Chapter 331 The Ascendant of Minor World

After Xu Fan ascertained the situation clearly, he immediately showed his figure, and just looked at the mixed-blood dragon.


The half-blood Jiaolong just glanced at Xu Fan, who had become the Wulingming Monkey, and let out a soft roar.

According to the translation of the animal language, it means to get out.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was controlling the five-linged monkeys on Yinling Island, slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

A good car should be practiced when it is just driving. Extreme speed is the symbol of a good car.

Looking at the mixed-blood dragon in front of him, Xu Fan could only feel the classic drag racing music in his ears. (Shrimp catchers~~)

At this time, countless ice blades condensed next to Xu Fan, who was changing from the Five Spiritual Monkeys, slowly revolving and converging into a storm, heading towards the mixed-blood dragon.


The originally lazy half-blood dragon was furious in an instant, got up and rushed towards Xu Fan, wherever he went, a round path of ice was formed.

“Supernatural Power: Ice Blade”

“Supernatural Power: Enlightenment”

Xu Fan’s condensed ice blades formed a hollow area in the center of the giant dragon tornado.

Two giant water snakes, hundreds of meters long, condensed beside Xu Fan, and in his enlightened eyes, they had saneness, and then rushed towards the mixed-blood giant python in the distance.

“Playing with Summoning Stream is also good.” Xu Fan smiled easily.

Controlling a five-spirited monkey in the conjoined stage, if Demonic Beasts in the conjoined stage can’t be beaten, he won’t need to be confused with this superb aptitude.

Speaking of Xu Fan, he then spotted a group of piranhas in the Nascent Soul stage.

Feeling the silky and transparent feeling of the five-linged monkeys displaying their magical powers during the fit period, the corners of Xu Fan’s mouth rose slightly.

“Demonic Beasts like this, I can fight two more.”

Just when the mixed-blood dragon was harassed by two water snakes and a group of Nascent Soul stage piranhas, two more amazing roars came out hundreds of miles away.

The two top-notch Demonic Beasts mixed-blood dragons rushed towards Xu Fan’s direction.

“Damn, it really came.” Xu Fan said in surprise.

“The channel of feelings is from your family’s ancestors.” Xu Fan said, feeling the aura of two mixed-blood dragons in the distance.

“The whole family is going to battle, do you treat me as a bully.”

“Grape, the Zhen Yaoxing serves, just leave this little one to me.”

“Yes.” Grape responded.

At this time, the passage that was originally guarded by the mixed-blood dragon flashed with a faint light, and an early stage teenager appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Feeling the pressure on the bottom of the sea, the boy frowned and said, “Is this the upper realm? How come it is in a sea area.”

As he said, he began to look around, as if looking for something.

“Where did the iron stone fellow daoist go?”

At this moment, a voice came.

“Boy, do you want to die, quickly find a place to hide.” Xu Fan said through sound transmission.

Fortunately, Xu Fan stretched the battlefield away, otherwise the half-blood dragon could smoothly add another meal.

The teenager felt the aftermath of the battle between the mixed-blood dragon and Xu Fan’s group of summoned beasts, and was so scared that he hurriedly fled to the distance.

At this time, two beams of light fell in the distant sky, and they penetrated directly from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea. The two mixed-blood dragons who came to support were headshot without a trace of struggle.


The mixed-blood Jiaolong watched and felt that his parents had been killed, and screamed to the sky.

“Little guy, don’t worry, I will send you to see your relatives later.”

Xu Fan ordered several water snakes in the refining period and killed them towards the mixed-blood dragon.

At this time, the teenager who had fled just now appeared beside Xu Fan.

“Junior Lin Yufeng, I have met senior.” The young man saluted.

Xu Fan, who was watching the performance of the summoned beast he had enlightened, said lightly: “You are lucky. If nothing happens, you are the first cultivator to come out of your Minor World in thousands of years.”

“What’s the answer for senior’s words.” The young man asked inexplicably.

“That mixed-blood dragon has been guarding your ascendant path before. It will eat one by one when you fly, and eat one by one when you fly.” Xu Fan sighed as he said.

“Is that what the Nascent Soul cultivator said is true?” The boy frowned and said.

When he was about to ascend, a message suddenly spread from the entire world of immortality.

“The passage to the ascending upper realm is guarded by a dragon, and it will eat all the ascending cultivator.”

When Xu Fan listened to the boy’s words, he knew that Shi Zhan was not dead.

At this time, the mixed-blood dragon screamed and died in the siege of water snakes and piranhas.

Several underwater puppets swam over and dragged away the corpse of the hybrid dragon.

Xu Fan came to the entrance of the passage and began to portray the magic formation, connecting it with the teleportation formation of Nine Phoenix Island, and let the ascending people behind it directly teleport to Nine Phoenix Island.

“Okay, kid, don’t follow me. From here, 100,000 miles to the southeast, you will enter the world of cultivating immortals. There is everything you want to know.” Xu Fan glanced at the young man behind him and said.

“Thanks senior for pointing.” The young man saluted.

“By the way, if you want to fully understand the immortal world of this world, there is a huge island tens of thousands of miles southeast, called Jiufeng Island, and there is a Sect called Jiufeng Pavilion. The message you want.”

Xu Fan thought for a while and said that he also intended to connect this realm channel to Jiufeng Island.

“Thanks senior for reminding.” The young man saluted again, and then flew in the direction pointed by Xu Fan.

After seeing the boy go, Xu Fan called out a puppet of the transformation stage and let him plunge into the passage of Minor World.

After doing all this, he directly returned to Nine Winds Island through the teleportation array at the entrance of the passage.

Xu Fan found Feng Changning, told her about the Minor World passage, and then told her the thoughts of the ascendants staying.

“Xie Da Elder, leave this to me.” Feng Changning nodded and said, thinking about how to keep those ascended.

Two heavy armored puppets of the Transcendental Stage with titanium heart shields appeared in front of Feng Changning.

“The two puppets of the transformation stage will follow you in order to shock those who have transferred to the Minor World Ascendant.” Xu Fan said.


After the matter was over, Xu Fan withdrew his mind from Wuling Minghou.

“The opportunity is given to you, it depends on how to grasp it.” Xu Fan said, looking at the raging sea in the distance.

At this moment, above the huge lake of 100,000 miles in Linsen City, a young girl looked at the empty surface of the lake.

“Why isn’t such a big island gone?” The girl asked suspiciously, her eyes flashing disappointment.


A green mysterious bird gave a soft cry beside the girl.

“I know, go now.” The girl said, standing on the back of the god bird, turning into a blue light and flying towards the distance.

“Where did your husband go~~” the girl said disappointedly.

Xu Fan, who was far above the hidden island of the endless sea, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the central continent, muttering: “I always feel that I have forgotten important things.”

“Xu Dage, do you go fishing at sea?” Wang Yulun said with a fishing rod. After experiencing a lap on the edge of Dage, he wanted to drive and became even more salty than Xu Fan.

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