Chapter 238 Xiong Li’s Body Refining Ability

“Haha, I’ve said that, how dare you be a teacher to stand shoulder to shoulder with heaven and earth.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and it turned out that everyone who has seen the world speaks nicely.

Li Xuan Dao heart is overjoyed, and feels that he has found a shortcut to hold his thigh.

“With the Master’s qualifications, he will definitely become the regional overlord of the Great Thousand World in the future.” Li Xuandao continued.

Xu Fan waved his hand to indicate not to go on. What happened after Immortal Ascension, I don’t know how many years to wait.

“By the way, you didn’t mean that after the Nascent Soul period, Xianwen will be delivered.” Xu Fan always remembered this.

“Yes, when I reach the Nascent Soul period, I will give all the sentiment and will of Xianwen I know to the Master.” Li Xuandao said sincerely, agreeing that the thigh must be done beautifully.

“Do you want to give me all the immortal texts, don’t you plan to go with the refiner?” Xu Fan asked.

In the world of cultivating immortals, a refiner can pass on the runes and fairy wills he has learned to others, and the consequence is that he completely forgets these runes or fairy wills.

“In this life, I didn’t plan to go with the refining tool. After more than a dozen lifetimes, the immortal texts I learned were reincarnated into Samsara, and the will and perception of these immortal texts began to gradually dim.”

“If you don’t pass it to the Master, the next life might be completely dissipated.” Li Xuandao adhered to the principle of no waste.

“You have been a refiner in your previous life, what level is it?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“The refining tool Great Master, throughout his life, only refined a few high-level Dao Items, that life, it was relatively easy to live.” Li Xuandao seemed to be lost in memory.

“Craftsmen, they are popular everywhere.” Xu Fan said with a smile, which made him firmer in his original choice.

“Master is right.” Li Xuandao smiled.

“Master, after I present the fairy tales in the Nascent Soul period, I may have to go out and stay for a while, which may take about 100 years.” Li Xuandao asked.

“Go, go, just say it if you don’t come back then.” Xu Fan said nonchalantly.

“Thank you Master for your kindness.”

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief in Dao heart, but he was a little awkward. The reason for the relief was that the most important thing for chatting with the Master today has been finished.

For awkward things, I didn’t say my own reason, and the things behind it were difficult to handle.

“Master doesn’t ask me what I am going to do.” Li Xuandao asked tentatively, you have to let me give the reason.

“I never ask what the apprentice wants to do, as long as it doesn’t hurt the truth.”

“My aptitude is too poor in this life, and I need a few pieces of heaven and earth spirit treasures to recast my aptitude and rebuild my abilities.”

“I already have eyebrows for those precious treasures of heaven and earth, and I need to take time to find them,” Li Xuandao said.

“Oh, I understand.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

“What do you need, go and tell Grape, we will also help you find it. If we have news in this regard, we will notify you as soon as possible,” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you Master.”

“Well, let’s talk about anything else together. If you talk about it, you will have the breakthrough Nascent Soul period.” Xu Fan said as he watched Li Xuandao overflowing Spirit Power.

“It’s okay, the disciple retire.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, signaled to retreat, and started fishing for salty fish again.

“Salted fish for a few more days, let’s finish the rest of the work together.” Xu Fan shook his head and said.

At this time, a stream of light flashed across the sky, and plunged into the Sect array of the hidden spirit gate.

“It’s the third time.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

The escape light just now was Xu Yuexian, this is the third time this month he has returned to Sect.

“Master, I’m leaving~~”

After getting the Interspatial Ring. Dunguang flew out of the Sect array again, and flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

“That righteous wind is a bit capable, it’s the third time.”

“Didn’t that fool notice that something was wrong?” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

At this time, in a certain fairy city, Zhengfeng resisted the stench of the cultivator next to him, looking at what he took out of the Interspatial Ring.

“This baby girl has very strong financial resources, and she started to bring high-grade Spirit Stones when she went out.” Zhengfeng said while looking at the top-grade Spirit Stones in the Interspatial Ring, and at the same time felt that something was wrong.

“At this time, that girl should hide in her den for a while.”

“Is there a conspiracy.”

Thinking of the Master’s method named Zhang Meimei, Zhengfeng felt a guilty conscience, what would happen if his Master made another move.

Thinking of this, Zhengfeng looked at the foul-smelling cultivator next to him, and said disgustingly: “You find a wilderness, go to Closed Door Training by yourself, and I will find you after a while.”

“Yes.” The cultivator said stiffly, without a trace of expression in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhengfeng’s communicator rang.

Zhengfeng glanced, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

“There is definitely a problem.” Zhengfeng decided to take his revenge and take a look at the situation.

Then Zhengfeng asked through the communication Magic Treasures, and rushed to the teleportation center of Xiancheng.

He has a lot of enemies, so if this one doesn’t work, just change one.

At the same time, Xu Yuexian was wandering on the street and wondering why Zhengfeng hadn’t taken the bait yet. This was the third Interspatial Ring, and there were five behind.

“Did he notice something?” Xu Yuexian said suspiciously.

Finally, after thinking about it for a long time, Xu Yuexian decided to go with the flow and continue to hunt for treasures and explore the secret realm.


Hehuan Xiancheng Yuxian Pavilion.

Several charming women circled their hands and sent out the bear power like Vajra.

“Guardian, the slave’s massage is uncomfortable for you, you can say, you can change sisters, everything is easy to discuss.”

“But why do you give our sisters a bad review? How will our sisters make a living in this Yuxian Pavilion in the future?” A charming woman Lihua led the rain.

“That said, the force is too light.”

“Uncle, no one uses the supernatural powers to massage us. We are just a trivial Gold Core Cultivation Base. Let’s forget about you.”

It was okay for Xiong Li not to say anything. When he said that his strength was too light, several women all cried, as if they were pregnant and abandoned by a scumbag.

Hearing the grievances of several women, Xiong Li thought of one of the precautions for Sect to go out.

Don’t mess with women, children and the elderly.

“Can the bad review be revoked?” Xiong Li asked faintly. Speaking of which, it was not his intention to activate the body protection supernatural powers during the massage. It was really that he was not used to having Spirit Power wandering in his body.

Even if it is to unclog the Meridians, heal the wounds and remove the evil spirits.

Hearing Xiong Li’s words, the women stopped crying instantly.

One of them saluted Xiong Li and said, “Master, please come with me, I will take you to the bad review.”

Sect’s outing manual is right, and women are fickle.

Cry well, what do you stop doing.

The cultivators who traveled to and from the Yuxian Pavilion all watched this scene amusedly.

Xiong Li, who walked out of Yuxian Pavilion again, only lamented that it was worthless, and spent so many Spirit Stones just to press a few times on his body.

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