Chapter 256

Before Xu Fan was happy, Xu Yuexian broke his illusion.

“Master, one more thing, you’d better take a look at your Interspatial Ring.” Xu Yuexian said with a weird face.

“A few meanings.” Xu Fan said and began to check the Interspatial Ring.

“Damn!!!” Xu Fan said in horror.

I saw that Xu Fan’s Interspatial Ring was filled with a pile of powder without Spiritual Qi, and there were some stones that were not crushed.

After watching the Interspatial Ring, Xu Fan had a dazzling expression, and then he began to carefully check the contents of the Interspatial Ring.

As Xu Fan’s expression slowly condensed, Xu Yuexian showed a trace of shame.

Xu Fan’s frozen expression didn’t slow down until an hour later.

“My Interspatial Ring was refined by myself.”

“I dare say this is the Interspatial Ring with the largest space below the Dao Item level.”

“Half of the net worth for the normal university is inside.” Xu Fan said sadly.

“Master, it’s all my fault, I will pay back the loss of Master in the future.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter to you, it’s considered to be self-inflicted for the teacher or it is destined.”

“Juxian broke the fortune, it turned out to be mine.”

Hearing Xu Fan’s words, Xu Yuexian didn’t know how to comfort Xu Fan.

“Master, are you all right.” Xu Yuexian asked cautiously.

“It’s okay, that is, I lost most of my net worth, and I came back after working hard for several years.” Xu Fan said, relative to his future path, this loss is at most a fraction of a fraction.

“It’s really okay,” Xu Yuexian confirmed.

“Get out of the fairy spirit in your body, I want to simplify it.” Xu Fan said while looking at Xu Yuexian.

“Haha, Master, it’s okay, I’ll leave first.” Xu Yuexian said, disappearing into the sky as a light.

“When I can refine the immortal tool, I have to format you too.” Xu Fan said, looking at Xu Yuexian’s escape.

Xu Fan waved a piece of powder.

“It seems that Yin & Yang’s luck can’t reach the fate of Yuexian.” Xu Fan said.

Afterwards, the puppet in the hidden spirit gate treasure house received an order, and later it was forbidden to receive anything from Head Teacher.

If it must be collected, it must also be placed in an “independent treasure house.”

“This fate will not be covered until I reach the Nascent Soul stage.” Xu Fan said with a headache.

At this time, Pang Fu returned to the hidden spirit gate and Xu Fan gave up the search.

In Xu Fan’s small courtyard, Pang Fu is reporting on the recent situation.

“It’s a business cultivator, and the ability to make money is really amazing.” Xu Fan praised.

When Pang Fu reported his cash flow, he directly turned the fund Xu Fan gave to the Chamber of Commerce into wealth that could be several times greater.

“Transfer 100 million top-grade Spirit Stones from the Chamber of Commerce to the treasure house.”

“Something went wrong in the Chamber of Commerce recently, and there is a lack of Spirit Stones.” Xu Fan said with satisfaction.

Xu Fan now feels that his son, who has been raising for many years, is finally starting to make money.

Not only can you make money, but you can also subsidize your family.

“Well, there are indeed a lot of Spirit Stones in the recent Chamber of Commerce.” Pang Fu said.

In recent years, after the Hidden Spirit Chamber of Commerce sold Nascent Soul and God-Transforming puppets, the cash flow of Spirit Stones of the Chamber of Commerce has become abnormally abundant.

Now it has resulted in the Yinling Chamber of Commerce being the largest creditor of the remaining chambers of commerce among the second-rate chambers of commerce.

Every time the bill is due, more than a dozen gangsters will come to Pang Fu.

This caused Pang Fu to have an illusion, and that was the case during the fit period.

At this time, four puppets appeared next to Xu Fan.

This is a puppet made by Clone No. 1 using a sand sculpture Dao Item grade alloy synthesized from the spirit mine in the treasure house.

There are only twenty Sects in total now.

“These four puppets in the Void Refining Period are left for support. By the way, you can test the price of the puppets.” Xu Fan said.

Originally, Xu Fan didn’t want to show the puppet of the refining period so early.

Who left Xu Fan’s Interspatial Ring empty, not even a cent of Spirit Stones.

“Can the puppet be mass-produced during the refining period?” Pang Fu said excitedly.

According to Xu Fan’s past situation, as long as he makes the trial level, it proves that this thing has begun mass production.

“I know a lot, but no, now I don’t have energy, I can only work part-time.”

“I really want to mass-produce, it is estimated that it will be a few years from now.” Xu Fan said.

“Okay.” Pang Fu was a little disappointed. If he could mass produce, he could use this to turn the Hidden Spirit Chamber of Commerce into a first-class chamber of commerce.

“Don’t be impatient, you will still be moved at most in the future, and there is a broader market waiting for you to play.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I understand.” Pang Fu said, but deep down he was still worried.

He saw the progress of the hidden spirit gate, and as the hidden spirit gate developed better and better, he found that his role in the hidden spirit gate became more and more insignificant.

In the end, he developed slowly, that is, anyone who comes here can achieve the same effect as him.

Seeing Pang Fu’s worried expression, Xu Fan smiled and patted Pang Fu on the shoulder.

“Your position at the Hidden Spirit Gate is irreplaceable.”

“Remember what I said.” Xu Fan said that the body image was in front of Pang Fu.

Seeing Pang Fu’s driving away, Xu Fan smiled and said, “Heart’s Demon needs to be handled by myself.”

At this time, Xu Fan looked back at the Tianji Turtle next to him and said, “Old Turtle, can you use your colorful bubbles again to see if I can get good luck.”

The Tianji tortoise next to Xu Fan faintly spoke to the two deer on the shell in animal language: “This island owner is a fool, you should pay attention to it in the future.”

“You just know.” The deer replied in animal language.

“…” Xu Fan.

How did the tortoise shell venison hot pot come from?

A star boat dragged a huge Star slowly towards the central continent.

On the Star Ark of the Thousand Spirits School, all the disciples on the Star Ark can’t wait to return to Sect like others to show off their experience of the star boat trip.

In their eyes, defeating the five monster warships is their superior Elder.

As Xingzhou dragged Star to the sky above the thousand-spirit sect.

Two stalwart figures appeared not far from Xingzhou.

“Second brother, this time I have a good harvest.” One of the stalwart figures said.

“From now on, Sect’s Xingzhou can be handed over to the second junior brother with complete peace of mind.” Another figure said.

“Haha, when I begged you before, you didn’t want to. They only gave me the most broken starship in Sect. Now I am very good and want to give me another starship.”

“The beauty of thinking.” Qianling Venerable said.

He used to make a lot of mistakes in operating Xingzhou, and he ridiculed him a lot, but now he feels stunned and wants to make himself work in vain and want to be beautiful.

At this time, the two stalwart avatars turned into two little old men who appeared in the main control room of Xingzhou, blowing beard and staring at Qianling Venerable and said: “Qianling, you forgot to let you control Xingzhou, Qian What has Lingzong gone through.”

“It’s so hard to get better now, you just want to lift your tail into the sky!”

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