If the system let go of the restrictions on his Cultivation Base, he might already be in the spiritual stage now.

“Without the Master saying so fast, before flying into the immortal realm, I have to strengthen the foundation of this flesh, or the level of the immortal realm to be a quasi-immortal for a lifetime.” Li Xuandao sighed and said.

“In 2000, it was very fast,” Xu Fan said. He felt a little sad when he thought that two thousand years later, he was only a cultivator.

“This cultivation speed is the limit of this life, it can only be this way.” Li Xuandao said regretfully, reincarnating so many times. Although the difficulty of this life is a little bit small, the qualifications of this life can only be in the middle of his reincarnation. Down the level.

“It turned out to be so.”

“Since you are going to relax, why don’t you go for a walk in Xiancheng.”

“Grape should have already told you. You have 100,000 top-grade Spirit Stones in the treasure house.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you Master, I know, it’s enough to come out and relax and see the scenery in Sect.”

“I just saw the Master alone fishing on the huge lake of 100,000 miles, so I want to chat with the Master.” Li Xuandao said with a smile.

First, he came out to relax, and secondly, he came to brush up on his Master’s favorability.

After all, holding the thigh requires technology.

Hearing this, Xu Fan slowly put away his fishing rod.

Waved out a tea table and tea set, and started to boil water.

“This is Sect’s own tea tree, you can taste it.” Xu Fan said tea.

“Thanks Master.”

After the two drank tea together, Xu Fan looked at Li Xuandao and said, “If you have nothing to ask, let’s talk about things in the great world.”

“That’s OK, if the Master wants to know about that aspect, the disciple will tell the truth.” Li Xuandao said with a smile.

“In the great world, what is the status of the refiner?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“The Great Master, the refiner capable of refining advanced Dao Items, has a higher status than the quasi-immortal, which is almost equivalent to the truth.”

“The Grand Great Master, the refiner that can refine the immortal weapon, can also sit on the same level as Jin Xian.” Li Xuandao said.

“Is the refining device Grand Great Master so popular in the immortal world?” Xu Fan said in surprise, why is it different from what he thought.

“So, when the chief of Tianlianzong soars into the world, his status is equivalent to the golden immortal?”

“Yes, in the fairy world, Dao Item is still more precious, and in the eyes of those quasi and true immortals in the fairy world, the immortal artifacts are even more unforgettable.”

“Master, do you know why Heavenly Dao will pull those refining tools Grand Great Master and pill refining Grand Great Master to fly into the great world?” Li Xuandao said mysteriously.

“Yes, I am also curious about this.” Xu Fan asked.

“That’s because there are immortal gates in the world or big forces that have transactions. Whenever the Heavenly Dao of this world pulls a Grand Great Master, it will receive a lot of benefits.”

“After all, Heavenly Dao also needs to be upgraded.” Li Xuandao said.

“Oh, it turns out that it is because of this. Then you say if I refine an immortal tool, can I fly into the immortal world?” Xu Fan said, he wondered if he made the refinement when these apprentices were ascending. Out of a fairy artifact, followed to the immortal world.

“Master, if you don’t want to serve those immortals or big powers, it’s best not to do this.” Li Xuandao had expected Xu Fan to ask.

“What’s wrong.”

“Heavenly Dao is only a traction. It will not open the passage between the two worlds. If you want to reach the Great Thousand World, you need someone from the fairy gate to pick up the Grand Great Master.”

“Then the fate of that refiner Grand Great Master will be controlled by those immortal gates and big forces.”

“Of course, the most basic courtesy is still there. It’s just that you have lost your freedom for thousands of years.” Li Xuandao said. He has seen this kind of thing with his own eyes. When a third generation cultivated to a true immortal, he went to Zhongqian. Outside the world, he took over the Grand Great Master.

“Let me just say, there is no free lunch in the world.” Xu Fan said with a sigh.

“It’s best for Master to think this way. With Master’s aptitude comparable to heaven and earth, wouldn’t it be easy to ascend to the great world?” Li Xuandao took the opportunity to take a shot.

Hearing this, Xu Fan’s eyes on Li Xuandao became cordial.

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