Chapter 255 Yin & Yang Launch Technique

Xu Yuexian encountered a shop in a ruin that had existed for tens of thousands of years.

In the shops, there are even puppets selling goods called fairy bags, that is, a special storage bag. These fairy bags come from many worlds, one of 100,000 top-grade Spirit Stones.

When Xu Yuexian opened the first fairy bag with the attitude of trying it out, the situation began to change.

The celestial bag of 100,000 top-grade Spirit Stones has even opened a Dao Item spirit sword.

The second celestial fate bag opened the purple sacred pill.

Then the puppet of the shop told the origin of the shop in Xu Yuexian’s vigilant eyes.

It turns out that this shop has a teleportation array linking the great world, and the top-grade Spirit Stones received just now are all connected to the chamber of commerce in the great world through the teleportation array.

Then Xu Yuexian fell into a strange state, feeling that the things opened behind became more and more valuable, and finally bought out all the fairy fate bags, and the last one drew out the Xuanying Divine Pill.

After listening to Xu Yuexian’s account, Xu Fan said in a smashed mouth: “It’s okay to play routines, and even get the Illusion Art set.”

“Master, how can I help after that? Is that shop entangled with me?” Xu Yuexian said.

“This is easy to solve. In the future, your monthly Spirit Stones will be limited to 10 million top-grade Spirit Stones. If you encounter them again, you will not be pitted.” Xu Fan said.

“Well, it’s useless if I want so many Spirit Stones anyway.” Xu Yuexian said helplessly.

“However, although you have lost these things. But there are a lot of interesting things in it.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, and several jade discs floated out of the hill and fell into Xu Fan’s hand.

“These are the Cultivation Techniques of other worlds, which are very useful for reference.” Xu Fan directly used the light and shadow technique to transform the Cultivation Technique in a set of jade discs.

“Puppeting the spirit method, I don’t know if it is used on our Sect puppet, it will have a life effect.”

“And this.” Xu Fan said and projected another effort.

“Yin & Yang’s Cultivation Technique, the first Cultivation Technique that can increase luck.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

A Yin & Yang copper coin appeared in Xu Fan’s hands, with yang on the front and yin on the back.

The copper coin Xu Fan lightly flicked, this is a new big bowl that appeared under the coin.

The copper coin collided with the bottom of the bowl with a crisp sound, and then as the copper coin rolled, the yin side finally faced upward.

“No way, so bad luck.” Xu Fan said, the Yin & Yang copper coin in Yin & Yang’s Destiny Surgery, the sun side up means good luck for a day, and the dark side up means bad luck for a day.

“What does this mean?” Xu Yuexian asked suspiciously.

“This means that within 12 hours, being a teacher will be unlucky.”

After Xu Fan finished speaking, the dark side at the bottom of the bowl turned into pitch black.

Watching this scene, Xu Fan’s face changed slightly, and he didn’t expect that just playing around would cause such a disaster.

“It will be bad luck.” Xu Fan added.

At this moment, the First Stage power alloy rod appeared in the sky, calling directly at Xu Fan.

“not good!!”

Xu Fan waved his hand to collect things like a hill, grabbed Xu Yuexian with the other, and disappeared in place.

This is the gravity rod in the sky, directly passing through the guardian formation of the hidden spirit gate and hitting the position where Xu Fan just disappeared.


The ground waves rolled, and the area where Xu Fan was just now has been turned into rubble.

“Master, Grape crashed just now, I don’t know why.”

On the edge of Lingye Lake, Xu Fan looked a little ugly at the ruins in the distance.

Did you run out of luck recently? Xu Fan wondered.

At this time, Lingye Lake was waved, and Tianji tortoise climbed up.

Tianji Turtle looked at Xu Fan, whispered softly, and then vomited a colorful bubble, which fell on Xu Fan’s head.

The colorful blisters exploded, turning into a three-color aura covering Xu Fan’s body.

For a moment, Xu Fan felt more relaxed than ever before, and the feeling covered by clouds just disappeared.

At this time, Zhen Yaoxing above Yinling Island retracted the alloy gravity rod that was about to be launched.

“Is the bad luck gone? Laogui didn’t expect you to have this ability.” Xu Fan said in surprise.

Tianji Turtle looked like a master who wiped off Junior’s ass. He gave Xu Fan a faint look, and then slowly sank into the Lingye Lake.

“Is it so cold when tortoises become fine?” Xu Fan said.

It feels very different from the old turtle in the dragon palace.

“Master, is this the consequence of your casting on the dark side.”

“Yes, wait for the teacher to recreate the Cultivation Technique, but when you enter the secret realm ruins, just come here.” Xu Fan said.

“Yeah.” Xu Yuexian said.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of Xu Fan and Xu Yuexian.

The scene ahead was the scene where Zhen Yaoxing took back the gravity alloy rod just now.

Xu Fan took a deep breath, good fellow, I’ll bet on this day’s good luck, you actually want my life!

Xu Yuexian’s face is also ugly. Is the side effect of casting the copper plate on the dark side so big?

“Master, just received an inexplicable rule disturbance, now the situation…”

“Okay grapes, I know the reason.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

“I thought it was just a disturbance of luck, but I didn’t expect it to be forcibly interfered.”

“This is a bit too much.” Xu Fan said in a bit of shock.

If the second wave of Zhen Yaoxing’s alloy gravity rod had been shot down, he would have been injured somewhat.

You must know that the alloy gravity rod shot down by the Zhenyao star has already exceeded the limit of the integration period. As long as the general integration period is locked, it will be difficult to escape the fate of being killed.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly pulled out a hint of Xu Yuexian’s Karma breath, which turned into a Yin & Yang copper coin.

“Master, what are you going to do?” Xu Yuexian asked suspiciously. She just felt that an inexplicable breath of own was captured by Xu Fan.

“It’s okay, do an experiment.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Speaking of Yin & Yang copper plate being thrown by Xu Fan, a large bowl appeared in the air.


The sun surface of the copper plate appeared at the bottom of the bowl.

At this time, Xu Yuexian was suddenly excited, feeling that she had signed a very important contract.

Xu Fan then took out a trembling Yunling Formation with a weird expression.

As soon as Xu Fan took it out, the Yun Ling formation turned into a long black dragon and rushed into Xu Yuexian’s body.

“Damn, this will work too quickly,” Xu Fan said.

Xu Yuexian fell into a strange transformation.

It wasn’t until dark that Xu Yuexian came back to his senses.

“Master, the Yunling Formation has immortal weapon spirits, and now I have recognized me as the master.” Xu Yuexian said.

“What about the immortal implement?” Xu Fan asked.

“In the big thousand world linked to the store, Xianqiqiling said that there is a chance to buy the body in that store.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Haha, yes, this Yin & Yang Luck Skill is worthy of the magical powers of the Great Thousand Worlds, and it is really strong.” Xu Fan said with a smile, losing 150 million Spirit Stones and getting a fairy weapon spirit is also a huge profit.

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