Chapter 341

On an unnamed desert island on a huge lake of 100,000 miles, the two watched the lake and drank.

“Boy, do you know, my 100 years in the realm of nothingness feels longer than a thousand years outside.” Zhan Ling put down the wine glass and said.

“Understand the suffering of senior, if it weren’t for me to have the Master take care of and act as a second hand, we and my husband would also die there.” Li Xingci said with emotion.

Whenever he thinks about the experience of the nihil world, he feels a little scared, if he doesn’t have a back hand arranged by the Master, the consequences will be disastrous.

“However, I have been immersed there for more than a hundred years, and it is not without gain. I understand the way of respecting Fans, and the future is really promising.”

“Little Li, thank you.” Zhan Ling took another cup and drank with Li Xingci.

“Senior, you should thank me Master.” Li Xingci smiled. If he can, he wants Zhanling to be Master’s guardian Daoist. I don’t know if Master’s cautious character will change.

“Haha, thank you Master too.” Zhanling smiled.

After the two of them had a small drink, Li Xingci said his own idea.

“Senior, I’ll be staying at the Elder Club headquarters for some time now. Would you like to go back with me.” Li Xingci asked tentatively.

“You can just talk about the next proposal, and follow me around.” Zhan Ling glanced at Li Xingci.

“My Master took Sect to the Endless Sea and wandered near the sea. I will stay there for a few years.”

“If senior is willing, you can go to my Sect and stay for a while.” Li Xingci said with a smile.

“That’s it, I just want to discuss with your Master about remotely controlling the puppet.” Zhan Ling said.

“Then it will be hard senior.”

Li Xingci immediately told Zhanling the location of the Yin Lingmen.

Long after Li Xing resigned, he told Xu Fan that a Demon Cultivator Venerable wanted to be his guardian of Daoist.

Xu Fan’s response is that he really wants to be your guardian Daoist, you can trust him.

With this premise, Li Xingci dared to tell Zhanling the location of Yinling Island.

“Okay, I know the location, I’ll go in a while, you can go back.” Zhan Ling waved and said.

“Then I will go first.” Li Xing resigned and resigned.

After Li Xing left, Zhan Ling looked up into the sky and said, “Butcher, don’t look, do you want to come down and have a drink.”

“Forget it, a fight is okay, just drink.” A pristine voice sounded like an old farmer.

“Forget the fight, I will be considered a Venerable of your central continent in the future.” Zhan Ling said with a smile, he didn’t want to fight a lunatic, and it is estimated that there is no half-life in this fight.

“Welcome.” Then the voice disappeared.

“If I had leaked a bit of killing intent to Junior in the fit period, this old thing would definitely jump out and kill me.” Zhan Ling spit on the ground and said.

A mortal-inhabited island 30,000 miles away from the Yinling Island, a large spirit boat of the Yinlingmen landed.

Xiong Li led several disciples along with Formation down the spirit boat, followed by a team of god-shifting puppets behind him.

“Set up the teleportation formation at your best place, I’ll go and slaughter the Xiuxian family.” Xiong Li gritted his teeth and said.

Before coming, he had already looked at the information about the Xiuxian family on this island, and according to Xiong Li’s words, the evil they had committed was enough to die a hundred times.

In a dilapidated mortal city, a young Gold Core immortal cultivator is looking at a group of pregnant women who are in labor and said with a cold expression: “You only need to have three children before your fourth child can survive, you know. ”

“Fairy, I have told them the rules, don’t worry,” said a mortal in charge.

“They are all first babies, and the quality of the fetus and the Zihe car are the best. You must guarantee the integrity.” Gold Core youth said.

“Understand, understand.” The mortal supervisor said, wiping his sweat.

At this time, the eyes of pregnant women who were about to give birth were extremely frightened, but they were more helpless and numb. They only asked for their children to have Spiritual Roots, so that the whole family could become superior.

At this moment, Xiong Li descended from the sky, his eyes full of anger fixedly staring at the young Gold Core in front of him.

“Fellow daoist from where, come with me back to the family and let me entertain you well. My family ancestor likes to make young talents.”

Seeing Xiong Li, the Gold Core youth said calmly, like this kind of place that is not under the control of any continent, this kind of thing is too common.

A giant palm fell from the sky and directly patted the Gold Core youth into meatloaf.

“Tell the people in the city that there are immortals waiting for them outside the north gate of the city, and they will take them to die in a paradise, a place like heaven.” Xiong Li said to the supervisor.

“Understand, understand~~” The supervisor said in horror at the paralyzed bloody flesh on the ground.

At this time, there was also a loud voice in the sky, guiding mortals to the teleportation array.

“This waste is solved, and the rest is up to you.” Xiong Li said while looking at Jufeng not far away from the city, the ancestor of the god of transformation was among them.

At this time, the six heavy armored puppets of the God Transformation Stage holding huge shields have surrounded the palace on the top of the giant peak, waiting for the arrival of Xiong Li.

“Dare to ask where the fellow daoist is, please show up and see it.” An old man of the Deity Stage looked at the six Deity Stage puppets surrounding the Great Hall in horror, with a panic on his face during the interview.

“What is the taste of the fetal brain?” Xiong Li’s figure appeared outside the Great Hall, and there were four heavy armored puppets guarding the gods.

Xiong Li looked at the old man in the Demon Cultivator with cold eyes. He decided to deal with the old man in the Demon Cultivator in the same way.

“Unexpectedly, this chaotic sea area will be a righteous man like you.” The old man of the transformation stage sneered.

Xiong Li ignored the old man’s words, but looked to the sky and said, “It should be coming soon.”

At this time, the six gods of the transformation stage holding giant shields simultaneously used their might to suppress the elders of the transformation stage.

Suddenly, only the mind of the old man in the transformation stage was running, and the rest were sealed by the huge shield in the sky.

A disciple wearing the Taoist costume of the Hidden Spirit Gate rode a giant red bird and landed outside the Great Hall.

“Your little Jiao Jiao is still not well.” Xiong Li asked.

“Basically, I will let it cultivate for a few more days.” Yu Qianshan said, releasing a group of birds with long and pointed beaks.

“Big brother, thank you for your mission, I found the marrow-eating bird for you.” Yu Qianshan said, his eyes became cold.

He turned his head to look at the suppressed old man, and said softly: “This group of marrow-eating birds in the Foundation Building period is specially prepared for you.”

“They must like the brains of the powerhouses in the transformation stage,” Yu Qianshan said yinly.

At this time, the old man in the transformation stage who couldn’t speak, looked at Xiong Li and Yu Qianshan with eyes full of despair and incomprehension.

“Want to know why, do you want to understand?” Xiong Li looked at the old man in the transformation stage and said.

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