Chapter 348 Salted Fish King Feather Wheel

Let’s wait, I’m a little bit upset today, the official chapter will be updated in one hour.

“Are you the master of this place?” the young scholar asked, showing respect for the master of this place in his eyes.

“Yes, this island is called Jiufeng Island, and it is in charge of Jiufeng Pavilion.” Feng Changning said.

“I am out of the upper realm, can you explain to me about the upper realm, I am grateful to the next.” The young scholar said.

At this moment, a cultivator burning with devil gas appeared in the sky above the royal city.

“Haha, I didn’t expect that the controller here is only the Nascent Soul period. I will accept this royal city.” Said the old man Jie Jie who burned with devilish energy all over his body.

For a time, a bloody dark clouds enveloped the entire King City.

“Mo Chong, I didn’t expect to meet you in the upper realm.”

“With me here again, you won’t have a chance.” The young scholar stepped out, appeared in the sky and said with a cold snort.

“There are always a few who are looking for death.” The little spirits around Feng Changning said with disdain.

Just when the devilish old man wanted to fight back against the youth cultivator, a sword shadow passed directly through the devilish old man’s head.

The body was destroyed, and the old man’s body was directly caught by the useful Sword Ray puppet, and then turned into a light and disappeared into the sky.

The young scholar was embarrassed at this time, and he didn’t take it as a hero.

“Sir, come down, Junior is looking for you for something.” Feng Changning said with a smile.


In the main hall of the Jiufeng Pavilion, Feng Changning took a young man who had recently defected to the world to entertain the young scholars.

“Yuanfeng senior, it turned out to be you.” The boy was surprised when he saw the young scholar.

“So you know, it is better.” Changning wind laughed.

“I used to practice in senior’s Sect.” The young man said with a smile.

At the main hall, Yuan Feng, a young scholar from Feng Changning, introduced the Jiufeng Pavilion and Yinlingmen, and talked about the situation in the world of immortality.

“Hey, I did not expect to come to the business encountered such a thing.”

“There are fellow daoist soaring in the past, it’s a pity.” The young scholar sighed.

“Pavilion Master Feng, I want to see the elegance of the upper realm first, and ten years later, I will come back to help you realize your fairy garden wish.” Yuan Feng said in the middle.

“Okay, I’m waiting for your return at Nine Winds Island.” Feng Changning said with a smile.

A storage ring appeared in Feng Changning’s hands.

“There are maps of the central continent and surrounding areas, a basic Cultivation Technique from the immortal world to the integration stage, and some Spirit Stones to help Mr. enter the immortal world.” Feng Changning said.

“Thank you, Pavilion Master Feng, then.” Yuanfeng didn’t refuse, but directly accepted the Interspatial Ring.

Xu Fan saw this scene remotely.

“It shouldn’t be him. Although he is a talent, he hasn’t reached this level yet.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

Generally, people like Xiangfeng Changning who are in charge of great fortune will have the help of a few great talents who gather all kinds of powers of heaven and earth. Up to now, it seems that there is no one other than himself.

“One should also appear, otherwise the speed can’t keep up.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, a small baby boy was born in the home of a wealthy man in Wangcheng.

The little baby looked at the world curiously, feeling that he was welcoming a new life.

In Yinlingmen, Wang Yulun’s campus, Xu Fan is drinking with Wang Yulun.

“Yulun, you have all restored your original Cultivation Base appearance. Don’t be vigorous to an old man or young man every day.” Xu Fan waved and said.

Recently, the good brother has been lying flat, even he can’t see it.

“Xu Dage, I know you care about me, but now I feel that this state is still pretty good.” Wang Yulun said slowly.

“What’s not bad? Your mood has a lot to do with your Cultivation Base. I didn’t find that your Cultivation Base has made slow progress recently.”

“How can I go to the Immortal Realm with me in the future?” Xu Fan said, shaking his head, thinking of any way to inspire the passion of a good brother.

“Are you the master of this place?” the young scholar asked, showing respect for the master of this place in his eyes.

“Yes, this island is called Jiufeng Island, and it is in charge of Jiufeng Pavilion.” Feng Changning said.

“I am out of the upper realm, can you explain to me about the upper realm, I am grateful to the next.” The young scholar said.

At this moment, a cultivator burning with devil gas appeared in the sky above the royal city.

“Haha, I didn’t expect that the controller here is only the Nascent Soul period. I will accept this royal city.” Said the old man Jie Jie who burned with devilish energy all over his body.

For a time, a bloody dark cloud enveloped the entire Wangcheng.

“Mo Chong, I didn’t expect to meet you in the upper realm.”

“With me here again, you won’t have a chance.” The young scholar stepped out, appeared in the sky and said with a cold snort.

“There are always a few who are looking for death.” The little spirits around Feng Changning said with disdain.

Just when the devilish old man wanted to fight back against the youth cultivator, a sword shadow passed directly through the devilish old man’s head.

The body was destroyed, and the old man’s body was directly caught by the useful Sword Ray puppet, and then turned into a light and disappeared into the sky.

The young scholar was embarrassed at this time, and he didn’t take it as a hero.

“Sir, come down, Junior is looking for you for something.” Feng Changning said with a smile.


In the main hall of the Jiufeng Pavilion, Feng Changning took a young man who had recently defected to the world to entertain the young scholars.

“Yuanfeng senior, it turned out to be you.” The boy was surprised when he saw the young scholar.

“It turns out that you know each other, that’s better.” Feng Changning smiled.

“I used to practice in senior’s Sect.” The young man said with a smile.

At the main hall, Yuan Feng, a young scholar from Feng Changning, introduced the Jiufeng Pavilion and Yinlingmen, and talked about the situation in the world of immortality.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing when I came to the business world.”

“There are fellow daoist soaring in the past, it’s a pity.” The young scholar sighed.

“Pavilion Master Feng, I want to see the elegance of the upper realm first, and ten years later, I will come back to help you realize your fairy garden wish.” Yuan Feng said in the middle.

“Okay, I’m waiting for your return at Nine Winds Island.” Feng Changning said with a smile.

A storage ring appeared in Feng Changning’s hands.

“There are maps of the central continent and surrounding areas, a basic Cultivation Technique from the immortal world to the integration stage, and some Spirit Stones to help Mr. enter the immortal world.” Feng Changning said.

“Thank you, Pavilion Master Feng, then.” Yuanfeng didn’t refuse, but directly accepted the Interspatial Ring.

Xu Fan saw this scene remotely.

“It shouldn’t be him. Although he is a talent, he hasn’t reached this level yet.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

Generally, people like Xiangfeng Changning who are in charge of great fortune will have the help of a few great talents who gather all kinds of powers of heaven and earth. Up to now, it seems that there is no one other than himself.

“One should also appear, otherwise the speed can’t keep up.” Xu Fan said.

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