Chapter 254

In the underground space, Xu Fan’s mouth almost cracked to the root of his ears as he listened to Grape’s report.

“Really, that Qianling Venerable will also send two giant beast battleships to the Yinlingmen.” Xu Fan said excitedly.

A light curtain appeared in front of Xu Fan, and it was the five behemoth warships that were destroyed in the main control room.

“Human-shaped behemoth warship, wrong, it should be ape-shaped behemoth warship.”

“This is good. It’s good to modify it a bit. It’s good to act as a guard puppet for the hidden spirit island.” Xu Fan said happily, feeling that his wealth has exploded recently.

At this time, Xu Fan began to struggle again, thinking about whether this should be treated as a bride price, and asked his fourth child to marry his wife first.

When Xu Fan was struggling, the communication Magic Treasures rang.

Xu Fan took a look and found that it was Li Xuandao.

On a pavilion by the Lingye Lake.

“Master, this is all the immortal texts I control, please accept it.” Li Xuandao said respectfully.

Xu Fan took Li Xuandao and handed it over the jade disc, received the inside of the Interspatial Ring, and then took out the 8-Rank Black Lotus he had obtained from Dark Snake.

“There is nothing good, this Dao Item eighth-rank black lotus, I have erased the mark of the dark snake above, you should be able to use it when you reach the stage of transformation.”

“Don’t refuse, based on your background, it is not a problem to be promoted to the god of transformation in a hundred years. Hold this first and use it. When you return to the hidden spirit gate, I will refine a few Dao Items suitable for you. “Xu Fan said.

Li Xuandao took over the eighth stage black lotus.

“Thank you Master.” Li Xuandao respectfully gave a gift of master and apprentice.

“Be careful about everything here.” Xu Fan exhorted. Although he did not become Li Xuandao as his true apprentice, he still recognized his status as an apprentice.


Seeing the escape of Li Xuandao away, Xu Fan said, “I hope you have a happy ending.”

Xu Fan still admires Samsara for tens of thousands of years, who only cultivated the Golden Immortal to save his mother, but Xu Fan still admires it in his heart.

Twenty thousand years later, even if he finds a way to consume his life, he is still at a true immortal level at best, and the disciples he accepts at that time will have the opportunity to help.

Thinking of own apprentices, Xu Fan realized that the six apprentices were a little bit small.

“Would you like to accept a few more apprentices, so the chances of apprentices becoming talents are relatively high.” Xu Fan thought.

Then Xu Fan shook his head and said, “Let’s put the Cultivation Base up first. The Gold Core period is still a bit short.”

At this time, Grape suddenly informed herself that it was the 10 million top-grade Spirit Stones that Xu Yuexian had taken from the treasure house.

“Don’t worry, come back to get it, and continue to give it.” Xu Fan said nonchalantly, in a posture of not bad money.

One month later.

“What, now there are only 50 million top-grade Spirit Stones left in the Spirit Stones in the treasury!” Xu Fan was surprised.

“Already approaching the Spirit Stones cordon, triggering an early warning warning.” Grape said.

“Juxian Pocai, is it my fortune?” Xu Fan said suspiciously.

At this time, a streamer flew directly in the direction of the treasure house across the sky.

Xu Fan squinted his eyes and raised his hand slightly.

In an instant, a large Spiritual Qi hand appeared in front of Dunguang, and he grabbed it directly at Dunguang.

The captured Xu Yuexian was lifted in front of Xu Fan by Spiritual Qi’s big hand, holding his neck.

Xu Fan looked at Xu Yuexian who was a little excited, and frowned and asked, “Let’s talk about it, you took the 150 million top-grade Spirit Stones from the treasury, and what did you use for it?”

Xu Yuexian took out a small jade bottle invitingly.

“Look, Master, this is the purple life sacred pill, this is a sacred pill that can last 500 years.” Xu Yuexian said as she took out a small jade bottle.

“Master, take a look, this is the third rank spirit soul profound pill.”

“This is the Dao Item Spirit Sword.”

“This is the holy source array.”

“This is a Linglong car.”

“This is………”

Listening to Xu Yuexian’s report, the expression on Xu Fan’s face became more and more exciting.

When a hill was piled up in front of Xu Fan, Xu Yuexian stopped digging out things.

“Finally, Master, look at my Cultivation Base.”

Xu Yuexian said, directly letting out the aura of her whole body.

“God transformation stage?” Xu Fan said suspiciously.

“Eat a Xuanying Divine Pill.” Xu Yuexian said.

“You changed a bunch of these things for your 50 million Spirit Stones.” Xu Fan said with a frown.

At this time, a five-spirited monkey appeared beside Xu Fan and pointed towards Xu Yuexian.

I saw a drop of pure to pure water condensed in the sky and fell on Xu Yuexian’s head.

Xu Yuexian, who was still excited just now, calmed down now.

His eyes slowly regained clarity.

“Master, am I in Illusion Art?” Xu Yuexian asked.

At this time, Xu Fan was borrowing the body of the Wulingming Monkey to explore the Karma on Xu Yuexian’s body.

I saw that the five-spirited monkey, which was still at its peak, slowly began to age with the passing of vitality, and finally the Cultivation Base dropped from the refining period to the Nascent Soul period.

At this time, the eyes of the five-linged monkey, which was originally controlled, showed fear, and looked at Xu Fan with despair and pleading eyes.

“Master, don’t forget the catastrophe if it’s not a disciple. Some things are already destined.” Xu Yuexian said.

Finally, Xu Fan sighed, and the five spirit monkeys stopped aging and their vitality stabilized.

“Go back, your origin is still there, and I will help you restore the Cultivation Base.” Xu Fan said while looking at the aging five-spirited monkey.

The Wulingming Monkey knelt down and kowtowed to Xu Fan, thanking Xu Fan for staying alive.

“Master, have you explored anything?” Xu Yuexian asked.

“One step away, if it weren’t for the monkey’s usefulness, I’ll use his life to explore the last trace of Karma.” Xu Fan said.

“Who is calculating me?” Xu Yuexian asked.

“I didn’t show it. In the end, the Karma line was connected to a big world and it was broken.”

“But one thing is certain, you are targeted by them, and your life style of gathering immortals and making money is estimated to follow you for life.” Xu Fan sighed and said, the most powerful part of this life style is that it can affect the people around you.

“Then are these things real?” Xu Yuexian said, looking at the Dao Item heavy treasures piled up in the hills.

“Things are true, but the value is far less than 150 million Spirit Stones.” Xu Fan sighed and said, after working hard for more than ten years, he returned to the pre-liberation period.

“These things add up to 60 million top-grade Spirit Stones. In view of your situation at the time, you didn’t notice that the jade I gave you fell to pieces, so forget it.” Xu Fan said and pointed at Xu Yuexian’s chest. Said the red rope.

Xu Yuexian took a look and took out another one from the Interspatial Ring and hung it on her chest.

“Well, let’s talk about the situation at the time, and see what methods can pit you so many Spirit Stones.” Xu Fan said.

Xu Yuexian briefly described the situation at the time, and Xu Fan’s expression became more and more exciting.

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