Chapter 349: Goodbye to the Crystal Spider

On a new day at the Hidden Spirit Gate, the sun has just risen halfway from the endless sea.

Wang Yulun, who had been cultivating for the whole night, appeared vigorously on the top of the peak that welcomed the sunrise first.

Although Wang Yulun was full of energy, his expression was extremely unnatural, and even a little bit of resistance.

“Qian’er, if you have nothing to do, go back first. Just leave me here alone.” Wang Yulun said.

“Husband, I am very happy that you have rekindled fighting spirit.” Murong Qian’er said with squinting eyes, the smile in her eyebrows could not be hidden.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was not leaving yet, Wang Yulun suddenly whispered: “Qian’er, leave some faces for her husband.”

“I want to watch it again.” Murong Qian’er smiled.

At this time, the sun has completely jumped out of the sea.

At this moment, a magical force controlled Wang Yulun and turned to face the sunrise in the sea.

Wang Yulun unconsciously lunges and stretches his arms, and finally shouts out loud and reluctantly.

“Get up in the morning and embrace the sun~”

Murong Qian’er covered her mouth with her hands, trying to keep herself from smiling.

“Let the body be filled with bright sunshine.”

“Full of positive energy~~”

At this time, Murong Qian’er had already laughed so hard that she could not stand up.

After an inspirational dance, Wang Yulun’s bloody day began.

At this time, Xu Fan also couldn’t help laughing.

“Haha, in the future, you can give a shot to the disciples who are lower in the rankings.” Xu Fan said with a smile, as if he was proud of the magical power he had created.

In this way, Xu Fan’s day of salted fish began.

In the underground space, Xu Fan controlled the mixed iron ape puppet to explore the area around the underground base.

“Master, why are we staring at these fire ants?” Xu Yuexian asked on the side.

The two simultaneously controlled the actions of the mixed iron monkey puppet staring at the fire ants.

“Whether it is Demonic Beasts or people, if you want to survive in a place for a long time, you must satisfy a cycle.”

Xu Fan saw a trace of thought flashing in his eyes as the fire ants began to carry the fire spirit concentrate back to the nest.

This designation is somewhat different.

“Aren’t these fire spirit concentrates food for fire ants? Isn’t this enough?” Xu Yuexian said in doubt.

“These are not enough, a very simple question, how did the veins of this huge fire spirit concentrate form?” Xu Fan said.

At this time, the mixed iron ape puppet has dug the underground fire spirit concentrate, and is currently mining it at full capacity.

“This…” Xu Yuexian never considered this issue.

“So my teacher inferred that there must be a treasure here, which will lead to the formation of these tens of thousands of miles of red land and this fire spirit concentrate.” Xu Fan said affirmatively.

This is a consistent routine of the novel’s plot.

“Then, does it have anything to do with our staring at them here?” Xu Yuexian said, looking at the swarms of fire ants in front.

“Look at the fire ants to see if there is that baby in their nest.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, a small light curtain appeared in front of the two of them, and above it was the perspective of a fire ant.

“Seeing you are boring, let’s watch it together.” Xu Fan said.

“Master, you are good at this spell, when will you teach me?” Xu Yuexian said curiously, looking at the fire ant’s field of vision in the light curtain.

“The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion has it, find it yourself.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

At this point, the angle of view in the light curtain has reached the fire ant’s nest.

“This fire ant’s little life is going well.” Xu Fan said, looking at the thumb-sized fire spirit concentrate in the fire ant’s nest.

Fire ants gnaw on a small piece of fire spirit concentrate when they want to rest.

Suddenly a strange wave came. In an instant, the fire ants moved toward the depths of the nest as if they had received instructions.

The fire ants walked for a long time, and did not stop until they reached a nest made of fire spirit concentrate.

“What are they doing, are you going to go looking for food?” Xu Yuexian said.

“No, I feel like the leader wants to give a lecture.” Xu Fan said while looking at the light curtain.

At this time, a one-person large and small insect mother appeared, white and fat, making people feel that they had no fighting power.

“Did you see this insect mother? As long as you control it, you can control the entire fire ant colony.”

As Xu Fan said, his body began to release a mysterious aura, and his hands formed seals.

He wants to forcibly control the fire ant insect, kill the insect mother, and then control the newly born insect mother behind.

He has seen the records of fire ants in the Bailu of Cultivation World Spirits. The above said that when fire ants lose their mothers and the population still exists, they will evolve a mother from ordinary fire ants. .

According to Xu Fan’s understanding, every fire ant insect has the potential to become a female insect.

Just as Xu Fan was about to do it, a familiar earth crystal spider came out of the spirit fire concentrate.

“Damn, why are there such goods there.” Xu Fan said in surprise.

The wounded crystal spider looked at the fire ant army gathered in front of him, and shed shameful saliva.

“Fortunately, now I am out of the control of my mother, otherwise this good place will not be my turn.” Geigei, the earth crystal spider, smiled.

“I’m going to start~~”

The crystal spider lowered his head and started to eat the fire ant army that had gathered, eating very satisfied.

“What a pure fire energy, it’s so fragrant~”

At this time, the fire ant insect that Xu Fan controlled was swallowed by the earth crystal spider.

From the perspective of the fire ant, it was like a doomsday disaster. An abyss swallowed it and its companions directly.

“This little spider, the ghost is not going away.”

“What a fate is this, let me meet this guy in two days.”

At this time, the only five-linged monkey in the hidden spirit gate appeared beside Xu Fan.

“Forget it, let’s negotiate, this stuff won’t die,” Xu Fan said with a sigh after thinking for a while.

Really want to fight, let the little spider run away, exposing the position here, a bit more than the gain.

The five-spirited monkeys in the merging phase received Xu Fan’s order and stepped into the teleportation array one step at a time.

Huoshangxian Town, in a refining shop.

Clone One looked at the dirt ball in front of him.

“Senior, rich and honorable chicken, please enjoy.” Ertie smiled and looked at Clone One, his eyes full of gratitude.

If it weren’t for the senior in front of him, he and his sister would still live a life without a meal.

“You have earned Spirit Stones, why would you still invite me to eat a rich chicken with 2 Spirit Stones?” Clone No. 1 asked.

“Thanks to senior’s guidance, the Spirit Stones earned by Junior are used to buy spirit fire. I didn’t expect Senior to come at this time.” Ertie scratched his head and said, a little embarrassed.

Since he got the guidance of the clone number one, he practiced insight day and night, and finally he was able to knock out a basic Magical Item spirit sword with a hammer.

“If you have the ability, you can afford Linghuo. There is hope in this small day.” Clone No.1 smiled, and then tore open the outer package of Fugui Ling Chicken, revealing the crispy rich and oily Fugui Ling inside. Chick.

“It’s all up to senior’s guidance.”

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