Chapter 240 Heavenly Sword Immortal City is Destroyed

Above the Heavenly Sword Academy, a sword repairman slowly retracted his gaze.

“Little Heavenly Sword Academy, I didn’t expect it to be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” A trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of Jian Xiu at the transformation stage.

The Sword of Mind that Wang Xiangchi inspired just now almost hurt his mind.

Wang Xiangchi also slowly withdrew his gaze, and Xu Fan told him from a young age that when others look at you, you must look back.

“A period of transforming minds, look at something indiscriminately.”

Half an hour later, the entire Tianjian Academy student competition began. In the huge dojo, more than a thousand games started at the same time.

The person in charge of the sword repair Sect who watched the battle in the sky also began to select their favorite talents.

“This academy is so murderous, the way to cultivate and kill must be a good seedling.”

“It’s been a long time since I saw the genius of the sword formation, but it’s a pity that he is not genius enough and has no value in training.”

“This academy has a strong fighting spirit, but its style of play is very stable. It’s a good seed.”

“Swordsmanship has a line of supernatural powers. This disciple who has just entered the academy will take note of it for now, and then slowly observe it in the next two years.”

“The students in this class feel the same. There are no geniuses at the Tianjiao level, but there are generally quite a few geniuses.”

As the battle began, more and more Elder of Sect Sect found a disciple who satisfied him.

Wang Xiangchi nodded in satisfaction at the viewing platform.

Although the students I teach are only basic kendo, their combat power is still not weak, and they are completely comparable to those at the heaven and earth levels.

“Senior, it’s the luck of their generation that these students met you.” The assistant teacher next to him said that if he had such a good teacher, he would be better than he is now.

“No luck, it’s fate.”

“Although this group of children have poor aptitude, they may find their own way in the future.” Wang Xiangchi said. To be honest, the qualifications of his teaching staff are at the average level at Yinlingmen.

Their future path is very bright, and their own group of students is not bad either.

The first battle was all over, and the students in Wang Xiangchi’s class were eliminated by a half.

“Just do your best. It’s just the beginning.” Wang Xiangchi comforted.

Now Wang Xiangchi’s method of teaching students is more and more biased towards Xu Fan’s.

It’s fine to see the own students do their best.


Xiong Li watched as he brought the new Interspatial Ring, and the ring in his palm that had been dropped.

“It turns out that someone in the world of immortality can steal the Interspatial Ring without others knowing it.” Xiong Li murmured, with a trace of distress in his heart. There are gifts from the juniors in his own Interspatial Ring. It’s all gone.

“It seems that I have to ask Jianbai more in the future. That kid has always wanted to learn this kind of magical powers, but now I don’t know if I have found it.” Xiong Li said.

Jianbai is the first brother of Xiong Li. Since he was a child, he has been thinking about transferring the things in other people’s Interspatial Ring to his own Interspatial Ring, but unfortunately, he has never been able to find such magical powers.

Thinking of the information he had seen, Xiong Li decided to go to Gaoyao Immortal City. In the eyes of the demon clan invading that immortal city, it can be said that outside the immortal city is the world of the demon clan.

At present, many people with righteous hearts come to support.

At the center of the teleportation array, when it was learned that Xiong Li was going to Gaoyao Xiancheng, he was told that the cultivator below the Restrictions Nascent Soul stage of Gaoyao Xiancheng was teleported there.

Simply put, don’t die.

“Is it so serious?” Xiong Li frowned and said.

After that, Xiong Li retreated to the second place and teleported to the place of the second crisis, Yongshu Xiancheng.The world revolved, and Xiong Li came to Yongshu Xiancheng.

As soon as he left the center of the teleportation array, Xiong Li saw the clouds in the distance.

The main body of the Yongshu Fairy City is a tree-like Demonic Beasts, which opened up the spirit and left the main body when it soared, and then gradually evolved into a fairy city.

This fairy city is the Sacred Land that cultivates the wood cultivator.

“Is the fellow daoist alone?” Xiong Li was stopped as soon as he exited the center of the teleportation array.

“What’s wrong?” Xiong Li asked.

“Does fellow daoist want to kill the monster race? How about forming a team?” asked the Gold Core cultivator who stopped Xiong Li.

Xiong Li looked at the own cultivator and asked, “Are you a bit late to find someone to cooperate with?”

After Xiong Li finished speaking, he walked towards Wanshige. He wanted to know where he was suitable to act.

Wanshige occupies a giant leaf of the fairy city tree, which is three miles long.

After spending 2000 Spirit Stones, Xiong Li got the information he wanted.

