Chapter 330-Sorrowful Minor World

Feng Changning was overjoyed when she heard the words of the disciples of the Yinlingmen. If a teleportation formation could be established, then her Jiufeng Island could develop faster.

“Thank you Shangzong disciple.” Feng Changning thanked him.

“Pavilion Master is polite.”

Then, under Xiao Ling’s instructions, the three disciples of Yinling Island together began to be ignorant of the teleportation array.

At this time, a disciple took out an Interspatial Ring and handed it to Feng Changning.

“Pavilion Master, this is the Spirit Gathering Orb that Elder asked me to give you. You can arrange this Spirit Gathering Array where you need it.”

“Thank you Elder for me.” Feng Changning said after taking the Interspatial Ring.

At this time, a medium-sized teleportation array has been established.

“It’s better for the pavilion master to tell Elder himself.” The leading disciple said with a smile.

Feng Changning nodded and stepped into the teleportation formation.

The Teleportation Array on the Hidden Spirit Island is located on a sandy beach.

The teleportation array flashed, and Feng Changning walked out of the teleportation array.

“Pavilion Master Feng, please come and talk.” Xu Fan’s voice sounded.

Following the sound, Feng Changning saw Xu Fan in the pavilion in the distance, enjoying the sea view.

“Big Elder is in good spirits.”

Feng Changning’s figure appeared in the pavilion.

Xu Fan looked back at Feng Changning, and said with a smile: “It seems that the inheritance that the pavilion master got is more powerful than I thought.”

In Xu Fan’s eyes, behind Feng Changning, there was a round of faintly condensed treasures of merit and luck. Although it was very weak and could not stand a touch, it was regarded as entering the room and was recognized by Heavenly Dao.

With a treasure of merit and luck, unless there is that kind of unshakable enmity, it will not produce killing intent on her. This is also the special protection of Heavenly Dao for this vein.

“It’s far behind Elder.” Feng Changning lowered his head and said.

“Haha, Pavilion Master Ning, don’t compare with me.” Xu Fan smiled.

“This time I brought Sect here. The main purpose is to support your Jiufeng Pavilion or Jiufeng Wangchao in all aspects.”

“Of course, don’t worry, I don’t mean to seize your power. It’s just that you divide my merits and luck, which is really useful, so I will come to speed you up.”

“Thank you Elder for supporting Jiufeng Pavilion.”

“Are you mutually beneficial? By the way, the teacher exhibition has not come back yet.” Xu Fan asked, when Yinling Island first arrived here, he could not contact the teacher exhibition.

Speaking of the teacher exhibition, Feng Changning showed a trace of sadness on his face.

“Some time before the teacher exhibition, it was said that a complete Minor World was found in the endless sea. After going out, I never came back.”,

“Big Elder, can you help me find it?” Feng Changning said.

“Probably the location.” A hint of surprise flashed in Xu Fan’s eyes. For a Sect, a complete Minor World is well cultivated, and it will be of infinite value in the future.

“It’s about forty thousand miles to the northwest.”

“Forty thousand miles, isn’t this looking for death?” Xu Fan frowned. Although it had only entered the deep sea area, it was a forbidden place for a lifetime of death for a Nascent Soul period.

“He is also for me.” Feng Changning said with his head lowered.

“I know, I will send someone to look for it.” Xu Fan said.

From Xu Fan’s point of view, the complete Minor World is to release the kind of Minor World where Han Tianzun is. Heavenly Dao is sound-willed, so every cultivator that can ascend is at the level of genius in the mid-thousand world.

Many Sect big factions, after finding the complete Minor World, they will cultivate there as the place of origin for the genius disciples of the younger generation of Sect.

“Okay, let’s talk about business. From now on, I will help you to develop Jiufeng Pavilion regardless of the cost. As for how far you can develop, it depends on your good fortune.” Xu Fan said as Feng Changning. Come for the sole purpose.

“Hidden Spirit Island will help you as long as it is here.”

“Xie Da Elder.”

