Chapter 241 Cangjian Gate

Wang Xiangchi’s sword frightened the remaining two wounded dog monsters.

The two kennels looked at each other, and both nodded, and reached some kind of agreement.

A piece of news about the Tianjiao of the Human Race reached the hands of the Conjugal Stage Monster Race who was wrecking havoc in Xiancheng.

During the fit period, the dog demon smashed the demon aura of the message in his hand.

“Human Tianjiao, kill one, but Demon Lord will give a lot of good things.” The dog demon slapped a claw at random and directly destroyed the street in front of him.

“Fortunately, it was discovered by my molten dog clan.”

During the fit period, the kennel said and flew quickly to the outside of the city.

At this time, the Samsara slave in the teleportation center has smoothly mixed out of the teleportation center and released the five-spirited monkeys in the space treasure.

As soon as the five-linged monkeys came out, Xu Fan, who was far away on the hidden island, took over the five-linged monkeys through Cultivation Technique induction.

“Well, you retreat to the teleportation center.” Wulingminghou said lightly.

“Yes.” Samsara saluted the slave.

After the Samsara slave left, the five-spirited monkey made a seal with his hands, and his figure disappeared in place.

“Yes, this is much better than the virtual puppet.” The five-spirited monkey in the invisibility said with satisfaction.

The five-spirited monkey in invisibility has become Xu Fan’s appearance. He is not used to the appearance of the demon clan yet, nor is it possible for humanoids.

At this time, Wang Xiangchi, who was thousands of miles away from the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, began to run for his life again, because grapes had just notified him that in the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, there was a Conjugation Phase Monster Race rushing towards him.

Wang Xiangchi, who was fleeing for his life, said to the communication Magical Item: “What should I do next? These thousands of miles are not a blink of an eye for the monster race during the fit period.”

“It’s okay, the master has sent someone to rescue you, you only need to lead the Demon Race of the fit phase to 10,000 miles away from the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, and the master can do it.” Putao returned.

At this time, behind Wang Xiangchi came an astonishing demon-powered oppression, as soon as he carried the demon-power and escaped light in the direction of Wang Xiangchi.

“So fast!!” Wang Xiangchi was startled, feeling the amazing demon power coming out behind him, he thought the fit period of the demon race had arrived.

“This is the Demon Race in the Void Refining Period. You don’t need to worry, just run for your life.” Grape’s indifferent tone made Wang Xiangchi feel very nonsense.

This is all chasing to the back of the ass, how can I not worry about it.

A giant claw formed by demon power appeared in front of Wang Xiangchi and slapped it fiercely.



A Vajra shield appeared on Wang Xiangchi, easily blocking the attack of the giant claws, and there was a thrust that doubled Wang Xiangchi’s speed.

The jade plaque that had been worn by Wang Xiangchi around his neck was turned into powder. This was Xu Fan’s means for every apprentice to save his life.

Wang Xiangchi still has 9 jade tiles like this.

“Grapes, are all of this in your calculations.”

Wang Xiangchi, who was wearing the golden shield, asked.

“Yes, you have your information in the database, so the current situation is still under control.”

Another jade medal was taken out by Wang Xiangchi and carried around his neck.

“What is uncontrollable.”

As soon as he finished the question, before Grape could reply, a strange aura appeared from a mountain on the ground, instantly covering Wang Xiangchi who was escaping for his life.

Wang Xiangchi, who was running for his life, suddenly changed the scene in front of him.

The original barren mountains, instantly turned into a school of immortal Sacred Land.

“Boom~~”Wang Xiangchi didn’t react for a while, and directly ran into a mountain wall.

Wearing a golden shield, Wang Xiangchi struggled out of the mountain wall and flew into the sky. He looked at the Sect Sacred Land-like scene below, and said puzzledly: “I have encountered the ancient Sect site?”

“Grape, do you have any information about the Cangjian Gate?” Wang Xiangchi said, looking at the big characters on the mountain gate.

“It has been disconnected from the main body, and there is no Cangjianmen data in the built-in database.” A pure electronic voice came out.

Before Wang Xiangchi could reply, the entire Cangjian Sect relic began to shake.

On the main peak at the farthest point, a phantom of a giant sword appeared.

“Cangjian Sect entry assessment begins.” A voice of vicissitudes of life sounded.

At the same time, the jade steps connecting the mountain gate and the main peak in the distance began to shine.

“The first level, the road to the sword.”

“You can pass the customs if you climb the main peak with this step.” An old man’s voice sounded.

“Unexpectedly, I am also a lucky person.” Wang Xiangchi smiled and walked towards the mountain gate.

When Wang Xiangchi stepped out under the mountain gate, he was hit by a flash of light.

“For the Foundation Building period or above, you cannot participate in the entry assessment.”

