Chapter 304 Wang Yulun’s Secret

After a cup of tea, Jian Wuji returned to the thatched cottage.

There was a scene of two people fighting in the light curtain, and Zhao Yuan was crushed by Zhao Yuan’s head in close combat with a two-handed sword throughout Jian Wuji. Finally, he was stabbed to his head by a sword, with extremely cruel methods.

Jian Wuji has been staring at the screen for two hours, and finally said with a bit of frustration: “Is this the strength of the seniors in Master Sect? I can’t even beat a thousand seniors.”

“Continue to match me, I will continue to fight.” Jian Wuji felt that his true strength had not been exerted.

“The match is in progress.”

At this time, Wang Xiangchi looked at the trial tower among the mountains in the distance, and said with a smile: “This is just the beginning.”

With that said, he remembered the experience of being with the Master when he was a child, and the feeling of being abused was much more uncomfortable than it is now.

In the underground space, Xu Fan incorporated the designed forging drawings into Jade Slip.

“Grape, is there any result on that stone?” Xu Fan asked.

“Except for being super hard, it is no different from ordinary stones,” said Grape.

“Is there no difference?” Xu Fan said, looking at the stone that was sent back.

Xu Fan felt that this stone must be a very powerful treasure, but he still doesn’t know its usefulness.

“Do you want to cultivate a magical power that can enter other people’s dreams, and see if you can enter that world.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin, thinking about those magical powers that can enter dreams.

On the satellite island, Murong Qianer supported Wang Yulun with many spirit fruits to see the two five-spirited monkeys.

Once on the satellite island, Wang Yulun saw an old five-linged monkey sitting on a reef, looking at the lake in the distance.

At this time, the pangolin who claimed to be the owner of the satellite island turned into a human form and greeted Murong Qian’er with a smile.

“Welcome you two to the satellite island.” The pangolin said with a smile.

“Let’s take a look at the two five-linged monkeys. By the way, what happened to that five-linged monkey.” Wang Yulun pointed to the old monkey and asked.

“Oh, that one overfulfilled the master’s task and retired early.” The pangolin said, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

There were only three monkey subordinates, and they became two, which is equivalent to a one-third reduction in own rights, and now the remaining two are a bit unstoppable.

“Oh.” Wang Yulun motioned to Murong Qian’er to give the monkey some spiritual fruit, which is considered a hero of the hidden spirit gate.

Murong Qian’er took a bag of jade peaches and gave it to the old monkey, and followed the pangolin to the place where the two five-linged monkeys lived.

When I came to a valley, I saw two five-linged monkeys playing chess, all with unlovable expressions on their faces.

“Hey, the master is too troublesome to use the monkey. In the future, if there is no new blood, these two monkeys will not be able to withstand the next time.” The pangolin sighed.

He actually does not feel sorry for the monkey, but is afraid that if the monkey is gone, it will be his turn.

Wang Yulun looked at the five-spirited monkey who had pulled himself back from the big limit, and said with a bit of heart: “You are also considered to have saved my life.”

After hearing Wang Yulun’s words, the eyes of the two five-spirited monkeys lighted up at the same time, looking at Wang Yulun with hopeful eyes, thinking that their master would let them retire early.

“I will let Xu Dage let you retire like that old monkey.” Wang Yulun said with a smile.


After the two five-linged monkeys looked at each other desperately, they continued to play chess in silence.

All the good things in the world have nothing to do with me.

The next day, Xu Fan came to Wang Yulun’s hill with a food box in his hand.

In the pavilion, Xu Fan and the gray-haired Wang Yulun were having breakfast and chatting.

“Xu Dage, is Xingci in a very dangerous situation now?” Wang Yulun said.

“It’s okay, the big catastrophe is over, and it may be a blessing in disguise in the end, so I don’t need Dao heart.” Xu Fan said while drinking the porridge.

“What you should care about is your body, and you need to take care of it for the next year.”

As Xu Fan spoke, he took out three more Calabash loaded with spirit pills.

“This is the nourishing pill that I refined for you overnight.”

“Red Calabash, three capsules a day, two white capsules, and four black capsules.” Xu Fan said with a smile, but he gave Wang Yulun a lot of thoughts to his recuperation.

“Eat these every day?” Wang Yulun said with tears looking at these three big Calabash.

“Don’t be bitter, these spirit pills are all fruity and taste good.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Murong Qian’er was paid by Wang Yulun, and now he and Xu Fan are left on the entire hill, so at this time, what people can’t say for a long time can be said.

Xu Fan looked at Wang Yulun’s eager expression and said quickly: “If you have something to say, there is nothing we can’t say between our brothers.”

“Yes, Xu Dage, you make me think about what to say.” Wang Yulun said.

Picking up the bowl and drinking the spirit porridge, Xu Fan was not in a hurry, poured himself a cup of spirit tea, and drank it slowly, while Wang Yulun looked at the big Calabash with spirit pills and began to meditate.

“That mysterious secret realm will still appear in my dreams.” It took a long time for Wang Yulun to speak.

“That secret realm didn’t suddenly appear in my dream.”

When Xu Fan heard these two words, he immediately became energetic, and endless questions lingered in his heart.

“This has to start from the time of Quetianmen.”

“When I was out on a mission alone, I encountered a very strange thing.”

“At that time I was on the road, and I suddenly fainted. When I woke up again, I was lying naked on a bed with my clothes and storage bags neatly placed next to me.”

“Wait, why haven’t I heard you talk about this before?” Xu Fan couldn’t help interrupting.

“This person has a little secret that you can’t tell, Xu Dage, you continue to listen to me.” Wang Yulun waved his hand and said.

“After searching for that secret realm and finding the reason, I didn’t take it to heart.”

“Until I was promoted to Nascent Soul, cough~~cough~~~”

Speaking of the critical moment, Wang Yulun started to cough, and Xu Fan quickly poured out spirit pills from the three Calabash to feed Wang Yulun.

Wang Yulun’s complexion became slightly ruddy, and he looked more energetic than before.

“Xu Dage, you spirit pill…”

“Let’s not talk about the spirit pill, if you continue, what happened after you were promoted to Nascent Soul.” Xu Fan asked with concern.

“After I was promoted to Nascent Soul, I would be selected into that strange secret realm every time. In the secret realm, there seemed to be a woman lingering with me all the time.”

“That day, I was pulled into the secret realm on time, and when the invisible woman was still lingering with me, I rejected her.”

“Then I felt that the entire secret realm was blown up, and I also fell into the secret realm at that time, and I looked at it for a thousand years.”

At this time, Wang Yulun touched his chest and said, “After you rescued me, I felt that the secret realm began to accumulate power in my soul, and waited until the next outbreak.”

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