Afterwards, he talked a little about being quilt, and Feng Changning saluted and retired.

“If Feng Changning can really take advantage of the chaos to develop, it will really make a lot of money.” Xu Fan said, looking at the direction Feng Changning was leaving.

“Grape, what kind of spirit mine is on the bottom of the sea?” Xu Fan asked, this is what he cares most about.

“At present, heavy iron ore veins, scale copper spirit ore veins, super-large black spirit pearl shell field, and mystic crystal stone ore veins have been detected…”

Listening to Grape’s report, Xu Fan squinted and laughed.

“Yes, although it’s just a normal vein, it’s much better than a spirit iron vein.”

“I will try my best to mine and wait for me to design a few Magic Treasures and start the Magic Treasures production line.”

“By the way, get more of these mineral veins and serve it to Senior Brother Sha.” Xu Fan said again.


After Xu Fan arranged everything, he walked around in front of the main peak of Yinling Island.

“Old tortoise, are you satisfied now?” Xu Fan said as he looked at the Tianji tortoise who was enjoying the washing of the azure spiritual liquid.


“Do you feel able to stay here for the elderly?”

“How old are you.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the Tianji tortoise who had not yet reached the juvenile stage in the spirit turtle world.


“Your family, since you were born, you have been looking for a place to stay until you die.”

“Yes, it fits the characteristics of your family.” Xu Fan walked towards the satellite island after speaking.

At this time, a group of five-linged monkeys were screaming and huddling together to resist the pangolin’s whip.

“Master, you are here.”

Seeing Xu Fan coming, the pangolin immediately took away the whip in his hand and ran to Xu Fan’s side.

“What’s wrong with them.” Xu Fan asked. It was the first time he saw a pangolin beaten so hard with a whip.

“In that monster race, when they first appeared, the group of five-spirited monkeys cheered, feeling like they were saved.”

“If it weren’t for these five-linged monkeys to be useful to the owner, I could really slap them to death with a whip,” the pangolin said angrily.

“After all, it hasn’t been long since I came here, and it will be fine in the future.” Xu Fan said, patting the pangolin on the shoulder.

“I’m going to use the five-linged monkey in the fit stage recently. Don’t hurt it.” Xu Fan said. He wanted to use the five-linged monkey in the fit stage to find the Minor who had disappeared from the exhibition. World.

“Understood.” The pangolin promised.

Three days later, the five-linged monkeys merged into Xu Fan’s appearance and flew towards the place pointed by Feng Changning.

At the bottom of the endless sea, Xu Fan controlled the five-linged monkey into a swordfish, swimming towards several suspicious places.

“It’s the fit period, this Spirit Power, this explosive power, this Spirit Power really feels smooth running.” Xu Fan’s current feeling is that he is used to driving second-hand Xiali, and suddenly changed to Audi. In addition to being cool, it is cool.

At this time, Xu Fan saw a mixed-blood dragon hidden in the deepest part of the seabed in the distance. The black outer edge was long so that Xu Fan could not see it.

At this moment, the swordfish transformed into a drop of sea water, swimming in the direction of the mixed-blood dragon.

“My God, this Minor World is too unlucky, and the passage to the Middle Thousand World is actually guarded by a mixed-blood dragon.”

“That’s not it, one flies up, and one is crunchy.” Xu Fan said silently.

At this moment, the half-blood dragon was lying in the middle passage. With a flash of inspiration, a cultivator of the transformation stage appeared in the passage.

“Upper, this seat is here.” The cultivator exclaimed excitedly.

At this time, I saw the mixed-blood dragon slightly raised his head, opened his blood basin, and swallowed the body refining cultivator directly.


Xu Fan will be gone before he can make a move in the future.

After a while, the mixed-blood dragon spit out a pile of clothes and a few Magic Treasures.

Xu Fan leaned over and took a look. A deep pit was full of discarded Magic Treasures from the cultivator flying upwards from below.

“It’s really sad, there is no chance at all.”

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