At this moment, Wang Xiangchi remembered when his Master had just learned the way of divination.

At that time Xu Fan gave him his life.

When you hit a noble person, you will avoid misfortune and good fortune all the way.

At that time he knew that the nobleman was the Master, and now he understands the last two sentences.

Then he thought of the characteristics of the Man of Destiny mentioned by the Master, and thought of the students who were still in his space palace.

He sighed slightly, waved his hand, and released all the students in the palace space.

Fifty students, including assistants, have different expressions, but most of them have sadness and despair on their faces.

Most of the students were from this fairy city, and most of their parents were in Xiancheng. This time, the Heavenly Sword Immortal City was destroyed by the monster clan, and most of their families were killed by the monster clan.

Jian Wuji was even more sluggish, and said heartbrokenly: “Mother, my son is not filial, so I can’t die with you.”

“Only a few demons with a high Cultivation Base invaded the Heavenly Sword Fairy City. Most of their targets were the Chamber of Commerce in the Fairy City and the cultivator with a high Cultivation Base.”

“Most of your parents are practicing Qi in the Foundation Building, which is at most a Gold Core period. If you hide it well, your parents still have hope of surviving.”

“Whether you live or die, you must cheer up now.”

“The secret realm where we are now is the ancient Sect. In the Cangjian Sect, our appearance touched the entrance examination of the Cangjian Sect.”

“Only those below the Foundation Building period can see it. This is your chance.” Wang Xiangchi pointed to the mountain gate not far away and said.

“This is your chance, cherish it. Only when you are strong can you get revenge.” Wang Xiangchi said.

He looked at Jian Wuji and Han Feiyu. This should be their chance.

Han Feiyu’s expression was slightly sad, and there were a few friends who played well with him in the Heavenly Sword Fairy City.

But Jian Wuji was staring at that mountain gate steadily now, and his eyes revealed his hatred for the Yaozu.

“Okay, don’t be stunned, cheer up and go to the entrance examination.”

Encouraged by Wang Xiangchi, all the students walked towards the mountain gate.

When the first student stepped onto the jade stairs, the phantom of the second sky-reaching giant sword appeared in the sky.

After that, nine phantoms of the Great Sword of the Heavenly Sword appeared in a row.

The nine giant swords have various forms of phantoms, including the sword of justice on the bright road, the sword of shadows that sometimes appear and disappear, the sword of killing with the sea of ​​blood, and the sword of speed that is as light as a feather… ………

Looking at the shadow of the giant sword in the sky, Wang Xiangchi was gradually attracted to him.

Looking at these nine phantoms representing the supreme kendo, a rare trace of greed flashed in Wang Xiangchi’s eyes.

There was a voice in his heart telling him that by controlling these students, he would be able to possess the inheritance of these nine swords.

Then another voice told him to let him kill all these students, and after finding a way to get out, let him Master help him occupy the entire secret realm.

At this moment, the jade medal in Wang Xiangchi’s arms broke again and turned into a pile of powder.

Like a clear spring gushing from my heart, straight to the forehead.

In an instant, Wang Xiangchi came to his senses.

Looking at the dark red giant sword phantom on the mountain peak in the distance, cold sweat broke out, and then quickly took out a jade medal and put it on his neck.

“Next time you must bring more jade cards.” Wang Xiangchi said with lingering fear.

“There are only nine kinds of kendo inheritance, just want me to fall.” Wang Xiangchi wanted to say something, but he thought of his performance just now, and then changed his words and said: “My Master won’t let you succeed.”

At this time, all the students have embarked on the road of swordsmanship, some have already stepped on the steps of more than 100 floors, and the least are around the 20th floor.

Jian Wuji was the first to bear the brunt, followed by a student with good talent.

The third place is Han Feiyu.

All the students were bitter, as if they were carrying a mountain, and each step was very difficult.

“Hey, why can’t I participate in the assessment during the Foundation Building period.” The assistant said helplessly beside Wang Xiangchi.

“Opportunity, this thing depends on fate.”

“If you have nothing to worry about in the Heavenly Sword Fairy City, you can come to my Sect to be an Outer Sect disciple.” Wang Xiangchi patted his assistant on the shoulder and said.

The assistant in the Foundation Building, from the moment Wang Xiangchi came to Tianjian Academy, has been with him as a small attendant, and the arrangements for various student affairs are very proper.

Wang Xiangchi had a good impression of this very good assistant, so he planned to give the little assistant a chance.

“Thanks senior,” the assistant said overjoyed.

“Get up.” Wang Xiangchi said lightly.

At this time, where Wang Xiangchi disappeared, a group of dog monsters were waiting.

Leading the rehearsal period dog monster, looked at the place where Wang Xiangchi disappeared.

“Shit luck, the secret realm that will actually be triggered.”