“The outing precautions manual edited by Sect is really a good thing.” Xiong Li said, looking at the information in his hand.

During the mission, Xiong Li must be supported by accurate intelligence before he can act. Xiong Li strictly follows the Sect Outing Precautions Manual.

“If there was no intelligence to break through, I would have died many times.” Xiong Li said.

It turned out that Xiong Li wanted to explore a place closer to Xiancheng. After reading the information, he learned that the place near Xiancheng was the most dangerous.

“If you want to go a little farther, you must pass through dangerous places. There is a possibility that there will be monsters above the Nascent Soul stage. What should I do.” Xiong Li also began to have a headache.

The Sect outing precautions manual that had been turned over was once again taken out by Xiong Li.

“If you encounter strategic problems outside, you can ask grapes.”

Xiong Li patted his forehead.

“Why did I forget about this?” Xiong Li asked as he took out the communication Magical Item.

“Grape, now I am in the city of Eternal Trees, what reasonable suggestions do I have if I want to go out of the city to kill the monster race?” Xiong Li asked.

At this time, in the mirror of Xiong Li’s communication Magical Item, a mode is changed.

“We are collecting and summarizing the intelligence of Yongshu Xiancheng.”

“We are designing a plan based on Xiong Li’s own strength.”

“External factors have been added, and related information has been summarized.”

“The best plan is to find the Head Teacher in Yongshu Fairy City.”

Grape then sent Xiong Li an accurate address.

“Head Teacher is also in Yongshu Xiancheng?” Xiong Li said in surprise.

“You are hesitating, Head Teacher will be out of town.”

“I see.”

Xu Yuexian, who was experiencing local specialties in Yongshu Xiancheng, looked at Xiong Li who had been smirking in front of her.

“I have seen Head Teacher.” Xiong Li said respectfully.

“Just call me senior outside,” Xu Yuexian said.

“Good senior.” Xiong Li smiled.

“If something happens, sit down and eat while saying that I feel oppressed while you are standing.” Xu Yuexian said, seeing her Sect disciple outside feels really strange, always wanting to send him back safely.

“Ok senior.”

Xiong Li sat down and began to pick up the fruits on the table and began to eat. He had been hungry since he was a child. When he saw what he was eating, regardless of whether he was hungry or not, he always wanted to eat two bites.

“You were promoted to Gold Core, and you were driven out by Elder.” Xu Yuexian looked at Xiong Li and said with a smile. Xu Fan had told him that he had this idea before.

“Big Elder asked me to go out for ten years before going back, and also arranged a bunch of tasks.” Xiong Li said that he took out Jade Slip, the task to be done for ten years, and handed it to Xu Yuexian.

“There are tasks, it’s not like Master’s style.” Xu Yuexian said.

Picking up Jade Slip and taking a look, Xu Yuexian’s face began to become strange.

Xu Yuexian returned the task of Jade Slip to Xiong Li.

“Since it’s a task, do it well,” Xu Yuexian said.


“Your first task is finished.” Xu Yuexian asked.

“Just finished, wasting time and wasting Spirit Stones.” Xiong Li said.

“You…, I don’t understand even if I tell you.” Xu Yuexian knew at a glance Xu Fan’s original intention of arranging the first task.

Just as a girl wants to be rich, a boy must also see the world, or else a girl will follow along with a hook in the future, it will suffer.

“You want to go to the place where the Gold Core period and the Nascent Soul period are frequent to complete the mission, right?” Xu Yuexian asked.

“Yes, the only worry now is that when you go out and come back, you will be ambushed by the monsters of the Nascent Soul stage and above.” Xiong Li worried, he was confident to escape under the hands of the monsters of the Nascent Soul stage. At that time, it was beyond this range. Give the life of food.

“This Xiancheng is not suitable, you never thought about changing to another Xiancheng.” Xu Yuexian asked Xiong Li strangely.

“It’s all here, what’s the conversion?” Xiong Li said straightforwardly.

“Big Elder is not afraid that you won’t go back.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Master said, my life is more stable than the bastard he raised, and nothing can happen.” Xiong Li said.

“Well, this fairy city is really not for you.”

“In this way, you go to Xuanjinxiancheng to find a friend of mine. She is a steward of a sect. I will ask her to arrange a place that suits you.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Good.” Xiong Li nodded.

Later, when Xiong Li said that his Interspatial Ring was stolen, Xu Yuexian became excited, and then cursed the positive wind with Xiong Li.


The Zhengfeng at this time was depressingly enduring the stench that was double the original.

“Is that little girl so destined for me? Anyone who steals one is the same.” Zhengfeng said depressed, but he didn’t expect that someone who stole it would have something to do with that Zhang Meimei.

