Chapter 329 The Endless Sea

Xu Fan felt the power of the majestic life origin on Jian Wuji and sighed deeply.

Such a handsome pig’s feet fell into the hands of a wounded Fox Demon, using his ass to know what she would do.

“You deserve to be a son. Who doesn’t envy this full of benefits.”

At this moment, Xu Fan flashed in his mind a number of male pig’s feet who had to be xx, a different kind of happiness, and even more refreshing.

At this time, the entire hidden island has been transferred to the destination.

“I have arrived at the destination, may I ask if the owner is sinking and landing.” Grape said.


The huge hidden island slowly landed on the surface of the endless sea.

As the Yinling Island trembled slightly, the entire huge Yinling Island was sitting on the sea.

Three huge town monster stars and three thousand space-based weapon satellites slowly rose.

“Hidden Spirit Island has descended into the endless sea. For safety, all Sect disciples are not allowed to cross 60,000 miles to the northwest. There is the deep sea area of ​​the endless sea, where there are Demonic Beasts above the conjugation period.”

The voice of grapes reached the ears of every Yinlingmen disciple.

“What a mighty force this is, such a big Sect, if you say it is transferred, then transfer it.” Han Feiyu said as he looked at the raging endless sea outside, his eyes were full of shock.

The mysterious and majesty of the master in his mind adds another point.

At this time Jian Wuji appeared next to Han Feiyu.

“Are you okay, how is your aunt’s situation? Is it settled?” Han Feiyu asked with concern after seeing Jian Wuji.

“I’ll be fine, but my innocence is gone.” Jian Wuji said with a heavy heart. When he was picked up and absorbed the source of life, the feeling of disintegrating soul was still circling in his heart.

Although I was saved, I don’t know why, but there is an inexplicable heaviness in my heart.

“As for my mother, I lied to her that the daughter-in-law ran away. She is sad now, and she is probably not in the mood to cook now.” Jian Wuji said with a long sigh of relief.

“All right.”

Han Feiyu patted Jian Wuji on the shoulder to show comfort.

“Recently, a Flying Sword racing game appeared in the trial tower. The first place has 30 points. Let’s go check it out.”

“Looking at this posture, the Sect battle puppets have to clean up the surrounding waters for a few days.” Han Feiyu said as he watched a team of puppets drive out of Sect in a spirit boat.

“Go.” Jian Wuji thought for a while and said.

A thousand miles away from the bottom of the hidden island, a giant snake of Demonic Beasts is swimming quickly towards the location of the hidden island. The blue vertical pupils are exuding crazy killing intent, and the hidden island occupies the position. It is its lair.

Suddenly, a beam of light penetrated from above the sea, and the giant snake was directly headshot. Soon after, several underwater puppets swam to drag the giant snake’s body away.

On the Yinling Island, the three town monster stars covered the area of ​​the Yinling Island for thousands of miles, and they began to name the Demonic Beasts around the Yinling Island in a frantic manner.

All the named Demonic Beasts in the Integral Phase were dragged back to the Hidden Spirit Gate by the underwater puppets.

In the ice room on the seaside of the Hidden Spirit Island, Lei Wenxi watched the demonic beasts in various stages of integration have been moved in, his eyes were full of joy, and he could study a new spirit pill again.

On the main peak, Xu Fan looked at Zhen Yaoxing with full firepower in the light curtain, and touched his chin and said, “Would you like to raise more spirit beasts and stock them in the surrounding area.”

“Grape, issue a mission for the disciples of the Royal Beast family to cultivate a large number of Demonic Beasts who can survive and fight in the endless sea.”

“In addition, let the disciples of the formation group add the Spirit Power filter array to the Sect large array. The violent Spirit Power in this endless sea cannot be absorbed for a long time before the Nascent Soul period.” Xu Fan said, he remembers that floating sky. There is a similar magic circle on the boat.

“Let the disciples of the tower defense line not be idle, let them cooperate with the disciples of the refining device line to surround the hidden spirit island with a defense tower.”

“All the disciples who are okay with Gold Core go outside to help the puppet clean up the lake in the endless sea.” Xu Fan said.

When I arrived in a new place, there were a lot of things to do, and the disciples I had raised for so many years were finally in handy.

“As for the disciples who are still in the Foundation Building period, continue to cultivate, the Cultivation Base is too low, and it’s useless now.” Xu Fan said.

Having said that, Xu Fan lamented that the period of cultivating a disciple in this kind of middle-thousand world is too long, at least until the Nascent Soul stage, can it be useful in the world of cultivating immortals.

Those disciples below the Cultivation Base Nascent Soul stage really want to fight with the demon world, and those demon races in the integrative stage can wipe out their minds with one thought.

Unlike the small thousand worlds, the Gold Core stage is at the ancestor level.

Following Xu Fan’s order, the disciples of the Gold Core stage began to take action.

Going out to clean up Demonic Beasts’ disciple is surrounded by two Demonic Beasts who are holding huge shields. After all, safety comes first.

“By the way, let the disciples of formation build a teleportation formation between Yinling Island and Jiufeng Island, and Jiufeng Island will be our key support object in the future.” Xu Fan said, feeling the merits and luck slowly converging on him.

The feeling is that Xu Fan still doesn’t care much about the merits and qi luck gathered on him, but after consuming the merit and qi luck to display a few powerful magical powers, he sighs that it is really fragrant.

The magical powers used by Wang Yulun to reverse his life time during the time limit, as well as the luck technique used to help Li Xingci escape from the realm of nothingness, all helped a lot.

On Jiufeng Island, Feng Changning who was cultivating suddenly heard Xiaoling’s report.

“The Hidden Spirit Sect came here to be a leader with us?” A trace of complicated emotion flashed in Feng Changning’s eyes.

“Yes, Master Elder moved the entire Hidden Spirit Island.”

“It’s really amazing.” Xiao Ling said in a circle around Feng Changning.

Feng Changning stopped cultivation, stood up and said, “Go, let’s visit.”

“Don’t worry, there will be a hidden spirit door disciple coming here to set up the teleportation formation, and then you can teleport it directly.”

“After all, the sea area along the way is quite dangerous,” Xiao Ling said.

“Then let’s meet the Yinlingmen disciple.” Feng Changning said, she was sure that the mysterious and unpredictable Elder would not move Sect here for no reason.

“Changning Big sis, the three Hidden Spirit Sect disciples asked to go to Jiufeng Island.” Xiao Ling said.

After hearing Xiao Ling’s words, Feng Changning was a little surprised. According to her thoughts, the entire Jiufeng Island was a subsidiary force of the Hidden Spirit Sect.

It stands to reason that the disciples of the last sect’s visit to notify you is to respect you.

The request is applicable between the same level.

“Please three disciples of Shangzong.”

Feng Changning also flew in the direction of the three disciples in the spirit boat.

“Yinlingmen, form a disciple, and visit the pavilion master of Jiufeng Pavilion.” The three disciples saluted and said, there was not a hint of impatience in their words.

“The three Shangzong disciples are polite,” Feng Changning said hurriedly.

“We are ordered by Elder to build a teleportation formation on Jiufeng Island. If the pavilion master needs to build a teleportation formation, we will also tell us that we will help you build it.” said the leading disciple.

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