Chapter 332 Sea Boat

On the surface of the endless sea not far from the hidden spirit island, a spirit boat is drifting in the wind.

Xu Fan and Wang Yulun were fishing on the spirit boat.

“Why don’t you go with your wife.” Xu Fan said with a fishing rod.

“She was in Closed Door Training cultivation recently.” said Wang Yulun, who was holding a fishing rod.

“I’m worried about what happened again, and I was forced to get it in my dream again.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“No, I just felt that after the ghost gate was closed for a while, I suddenly felt that cultivation was meaningless.”

Wang Yulun looked desperate, looking a bit like an eminent monk.

“Boy, you lost your dream.”

“Fart dream.” Wang Yulun said with a curled mouth.

“It’s better to die than to live. Your son wants to retire before he gets married. How can you.”

Xu Fan said that he raised his hand and raised his rod. A two-meter-long deep-sea lobster was caught. To dry the deep-sea lobster was directly thrown into the cabin of the spirit boat. There was a special gourmet puppet inside, which could process deep-sea lobster into Variety of cuisines.

At this time, Wang Yulun’s fishing rod was also hooked, and when he lifted it up, it turned out to be a deep-sea polypedum. Not only was it disgusting, but it also smelled bad.

“It’s really bad luck.” Wang Yulun said as he wanted to throw the deep-sea polypedum into the sea.

“Wait.” Xu Fan said, squinting.

He was thrown into the deep sea multilegged insect, and Xu Fan got it back because he felt a strange Spirit Power in the insect’s body.

The one-meter-long deep-sea polypedum was controlled by Xu Fan in mid-air, and was slowly disintegrated. A bead the size of a billiard ball with a huge aura, floated in mid-air, and then slowly fell into Xu Fan’s hands.

“Sky Spirit Orb, your luck is really invincible.” Xu Fan handed the Sky Spirit Orb to Wang Yulun and said.

“Why do you give it to me? I didn’t find it.” Wang Yulun said, without the excitement of discovering the treasure.

“The Sky Spirit Orb can absorb Spirit Power from the endless void, and carry it on the body like the second Dantian Spirit Sea. Used on the Spirit Gathering Array, it can increase the Spirit Power absorbed by the Spirit Gathering Array several times.”

“In addition, if you have a refining device, you will have a better chance to let it…”

Xu Fan talked a lot about the benefits of the Sky Spirit Orb.

“Take it, let’s divide you and me, aren’t you just trying to strengthen the Sect Spirit Gathering Formation, let’s use it.” Wang Yulun once again swung the hook and continued fishing.

“Okay.” Xu Fan nodded and said, and the brothers didn’t talk politely.

After fishing for a whole morning, the two returned to Yinlingmen at noon.

Xu Fan appeared in the Spirit Gathering Space of the Hidden Spirit Gate, holding the Sky Spirit Orb in his hand and gently tossing it to the sky.

The Sky Spirit Orb appeared directly in the middle of the three Dao Item Gathering Orbs, and a new Spirit Gathering Array was formed.

The sky green Lingye waterfall above Lingye Lake suddenly increased its flow several times, and the entire Lingye Lake almost couldn’t bear it.

“Master, do you start charging Sect?” Grape’s voice sounded in time.

“Come on, I’m thinking about where to go after I’m full.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and he couldn’t help sighing the greatness of his brother.

“Since there are more Spiritual Qi, then open more production lines.”


At Refining Peak, Sand Sculpture is analyzing the pile of newly mined spirit ore in front of him.

“Master, don’t you have a clue,” said a disciple of Qiqifeng.

“It can barely be refined, but it is considered unsatisfactory.” Sha Diao said, shaking his head.

He was not very satisfied with several alloys.

“Brother Sha.”

Xu Fan appeared beside Sand Sculpture.

“Big Elder is here, please sit down.”

“Qing Ling, pour tea.” Sha Diao said.

“Senior Brother Sha, can these kinds of spirit mines be combined?” Xu Fan asked.

“It can be, but it can’t reach the hardness required by Elder.” Sha Sculpture shook his head and said.

Xu Fan sent all the super-large spirit mines found around the hidden spirit island to the sand sculptures, and wanted him to help develop an alloy with super high spirituality and hardness to replace the spirit iron array at the bottom of the hidden spirit island.

“The alloys that have been researched now only have spirituality that meets the requirements of Elder, and the hardness is only slightly stronger than that of the spiritual platform.”

“Senior Brother Sha, don’t worry. After more spirit mines are discovered in the future, it is estimated that it will be better.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Okay, then I will rush more recently to refine that small sea boat, hoping to help Sect.” Sha Diao said.

Xu Fan’s eyes lit up when he heard the words of the sand sculpture. When the rich woman and the good apprentice left, it seemed that a sea boat was left in the treasure house.

“Then bother Brother Sha.”

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he retired with the sand sculpture and came to the treasure house.

It didn’t take long for Xu Fan to walk out of the treasure house with a magic treasure.

On the satellite island, Xu Fan called the five-linged monkey that had just come back in the conjoined stage.

The sea outside the hidden island.


A 30,000-meter-long sea boat appeared on the sea.

“Slightly better than the floating sky boat looks.”

“It’s okay, it’s just that the secondary artillery is a little bit less.” When the sand sculpture heard that Xu Fan wanted to test and drive the sea boat, they all followed.

Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian also rushed over.

“Master, is this the Haizhou of the fourth junior sister’s wife?” Xu Gang said hehe looking at Haizhou.

“Yes, I just remembered it today, so I took it out for a stroll.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Everyone boarded the sea boat, and the five-spirited monkey in the fit stage went to the power core of the sea boat. If he wanted to drive the sea boat, he had to obtain permission. In the world of cultivating immortals, it was called a temporary master.

At this time, a pillar of spiritual liquid fell in the sky and smashed into the power core of the sea boat.

Suddenly the entire sea boat seemed to come alive.

“Master, what is this?” Xu Yuexian looked at the beam of light that continued to deliver spiritual fluid to the core of Haizhou’s power.

“Oh, this is the spirit fluid that replaces Spirit Stones. The transportation method is rough now, so I can change it later.” Xu Fan said.

Now Xu Fan replaces Spirit Stones with Spirit Gathering Array, which is highly energy-efficient.

“All right.”

In the eyes of everyone, it is more convenient to use Spirit Stones.

“Then what should I do if I get out of the spirit gathering array and transport the spiritual liquid?” Sha Sculpture asked.

“Short-distance direct spiritual liquid transport, medium and long-distance transmission array to transmit the spiritual liquid to the power core.” Xu Fan laughed, feeling that this idea has never been thought of before.

“What about the positioning of the teleportation array?” Sha Diao said with some excitement. A good mixer must be a good master of formation.

When he first learned to portray the teleportation array before, he also thought about this kind of problem.

“This is a bit complicated to talk about. Take a look at the rune sequence of the teleportation array in this Jade Slip.”

Xu Fan handed Sand Sculpture a Jade Slip, above it was the teleportation array that could move bilaterally.

As early as when he learned the teleportation array, he deduced the teleportation array that can move and transmit. Now it has evolved into an infinite signal connection version. As long as there is a signal on both sides of the teleportation array, it can be transmitted, and the coordinates are all Update instantly.

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