“When Lord Sky Dog arrives, destroy the secret realm and take your life. A human race can leapfrog the gods of the demon race, and the leader eats meat, and we can also drink some soup.” The refining period dog demon said.

At this moment, a big five-colored sword appeared in the sky in the distance, and it thrust into the ground fiercely.


A scream made all the kennels look discolored.

“This is the voice of Lord Sky Dog.” A dog demon said loudly in horror.

“When you meet the human power, run away!!” The dog demon said in terror during the refining period, because it has realized that it can’t run away.

“Want to run?”

The barren mountains below turned into the hands of the earth, directly covering all the kennels present.

The five-spirited monkey in Xu Fan’s appearance appeared in front of the demons.

“Dare to chase and kill my apprentice, who gave you the courage.” Xu Fan waved his hand gently, and all the canine monsters died, leaving only a complete corpse.

“Leading students inadvertently broke into the secret realm.”

“It’s a pity that pig’s feet is not my stupid apprentice.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

A hidden formation appeared in the sky, covering the area where the five-linged monkeys were located.

Xu Fan did not rush to destroy the secret realm, but waited patiently outside the secret realm.At this time, the five-spirited monkey, who looked like Xu Fan, looked at the direction of the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, and said with interest: “What is the purpose of the demons? The demonstration is to deliver food.”

A mysterious aura starts from the ascending of the five-linged monkey body, this is the appearance of Xu Fan’s divination magical powers.

“Blood Sword, Giant Demon, Inheritance, Blood Succession.”

Counting this, Xu Fan stopped, and if he counted it down, he couldn’t save his life.

As the information obtained was gathered by Xu Fan, he followed the routines of previous novels.

“This should be the main storyline of Pig’s Feet.”

“It’s Jian Wuji, or Han Feiyu.” Xu Fan murmured, he could make up a million-word plot just thinking about it.

“It doesn’t matter what you want to do so much,” Xu Fan said.

“Recently, it’s a bit wicked, and it’s easy for me to get an insight into Xianwen, is it God reminding me of something?” Xu Fan said in confusion.

When he was in Insight Xianwen, he had been interrupted three times.

“Are you reminding me not to do this stuff?” Xu Fan asked in confusion.

At this time, Xu Fan received a message saying that a Mahayana Venerable had transmitted to the Heavenly Sword Immortal City, directly beheading more than a dozen Demon Races of the Integral Phase, and the group of demons retreated, leaving only the destroyed Heavenly Sword Immortal City.

“I don’t know if the Mahayana Venerable has noticed anything, do you want to wake up?” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

At this moment, a blood-colored giant sword appeared above the heavenly sword fairy city in the distance, hanging above the heavenly sword fairy city.

“It seems that there is no need to remind.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, a door suddenly opened where Wang Xiangchi disappeared.

Wang Xiangchi and more than a dozen students appeared, including Han Feiyu.

“Master, you are here!”

Looking at Xu Fan transformed by the Five Lingming Monkeys, Wang Xiangchi said moved.

“Whatever you want, you will be chased by the fit big demon. As for me, I’m really a horseman.”

“You used the same magical powers of the world as a teacher to really pull your hips, and you only died and wounded after three stages of transformation.”

“Is it because the teacher didn’t develop your potential?” Xu Fan said, looking at Wang Xiangchi, who was not a good one.

In his eyes, his apprentice leapfrog fighting should be as simple as eating and drinking water, and cutting leapfrog mobs should be as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

“I am ashamed of Master.” Wang Xiangchi lowered his head and said.

“Forget it, you have just entered the Nascent Soul stage, and I will forgive you once as a teacher.” Xu Fan said.

Wang Xiangchi wanted to say something, but he couldn’t open his mouth.

A spirit boat appeared, and the students that came out flew towards the direction of the Heavenly Sword Immortal City. At this time, all the students regained their consciousness.

“The demon clan in the Heavenly Sword Immortal City has been driven away, you go back first, and I will arrive later.”

The students on the spirit boat all received Wang Xiangchi’s transmission.

“What’s the situation inside?” Xu Fan asked.

“The secret realm is a ruin called the Cangjian Gate, and the formation of Sect is still working.”

After I entered, I accidentally activated the entry assessment of Cangjian Sect…”

Wang Xiangchi told Xu Fan what he had encountered in the secret realm.

“Cangjianmen, I have a little impression of this Sect.”

This is a light curtain that appeared in front of Xu Fan, with Cangjianmen information displayed on it.

“One hundred thousand years ago, one of the ten great swordsmanship schools, the complete inheritance of the nine great kendos, there was even a fairy sword that matched the nine great kendos.”

“But as Yi Tai took away the Nine Immortal Swords when Elder ascended, this Sect began to go downhill.”

Looking at the information above, Xu Fan sighed, no matter how powerful Sect is, it can’t stand up to a fraud.

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