Chapter 371 Spirit Slayer Sneak Attack

“Farewell to Master.” Li Xingci said when he saw Xu Fan coming over to salute.

“Well, how does it feel to watch the child during this time.” Xu Fan smiled.

“It’s a wonderful feeling.” Li Xingci said, he has never been a father in the Samsara world.

“I felt this way when I was raising you brats.” Xu Fan said haha, and then turned to look at Zhan Ling who was holding the child.

“Spirit Slayer Elder. When did you become a grandfather.”

“I am Daoist, the guardian of your apprentice, a generation older than Li Xiaozi, so Chufan should call me grandpa,” said Zhan Ling and said to his freshly baked grandson: “Wait when you grow up. , Grandpa will teach you a great Cultivation Technique.”

Listening to Zhan Ling’s words, Li Xingci had a black line on his face and looked at Xu Fan as if for help.

“Elder, Cultivation Technique, let us Sect’s Five Elements decide.” Xu Fan said, your Devil Dao cultivation Dafa is not an ordinary pitman, so let’s avoid it.

“Cultivation of demons is actually quite good.” Zhan Ling said and returned the child to Li Xingci. He saw that Xu Fan had something to look for.

“Big Elder, is there a demon lord on the demon clan who needs me to go out?” said Ling Ling.

“Yes, the demon veteran of the Yuehu clan will probably come out to find something, and it will be necessary for Elder to fight for it.” Xu Fan said.

“No problem, the bones of the idle time are hard during this period of time, and you need to move around.” Zhan Ling said.

“By the way, the materials for refining Dao Item for Zhanling senior have been found, but there is one thing missing if you want to become a top-level Dao Item.” Xu Fan said with squinting eyes.

Zhan Ling’s eyes lit up. Although the blood spirit sword was suitable for him, the blood spirit sword belonged to the low-level Dao Item and could only exert part of his combat power.


“The true spirit of Yaozun is most suitable for Dao Item Kaifeng Kailing.”

“Understood.” There seemed to be a sea of ​​blood churning behind Ling Ling, as if he was determined to win.

“Grape will tell Elder where to stop the demon lord.” Xu Fan said.

“Understand, leave it to me.”

“Trouble slaying spirit Elder.” Xu Fan said. He has sent three town monster stars to stare together over the two passages. As long as they dare to appear, they will directly lock the demon lord’s perspective.


Zhan Ling turned into a bloody escape and disappeared into the sky.

“I always feel that you, Daoist, have a second-degree temperament.” Xu Fan looked at Li Xingci and smiled.

“It’s a bit. Although the senior of Zhanling is the person of Demon Cultivator, he still has a sense of justice and passion in his heart.” Li Xingci said while holding the child.

“You dear son, just find more treasures that will strengthen your soul, and nothing else is necessary.” Xu Fan said while looking at the child who was a little bit overwhelmed.

“Your precious son is a bit too much. Although they are rare treasures and will not harm your precious son, there are differences in the subtleties of different Spirit Power nourishment.”

“If you eat too much, you will inevitably collide with each other, which is not good for your children.”

Xu Fan walked to Li Xingci and patted the child’s back lightly.

‘Hiccup~~’ Li Chufan burped lightly, and a clear spirit came out of his mouth.

Li Chufan suddenly showed a comfortable expression and began to look at Li Xingci and laughed.

“Thanks, Master, for the point.”

“Thank you, I’ll take pictures of my disciple, what’s your business?” Xu Fan said, then turned into a red light and left.


At the two-way passage of Linsen Xiancheng, a group of Fox Demon tribes came out from the two-way passage.

An ordinary fox clan came out from the two-world passage. Like ordinary foxes, as soon as he left the two-world passage, he began to feel that such a vast resource-rich immortal world human race was unworthy to occupy.

Although all fox tribes are forbidden to salute the demon lord, so as not to expose the identity of the demon lord and destroy the demon lord’s plan, they can’t stop the general demon tribe’s godlike eyes around him.

At this moment, Zhen Yaoxing, which was a thousand miles above the sky, lit up with a red light.

“Target locked.”

At this time, on the Great Wall of Steel, the special game puppet killed the Monster Clan’s Spirit Slayer received a message from Grape.

“The action is quite fast.” Zhan Ling smiled, and after speaking, it turned into a bloody light and disappeared.

The Spirit Slayer who is flying hidden in the sky will also take a look at those special game puppets, thinking that next time they will get one to join the battle.

This is much more interesting than fighting in the real body.

The demon lord who turned into an ordinary Fox Demon, was listening to the introduction of Elder, the fox combination, with his eyes full of coldness at this time.

“Did my daughter die in the hands of the human cultivator of this transformation stage?” Yao Zun said.

“Yes, according to our intelligence, killing Moon Soul Princess was a cultivator in the Sect of the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

“Very well, their entire Sect will be buried for the soul. Kill the soul. I will keep the true spirit of the cultivator’s Nascent Soul.” A trace of hatred flashed in the Yao Zun’s eyes.

“Okay, first pretend to attack the Great Wall of Steel and see if you can bring out the cultivator that kills the soul.” Yao Zun said, and then looked at the sky somewhat uncomfortably.

“It’s really uncomfortable under the cover of the Four Great Immortals of the Elder Society.” Yao Zun said, the feeling of being stared through all the time is really uncomfortable.

At this time, Xu Gang was still guarding the Great Wall of Steel, looking at the looming monster race in the distance.

Ever since escaping from that fairy city, every time I saw the demon clan, a picture of the entire city being tortured and swallowed by the demon clan would appear in my mind.

Thinking of this, a three-legged Golden Crow phantom appeared behind Xu Gang, and the Spiritual Qi of the fire between heaven and earth condensed, and the phantom turned into a flame three-legged Golden Crow, flying away toward the distance.

Under the precise guidance of Grape, a group of demons who were resting hundreds of miles away were directly destroyed.

Xiong Li felt the explosive fluctuations from hundreds of miles away, and felt that even if he was promoted to the god of transformation, he would not be able to withstand the bombardment of Xu Fengzhu.

“This power should be seen by the brothers who majored in magic arts. You still have the face to say that you are a mobile fort.” Ten Thousand Soldiers were shocked.

At this time, a large number of monthly Fox Demon clan appeared thousands of miles away, and the highest Cultivation Base had a period of refining.

“Come here for revenge, I welcome you.” Xu Gang said with a sneer looking at the light curtain of the grape report.

Between heaven and earth, Five Elements Spiritual Qi began to gather.

At this time, among the army of the moon fox clan, the demon who became ordinary Fox Demon watched and listened to the voice transmission and said: “So courageous, this time I will let you know what life is better than death.”

At this moment, a blood spirit sword appeared on the moon Fox Demon army.

“Go and die!”

The blood spirit sword that turned into a kilometer swept across, and a blood light was released. Except for the Moon Fox Demon, all the demon races turned into a cloud of blood, which was absorbed by the spirit slasher.

Ling Zhan just stood in the void, absorbing the smoke with a face full of intoxication.

“This is the most refreshing time since Cultivation Technique was cultivated.” Ling Ling’s intoxicated voice sounded.

“Okay, the side dishes are finished, you are up to the rest.” Zhan Ling said as he looked at the demon lord of the Yuehu clan, the blood spirit knife in his hand made a smooth sound, and the blood trough on the blade became even more red.

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