“But now it seems that the girl’s Sect is just that, as long as she doesn’t take the initiative to decipher the ring.”

“Then I will continue to retaliate.” A light of excitement flashed in the positive wind. He likes the feeling that others hate him so much, but he can’t help it.

Zhengfeng then contacted a secret intelligence organization, and after spending a fortune, got the whereabouts of the two.

Before long, the ring in Xu Yuexian’s hand was dropped again.

This time Zhengfeng also specially observed Xu Yuexian in the dark for a period of time, and then it was Xiong Li’s turn.

“Are the thieves so rampant?” Xiong Li said suspiciously. It’s been twice, what kind of hatred or resentment.

At this time, a member of the Outer Sect of the Outer Sect gave Xiong Li the fare to return to the hidden spirit gate, because he was in Xiancheng without a branch of the Hidden Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

In Linsen City, Xiong Li met Xu Yuexian, who was also stolen.

Looking at the serious expression of Head Teacher, Xiong Li said, “Senior, have your things been stolen again.”

Xu Yuexian nodded depressed.Then the two returned to Yinlingmen together.

Xu Fan who was in Insight Xianwen got the news and walked out of the underground space.

“This kind of thing has to be guarded against. There are not a few people in the world of immortality who are proficient in the art of stealing the sky and changing the sun.

Even if Xu Yuexian was stolen, it was his game, and Xiong Li was also stolen, so he started to think about this issue seriously.

“The magical power of stealing the sky and changing the sun is interesting. It seems that it will take some time to figure it out.”

After the two returned to the Yin Lingmen, Xu Fan asked them to settle down in Sect for a month before setting off.

In Xu Fan’s small courtyard, the tool puppet sent a spell about theft.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the magical powers such as stealing are unique inheritance. It is rare to see such magical powers in the outside world. There are only a few stealing spells that are well known to the public, that is, the level of the small cultivator secretly refining Qi.

“Soaring Dragon, the name is very elegant.” Xu Fan smiled, and then began to analyze the spell in Insight, in an attempt to deduce more powerful magical powers.

At this moment, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Xu Fan.

“The Heavenly Sword Immortal City was breached by the Demon Clan Shu Lily Body Stage?”

“Xiang Chi took his students out of the Heavenly Sword Fairy City?”

“At present, only the center of the teleportation array has not been breached.” Xu Fan said in surprise.

At this time, a giant spirit boat carrying a five-spirited monkey and ten thousand puppets quickly flew to the direction of Linsen Xiancheng, and was then received by a Samsara slave into a giant space treasure.

Outside the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, a Sword Ray led fifty students to quickly flee towards the wilderness area, and chased three demon-changing dog monsters behind him.

All the students are still in a state of panic.

Wang Xiangchi looked at the dog monster who was chasing after him with a serious expression.

“The master has received the news and is sending someone to support, please hold on.” Grape’s voice came from Wang Xiangchi’s Magic Treasures.

“Good.” Wang Xiangchi said calmly.

Looking at Wang Xiangchi, who was getting farther and farther from the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, and at the dog monster behind him, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“Are you three dogs eating me?”

Wang Xiangchi waved his hand and received all the students into the palace he was carrying with him. Then he turned around and looked at the three canines quietly.

Feng and Lei Swords appeared on both sides of Wang Xiangchi.

At this time, a purest Sword intent radiated from Wang Xiangchi, and at the same time a classic BGM sounded. (Please refer to the BGM for One Punch Man to save the field)

With the sound of the music BGM, Wang Xiangchi’s Sword intent became sharper and sharper, and the flame in his eyes eager to fight became more and more vigorous.

A phantom of a giant sword appeared behind Wang Xiangchi.

Just before the climax of the BGM, Wang Xiangchi’s momentum reached its peak, and at the same time the three dog monsters who were chasing after him also chased him.

“Human Cultivation…………..”

Before the dog demon could finish his sentence, he was taken away by the fleeting Sword Ray between heaven and earth.

The clouds in the sky are also divided in half by Sword Ray.


Three canines in the transformation stage, one dead and two wounded.

Before the dog demon died, the last scream rang out, resounding throughout the world.

At this time, the cultivator’s refining stage monster was intercepting and killing the human cultivator outside of Xiancheng. After hearing the sound, he took a group of the demon stage and flew towards the direction of Wang Xiang’s escape.

At this time, a Samsara slave teleported to the Heavenly Sword Fairy City.

At this time, the Heavenly Sword Immortal City was attacked by the Demon Race, and the news of breaking the Immortal City had spread throughout the central continent.

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