Chapter 303 Half a cup of tea

The small square in front of the Hidden Spirit Gate Trial Tower, where many disciples in Sect gather when they rest.

Pay attention to the changes in the standings, and a speed game with friends is a good choice.

At this time, all the disciples who were closest to the trial tower received a small task.

“Wang Feng’s disciple’s way of kendo.”

At this moment, a young man walked down from the spirit boat and looked around curiously.

“Beating 100 points at a time will be considered as a lesson for the younger brother.”

At this time, all the disciples present were walking towards the trial tower, and began to wait for their selection in the unlimited illusion challenge.

Jian Wuji also entered the trial tower with the flow of people.

“Where is the challenge of the unlimited illusion?” Jian Wuji said to a puppet.

In the hidden spirit gate, someone who doesn’t understand asks the puppet, this is what the Master taught him.

“On the third floor, just find an empty room and go in.” The puppet replied in mechanical voice.


Jian Wuji followed the stairs to the third floor, found a room with no one on the door, and walked in.

“Please come to the middle of the illusion circle to scan the data.” An electronic voice sounded.

There was a pile of pudding in the illusion circle, and Jian Wuji slowly sat down.

An aura enveloped Sword Wuji, and it took him directly to a beautiful place with mountains. Behind him was a thatched house from his childhood. In the distance, there were nine Heavenly Dao weapon spirit swords floating in the air.

All this makes Jian Wuji feel so beautiful.

“Data scanning takes an hour, please take a break here.”

Jian Wuji nodded, expressing that he knew that, looking at the thatched house behind him, he suddenly missed his mother who lived alone in the Heavenly Sword Immortal City.

Not in a hurry, Jian Wuji sat in front of his childhood thatched hut, enjoying the scenery between the mountains in the distance.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was in the underground space, received a report on Jian Wuji from Putao.

“Just scan it normally. The nine Dao Item spirit swords sealed in his body don’t need to be scanned into the illusion, and he doesn’t need it.”

At this time Xu Fan was thinking about the use of the remaining earth’s marrow gold. On a light curtain, a huge cannon with a large caliber stood upright.


An hour later, Jian Wuji finally began to match his opponent.

“Can you match me with the top 50 opponents in the rankings?” said Jian Wuji, who knows the basic mode of the unlimited illusion challenge.

“It is recommended that the disciples start with more than 1,000 students.” Words that made Jian Wuji uncomfortable came from the illusion space.

Jian Wuji originally wanted to refute, but he didn’t know what to say when he spoke. He is not the kind of cultivator who likes to talk.

“Then challenge beyond 1,000 first.” Jian Wuji said confidently, feeling that it won’t take long for him to reach the goal of the Master. When that time comes the top ten, or first place, must be Shocked the Master.

“The scene changes randomly.”

“Start to match opponents of the same level.”


“Ranked 1083 on the scoreboard, Zhao Yuan, majoring in the Tao of Double Swords.”

The scene in front of Jian Wuji began to change.

In a moment, Jian Wuji was already above a desert, and the sky was full of wind and sand in the distance, and the wind was howling.

Not far away, there was also a disciple wearing a hidden spirit door robe standing not far away.

At this time, a time card appeared above the two and was counting down. After Jian Wuji knew that the number above had returned to zero, he could start fighting.

“Good luck, you are the new junior brother.” Zhao Yuan said kindly.

“Hello brother, I am Feng Master Wang’s apprentice, Jian Wuji, please take care of me the first time I meet.” Jian Wuji said with a smile, Zhao Yun’s performance made him feel the warmth of the collective for the first time.

At this time, the timer board above the two had already counted down half of the time.

“Haha, you don’t need to be polite, Junior Brother. My name is Zhao Yuan. You can ask me if you don’t understand anything in Sect in the future.”

“Thank you, brother, don’t keep your hands when you fight for a while,” Jian Wuji said confidently. I thought that when he shot, he would be gentle, so that this kind brother would not lose so ugly.

“We Sect brothers have always focused on literary fighting, but this time for the younger brothers, then I won’t keep my hands.” Zhao Yuan smiled.


Just as Jian Wu’s excellent voice fell, the timing board in the sky returned to zero.

Jian Wuji was about to start offering Flying Sword, and saw the opposite light speed offering a spirit sword, which turned into a stream of light, like a bullet that exceeded the speed of light, shooting towards Jian Wuji’s eyebrows.

Seeing Flying Sword galloping towards him, Jian Wuji’s eyes flashed with contempt, and his heart was slightly relieved.

But so, that is, Flying Sword is faster.

Just when Jian Wuji was about to fight back, a transparent spirit sword suddenly appeared behind him, passing directly through Jian Wuji’s head.

“The battle is over, Zhao Yuan won.”

“This little junior, why…, didn’t Master Wang Feng teach him?” Zhao Yuan said in a bit of surprise.

You lost before my big move?

Jian Wuji returned to the thatched house just now, looking around a little unclearly.

“Why come back again? Did illusion make a mistake?” Jian Wuji said. He felt numb on his scalp just now, like a needle stick, and then came back.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of Jian Wuji’s eyes, and what was playing above was the scene of him being rushed across his head by the transparent spirit sword just now.

“I actually lost!” Jian Wuji became silent, and began to watch his duel with Zhao Yuan over and over again.

It turned out that as soon as the battle started, Zhao Yuan used the sword Wuji’s unexpected speed to sacrifice two spirit swords, one bright and one dark, complementing each other.

“Counting the time to talk before and after less than half a cup of tea, I actually lost.” Jian Wuji said silently.

Looking at the phantoms of the nine Dao Item spirit swords on the mountains in the distance, Jian Wuji raised his head to the sky and said, “Can I check with that Senior Brother Zhao Yuan again.”

“The request has been sent, waiting for the other party to agree.” A voice appeared in the sky.

“The other party agrees to your request.”

At this time, the scene in front of Jian Wuji changed again. This time it became Jianfeng Mountains, a mountain like a sword, with no place to stand.

The two of them looked at each other several peaks apart, and both stood at the tip of the mountain’s sword.

“Brother Zhao, I was careless just now, let’s have another one.” Jian Wuji’s tone was a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay, the younger brother just came to Yinlingmen, and may not adapt to the fighting style here, so he will be fine in the future.” Zhao Yuan said with a smile, just like the big brother next door.

At this time, the countdown board appeared above the two of them.

This time Jian Wuji didn’t talk nonsense, the countdown was over, and Yu Jian rushed towards Zhao Yuan in an instant, wanting to fight melee with him.

“Want to fight me close?”

Two spirit swords appeared in Zhao Yuan’s hands in one light and one dark.

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