Chapter 372

The Mahayana Demon Venerable of the Moon Fox clan looked at Spirit Slash in the bloody mist, his eyes became colder and colder.

“How did you discover me?” The Mahayana Demon Venerable of the Yuehu clan said with cold eyes.

“Want to know, then blend with me.” Zhan Ling’s eyes were blood red, and his face was bloodthirsty with a smile.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was watching the live broadcast remotely on Yinling Island, said to Li Xingci next to him: “You guard Daoist can’t eat children, you don’t look like a good person.”

In this situation, Xu Fan feels that Zhan Ling is the real villain.

Li Xingci looked at the Spirit Slashing in the blood mist and said with some uncertainty: “I shouldn’t eat it.”

“Haha, you Daoist just looks terrifying, he doesn’t have much killing karma.” Xu Fan laughed.

Outside the Great Wall of Steel, a bell appeared next to the Mahayana Monster Clan of the Monster Fox clan, and all the voices in the world were covered by the bell.

“Terran Venerable, you’re done.”

The Moon Fox Clan Mahayana Demon Venerable disappeared between the heavens and the earth, and with the bell, Zhan Ling felt that he had come to a new world.

“The most annoying you guys are playing Illusion Art.”

Zhan Ling said as he merged all the blood mist people into the blood spirit sword.

A phantom of a giant blade appeared behind Zhan Ling, exuding bloody aura.

“Zhen Ling, evil heart.” Zhan Ling said with a sneer.

At this time, tens of thousands of resentful spirits composed of blood mist appeared around Zhan Ling, rotating around Zhan Ling.

“Terran Venerable, so courageous!”

After seeing tens of thousands of people being turned into wraith spirits, Yaozun broke the defense instantly, holding a bell and appeared not far from Slashing Spirit.

The world was blocked in an instant, and Yao Zun and Ling Ling appeared in a strange space.

“Old fox. Don’t be so fancy, let’s have a good fight to show the real body.”

“Aren’t you trying to take revenge? Come and kill me,” said Ling Zhan.

At this moment, the whole world began to change.

In the realm of nothingness, it was a snowy night, and an old man who had given up hope and planned to end his life was eating leftovers from the garbage dump.

At this time, a wild dog ran over to grab food from the old man.

“I am born with blood Spiritual Roots, born Demon Cultivators, Heavenly Demon Zong Tianjiao.”

“At the peak of my Cultivation Base, I accidentally entered the realm of nothingness. At the worst time, I even had to grab food from wild dogs.” Zhan Ling said with nostalgia looking at the deductive picture in this space.

Zhan Ling said, a ray of thought came out as if he wanted to blend in with this scene.

A fox shadow appeared behind Zhanling, and dived into Zhanling’s body.

The Mahayana Demon Venerable’s consciousness was eroding Spirit Slash little by little.

“Did you know that the food snatched from the wild dog’s mouth is exceptionally fragrant.” A smile appeared on Zhan Ling’s mouth.

“At that time, I wanted to die, but when I was about to die, I suddenly understood a truth.” The blood in Zhan Ling’s eyes disappeared and returned to normal, his eyes were looking nostalgic at the steamed bun in that space. Own.

“What’s the point.”

A voice came from Ling Ling’s body.

At this time, the Mahayana demon clan had already invaded all the consciousness of Spirit Slashing, and had no fear of the remaining consciousness of Spirit Slashing.

The blood spirit sword suddenly appeared in Zhanling’s hands.

A simple slash was slashed towards the front, a column of blood spewed out, and a corpse of a moon fox that had been chopped in half appeared on the ground.

In an instant, the space here collapsed and returned to the original battlefield of the veteran.

“I won’t tell you.” Zhan Ling raised his eyes and said to the distance.

“It’s really cautious. I have dedicated my true body and soul. I only dare to let the clone come closer.” Ling Ling looked at and said with a glow in the distance.

At this speed, Spirit Slayer could judge that he couldn’t catch up.

“Old man, you can’t keep up with me now.” Zhan Ling looked at the blood spirit sword and said, but now he still remembers the excitement of getting the blood spirit sword.

The battle is over. Xu Gang appeared beside Zhan Ling.

“Thanks Elder,” Xu Gang saluted.

“It’s okay, I just want to get a real spirit of Demon Venerable for you Master to refine Dao Item for me.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

He was extremely impressed by the big brother of Li Xingci in front of him. Under that calm appearance, the explosive Five Elements Spirit Power fluctuations, every move with the power of destroying the world.

Although these are all imaginary images, in his eyes they are like children setting off firecrackers, but they can’t hold the children when they are young, and they will be different when they grow up. At that time, Xu Gang could fire firecrackers even he needed to be treated with caution.

“Well, I found that the Demon Sovereign of the Demon Race will immediately report to the Zhanling Senior.” Xu Gang said.

“Thank you.” Zhan Ling said.

Xu Fan, who was watching the live broadcast at the Hidden Spirit Gate, saw Zhan Ling’s last cut, and a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Except for the knife, everything is in the most perfect state.” Xu Fan closed his eyes and began to recall the knife.

“Master, this is the way to the common world that Elder understood.” Li Xingci said.

“Under Heavenly Dao, they are all mortals.” Xu Fan opened his eyes and said slowly.

At this moment, Li Xingci suddenly returned to the feeling of entering the realm of nothingness.

“Master, you…” Li Xingci said in surprise, is this an epiphany.

“Oh, I just explored it with curiosity just now, don’t care.” Xu Fan waved and said.

“…” Is this something you don’t care about.

“Okay, the matter of the Demon Venerable has been resolved, and the task now is to move all the mortals in Linsen City to the Great Wall of Steel.”

“This is because you are good at it. Send your Samsara clone out for activities.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Understood, my clone and the body are in the early stage together, so that Tian’er can accompany Chufan in Sect.” Li Xingci said, spending a long time in Sect Xianyu with the children, and I am really not used to it for a long time.

“Yes, it’s up to you.” Xu Fan smiled.

The man really couldn’t stay in his den.

As the outer layer of the teleporter in the new Linsen Xiancheng deciphered and let go of the small Sects, the mortals continued to appear outside the portal of the teleportation formation.

At this time, the teleportation array in Linsen Xiancheng sent an escort mission.

A huge spirit boat, carrying the Magic Treasures of the space palace, stopped outside Linsenxian City.

“One hundred thousand mortals need to be escorted to the 38th mortal giant city. Remuneration of 100 Elder will earn points. For life preservation above the Nascent Soul Cultivation Base, 20 people are needed.” An Elder cultivator shouted.

“I’m coming~”

“I’m refining the virtual period.”

“I am turning my mind.”

The cultivator began to crowd and grab orders.

Now the outermost steel Great Wall has been built, but there are many hidden monsters inside. The huge Blood Qi that transports large quantities of mortals will lead out the hidden monsters, so every spirit boat that transports mortals will hire a cultivator to protect it. .

“Don’t grab it, there is the next wave.” Elder cultivator shouted.

The large spirit boat filled with mortals took off with the immortal cultivator who accepted the task, and soon another large spirit boat stopped outside Linsenxian City to continue the next wave.

Ning Dao watched the mortals continuously teleporting over, and the few unsatisfied little Sects also migrated Sect over.

“Is this a big win as Elder said.”

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