Chapter 342 Five Years

Hearing Xiong Li’s words, the eyes of the old man turned begging.

“Think too much, you can enjoy it slowly.” Xiong Li said with a sneer.

At this time, the marrow-eating bird that had been flying around in the sky seemed to be guided, and fell towards the head of the god transformation stage.

With the strength of the marrow-eating bird in the Foundation Building period, of course, it can’t penetrate the skull bones of the spiritual period at a time, but the dripping stone penetrates, and it only needs a bit of peck to eat its brain.

“Ensure that this old thing is conscious, so that he can also taste the taste of being sucked into the brain.” Xiong Li said.

Yu Qianshan pointed to a cyan bird in the Gold Core stage and said: “The buffing spell cast by the blue spirit bird allows this old thing to sensitively feel that every drop of its own brain is sucked.”

“In this chaotic sea, there are still many such beasts. In the future, this kind of bird will need to be raised a little more.” Xiong Li said.

“Understand.” Yu Qianshan nodded and said.

At this time, the two of them walked towards the outside of the sealing circle.

Two sledgehammers appeared in Xiong Li’s hands.

“I can’t deal with the god transformation stage, and the anger in my heart will be cast on your group of Gold Core Nascent Soul stage.” Xiong Li said while looking at the cultivator who was attacking the seal.

“Torturing and insulting mortals is against Heavenly Dao, you are all going to die.” Xiong Li rushed out with two hammers in his hands.

At this moment, in the hidden spirit island, Xu Fan led the boring Wang Yulun watching the scene of the Gold Core disciple performing the mission.

“Why are there so many places of chaos and evil in this sea area?” Wang Yulun frowned and said.

In his impression, even if a cultivator does not treat mortals well, he will not kill them, even if it is a Demon Cultivator, it will not interfere with the operation of the mortal world without cultivating a special cruel Cultivation Technique.

“The world is divided into two polarities, turning Yin & Yang, where there is good, there is evil.”

“And the endless sea is where Heavenly Dao maliciously condenses. Even Spiritual Qi smells evil.”

As Xu Fan spoke, he ingested a group of Spiritual Qi from the endless sea outside through the Sect array.

That group of Spiritual Qi looked extremely irritable in Xu Fan’s hands, and even felt like he was about to attack Xu Fan.

“This group of Spiritual Qi Impurities has evil in it.” Xu Fan said as he extracted the Impurities from Spiritual Qi of the day.

A little black air that was invisible to the naked eye hovered in Xu Fan’s hand and showed it to Wang Yulun.

“Is this the evil of Heavenly Dao?” Wang Yulun said, looking at the black air in Xu Fan’s hand.

“Yes, the immortals who live here for a long time or absorb Spirit Power will gradually become evil and violent.”

“So in the endless sea, even the Demonic Beasts of the Mahayana period are not wise.” Xu Fan said, this was also discovered when he explored the surrounding human islands some time ago.

“It turns out that this is the case, then the human race here is really pitiful.” Wang Yulun said with a sigh.

“It used to be poor, but it will gradually get better in the future.” Xu Fan said and looked in the direction of Jiufeng Island.

“Oh, it seems that you are very optimistic about Pavilion Master Feng.” Wang Yulun said with a smile.

“I’m very optimistic about her, some people are born unusual, just like you.” Xu Fan said.

“That way, she is often…” Wang Yulun’s face began to become solemn, which is not a good thing.

“Uh, it’s different from what you think.” Xu Fan said while looking at Wang Yulun.

I’m talking about your 100 times rebate in particular, where did you want to go.

“That’s good, or someone else is a little girl, really…” Wang Yulun breathed a sigh of relief.


Jiufeng Island, a huge teleportation formation in a vast plain, is teleporting mortal people in batches, almost all of them dragging their families and mouths to this place.

Jiufeng Island dispatched hundreds of thousands of mortal soldiers and officials to share and receive this wave of people.

On a high ground in the distance, Feng Changning was watching this scene in surprise. He didn’t expect that he had spoken to Elder some time ago and said that mortals are needed to fill the prosperous Jiufeng Island, and it didn’t take long for him to get a response.

“Why doesn’t the big Elder use the spirit boat to pick him up? Isn’t it too much energy consumption to activate the teleportation array.” Feng Changning said to a disciple of the hidden spirit gate formation behind him.

“Big Elder said that it takes too long to use the spirit boat, and it is not convenient for the teleportation array.”

“As for consumption, as long as it does not exceed the speed of the Sect Spirit Gathering Array.”

“Theoretically speaking, even if the human islands around Jiufeng Island are deployed in a teleportation formation for a million miles around, it will not consume the speed of the Sect Gathering Great Formation.” The disciples of Formation are proud. Said.

“It turned out to be like this.” Feng Changning said enviously looking at the huge teleportation formation.

“You will have such a teleportation formation in the future. After the entire Spirit Power filtering formation on Jiufeng Island is formed, plus the spirit gathering formation, at least 30,000 miles around Jiufeng Island will not consume Spirit Stones.” formation One of the disciples said.

The disciples of their formation are now studying how to add a Spiritual Qi filter array to the entire Jiufeng Island. This is the task assigned to them by the Elder.

After hearing the words of the disciples of Formation, Feng Changning sighed softly. She didn’t know when she had such a technology talent on Jiufeng Island.

During this period of time, the assistance of the Yinlingmen almost made her open, and the entire Jiufeng Island changed its appearance with the assistance of the technical talents of the Yinlingmen.

A large mortal city, built by a few disciples who are good at earth and wood attributes, took shape in just three days.

The water power, lighting, drainage, and streets in the mortal city are beyond perfection.

The chaotic rivers on Jiufeng Island were sorted out clearly by the group of disciples, and they even used the river to form a Feng Shui gathering spirit formation.

Now, Feng Changning hopes that the Hidden Spirit Gate will stay here for a period of time. When will there be a hundred thousand people in Jiufeng Island, gather the original power, and send the Heavenly Dao aspiration to become a god, then it will be fine. .

At that time, he was considered to have a foothold in this world of cultivating immortals, and at that time the idea of ​​own immortality was truly implemented.

“Quickly, this speed will be enough in a few years,” Feng Changning muttered as he watched the mortal people who had been transferred.

Not only must she simply own these 100,000 people, but she must also allow them to recognize her existence.

“Xiao Ling, do you think there are hundreds of thousands of mortal people in Jiufeng Island within a million kilometers?” Feng Changning said to Xiao Ling from the bottom of his heart.

“I asked the Big Brother of Grape, and it said there are at least 1.5 billion, that is, the 15th Five-Year mortal people.”

“There are enough people, Changning Big sis, what you have to worry about is whether the surrounding islands are enough. After all, it takes a lot of money to protect every mortal island.”

“Also, Big Brother told me quietly that Big Elder will stay here for five years.”

Xiao Ling’s words instantly made Feng Changning happy.

“Five years is enough.”

Feng Changning’s eyes became firmer and firmer.

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