Chapter 373 The Light of Leek

On the outermost line of defense of the Great Wall of Steel, a group of game puppets are clearing the monsters that have hit the line of defense.

A puppet holding a giant knife pierced directly into the heart of the monster race, drew the knife, turned around, and chopped off the head of a Gold Core Demonic Beasts with a clean movement, without a trace of muddy water.

“These monsters can’t be killed no matter what.” The middle-aged butcher said as he looked at the monsters who were far behind him.

“If you want to do so much, the killing will be over.” The puppet next to him was holding a blood-colored knife, killing more fiercely than the middle-aged butcher.

“Be careful.” The middle-aged butcher saw a black figure attacking the puppet holding a bloody knife.

The lightning flashed like a thunder, and directly chopped off the giant claws that sneaked on the monster race.

“Blood spirit, be careful, damage a puppet will have to compensate a lot of Spirit Stones.” The middle-aged butcher said with a laugh.

This puppet holding a blood-colored knife was he met some time ago. The two of them are very temperamental and often go out on missions together.

“Thanks.” A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the spirit slasher controller Puppet. Although the lightning light just now was faint, it actually caused his mind to tremble.

“Thanks, after returning to the game, I invite you to drink.” Zhan Ling smiled. He found it interesting to make friends in the game with a virtual identity, which gave him a desire to explore the entire game.

“Okay, you get the wine, and I get the food.” The middle-aged butcher laughed while beheading the monster clan, with the feeling of a Rivers and Lakes hawker.

“Good.” Zhan Ling laughed.

At this moment, the monsters rushing to the Great Wall of Steel slowly became the Nascent Soul level, and the resistance of many Gold Core game puppets instantly became difficult.

“The sky puppet masters below Tier 4 retreat.” Grape’s voice rang in the ears of all the fighting puppets.

“Retreat, the immortal gate has officially appeared as a puppet.” The middle-aged butcher said.

“Okay.” Looking at the newly created Nascent Soul monster race around, Zhan Ling felt the slightest pressure. The technology he trained in the realm of nothingness can hardly cope with the overwhelming Nascent Soul monster race.

In the virtual game world, the middle-aged butcher comes out of the special operating room.

The mission center in this game is when you go out.

The middle-aged butcher looked at the tasks on the light curtain of the task center and laughed. Now in the game, except for the best batch of Sky Puppet Masters who can get low-level tasks, the rest are some of the most basic entry-level tasks.

“Watering the farmland with Spirit Rain, five Spirit Stones per 100 acres.”

“Help the Tianchi No. 4 City, the 169th farmer team to refine chemical fertilizers.”

“Recruiting battlefield logistics personnel.”

“Recruit a cultivator who knows earth spirits, one Spirit Stones a day.”

The middle-aged butcher watched for a while, and there was no suitable task for his own, so he came to the task settlement office and accepted the task first.

“Settlement task.” The middle-aged butcher said to the virtual staff on the counter.

“Twice guard missions, four battles, kill twelve monsters in the Gold Core phase and one monster in the Nascent Soul phase. Throw away the puppet leasing and wastage costs. The total is 179 Spirit Stones.” The counter staff smiled. Said, a look of worship makes the middle-aged butcher very useful.

“Take out nine Spirit Stones and save the rest for me in the bank.” The middle-aged butcher said.


The middle-aged butcher walked out of the mission hall with nine Spirit Stones, or unconsciously came to a puppet center specializing in selling and connecting with reality.

When passing the door, the middle-aged butcher was once again taken away by the youth sales in the puppet center.

“I have nine Spirit Stones in my hand. Look and introduce them to me.” The middle-aged butcher said while looking at the salesperson.

“Big brother, your reputation has spread. Killing the Gold Core stage monsters is like killing a dog, and even the Nascent Soul stage monsters have killed them.”

“Now there are a few big bosses who can kill the monsters of the Nascent Soul stage, and there are not many in the whole game.” The youth salesman said as he pulled the middle-aged butcher to a Nascent Soul stage puppet.

“The fourth-order top bladesman puppet, the whole body is made of Jinyuan ferroalloy, the power core output is 1.8 yuan Spirit Power, modular assembly, so you don’t have to worry about the damage of the puppet and all repairs.”

“Heiyuan Broadsword, Tier 3 boutique treasure, cutting the Nascent Soul stage monster clan is like cutting melons and vegetables.”

“At that time, with your superb Saber Technique, controlling this puppet is not a god blocking and killing the gods, but the Buddha blocks and killing the Buddha.” The young salesman said with great effort.

“Okay, I will introduce to me in a different way every day, let’s talk about how many Spirit Stones are this.” The middle-aged butcher looked at the two-meter-high dark golden bladesman puppet and swallowed involuntarily.

When he thought of driving this puppet on the battlefield in the future, his heartbeat started to accelerate.

“The original price was 990,000 Spirit Stones, now we are engaged in activities, 790,000 Spirit Stones.”

“As long as the down payment is 200,000 Spirit Stones, and the monthly payment of 3,000 Spirit Stones in the future, you can take this puppet home.” The tone of the youth sales is extremely alluring.

“Okay, I should go back, take a rest and prepare for the next mission.” The middle-aged butcher said, his tone was a little tired, and the fighting just now was quite exhausting.

“Okay, I’ll introduce you another bladesman series puppet next time, I promise you like it.” The youth salesman bid farewell to the middle-aged butcher.

“I know, you kid is clever.” The middle-aged butcher smiled.

When he had just finished the task and was about to take a rest off the assembly line, he accidentally came to this puppet center. He was embarrassed to go in, but was dragged in by the young salesman and started a telephony practice.

At that time, the middle-aged butcher was just an entry-level sky puppet master, and youth sales had just become the first player sales in the puppet center.

The middle-aged butcher walked on the street, opened the item, and looked at the bank’s more than 4,000 Spirit Stones deposits for a long time, before murmured: “It takes no effort to sharpen the knife, and I want to make up enough Nascent Soul puppets. Let’s talk about the down payment.”

In the game, the puppets possessed by the Sky Puppet Master are all leased puppets. If you use this puppet to complete tasks, you can only get 30% of the task quota.

This is also the reason why the middle-aged butcher wants to buy a puppet of his own. Only in this way can he get 100% reward for the task.

“It takes six years, not much. When you become a Tier 4 Heavenly Puppet Master, you can rent Tier 4 Puppets, and then the express delivery of Spirit Stones will be fast.”

“Maybe it won’t take five years.” The middle-aged butcher said, licking his lips.

He didn’t know that at this time a black-hearted capitalist was discussing a serious issue with Grape.

“Grape, is it too cheap for you to set the puppet price in the game?” Xu Fan said with a frown.

A puppet of the Nascent Soul stage is worth at least 3 million Spirit Stones in the immortal world.

“Does the owner think about the cost?” Grape asked.

“Even if it is a worthless alloy, it is also a Nascent Soul level puppet. Your price is not conducive to harvesting.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

Spirit Stones in the game are linked to reality, so I really don’t plan to harvest Spirit Stones. I am afraid that the financial system in the virtual game will be unstable when it falls.

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