Chapter 401 Self-protection and reserve

“The kind of thing you want, won’t she be finished if she has it?” Clone One knew what Xu Fanshi meant to set the entrance test.

“Okay, look at your face, let her be a disciple for three generations.” Xu Fan said.

The clone number 1 really solved a lot of trouble for Xu Fan, so Xu Fan decided to agree to this matter.

At this time, in the canteen on the main peak of Sect, a little girl is pestering the chief chef of Sect, wanting to worship him as a teacher.

Er Tie watched this scene helplessly. In the past in Volcano Fairy Town, a similar thing happened. My little sister took the hand of a chef and wanted to learn from a teacher.

“Little girl, I don’t learn how to cultivate immortality, why do you want to learn cooking with me? This is not suitable for a little girl like you.” Gold Core, who has become the chief chef of the Hidden Spirit Gate, said helplessly.

“Master is here, please be respected by Xiao Yuan.” The little girl looked firm, and she was about to bow down to the chief cook.

At this time, the second railway directly pulled up the little girl and walked outward.

“The Master told me just now that you have passed the entrance exam, and you will be a third-generation disciple of the Yinlingmen in the future. Now I will take you to the Yinling Academy.”

“You can eat delicious food here every day.”

Ertie’s words hit Eryuan’s key point directly. She was no longer struggling, looking reluctantly at the chief chef of Yinlingmen, her eyes clearly written a few big words that I would come back.

In the Hidden Spirit Academy, at this time, the members of the two classes are all wearing helmets, and they are competing in the game.

In the game, in a huge arena, a total of 80 students from two classes are fighting in a chamber.

On one side is led by Li Leihu of Wan Lei Eucharist, and on the other is led by Lin Mowan of Mu Yuan Eucharist.

At this time, a man and a woman confronted each other on the battlefield.

“Dare you not let the trees and vines trip us?” Li Leihu looked at the “enemies of life and death” in the distance and said loudly. The only stain during the period.

“Don’t talk nonsense, it’s a big deal that your class loses again, anyway you are used to it.” A little girl in a green dress said with a smile.

The triumphant expression on his little face made Li Leihu feel that he was greatly insulted.

When Li Leihu thought of saying in front of his father that he had led the class to only get second, his happy and proud look made him feel that he had to lead the class to first place.

“Xiao Mu, this time your little wooden vines can’t trap me.” Li Leihu said that a war knife appeared in his hand, leading the front row of the class to rush towards the second class.

“The front row keeps up, the fire book washes the ground, and the brothers with water attributes and wind attributes create fog.” Li Leihu said while rushing.

“I’m good at it, but I’m not bad.” Lin Mowan Tsundere said, and then cast a spell to make a forest grow out of the ground in front of him, and the mist turned into a misty array.

In the misty forest, countless python-like vines are flying, and from time to time, a disciple of the first class is dragged out and killed by the disciple of the second class.

At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the foggy forest, and a blade of thunder and lightning came out of the forest, directly eliminating the four students in the second class.

Seeing its power, Lin Mowan gritted her teeth and started to change the position of the foggy forest trees.

At this time, outside the two-squad battlefield, Ertie and Eryuan were watching the battle, and were also considering entering that squad. This was a small benefit that the No. 1 clone was fighting for for Eryuan.

“Big Brother, you said I went to that class, these two bans look so good.” Er said in the battle from a distance. Although they were generally suppressed, they still played vigorously.

“I think you should be the first one. Those classes are all melee-biased. You are so stupid, and you will definitely not be able to learn spells.” Ertie said, touching his chin.

“I want to learn spells.” Er Yuan said with a pouting mouth. In her opinion, casting spells from a distance is what a cultivator should have.

“You have studied in the school of Volcano Fairy Town for half a year, and you can’t even learn the hand knot, and you still have a walking spell.”

“It’s the first class, so hurry up and obediently.” Ertie said, taking Eryuan off the assembly line and began to go through the enrollment procedures at Yinling College.

Er Tie watched the puppet lead Er Yuan into the classroom before leaving, and called a spirit boat to fly towards the residence of clone 1.


In the holy city of the Fox Demon clan, the four demon lords gathered at this time.

“The Great Master, the refining tool of our four clans, must come back.” Yue Fox Demon said while sitting on the seat of a Great Hall.

“Yes.” The Wood Mouse Demon Venerable nodded and said, in order to get a Great Master for his clan, he almost used his clan’s old capital.

“There are two ways now. The first is to gather together the mortals with Spiritual Roots in the human race that our four races have grabbed, and exchange them for the four great masters.”

“The second way is to ask the Mahayana demon clan that we have acquainted with, and once again go to the Great Wall of Steel to force the human race Venerable to hand over the refining tool Great Master.” Yue Fox Demon said.

“What about the attack from the sky?” said the Frostwolf Demon Lord. Although he knew that there must be large Dao Item Magic Treasures attacking them in the sky, no Demon Lord dared to go up and find out, because that level of attack has already killed them. Possible.

“Let’s do it both, let’s exchange it with mortals with Spiritual Roots first, and at the same time send people to the neighboring clans to ask them to take action.” Wood Mouse Demon Venerable said.

“I think it’s OK,” said the Demon Venerable Earth Bear. Among all the demon Venerables present, he was the one who suffered the least loss. The least effort.

The other three monsters rolled their eyes at the same time when they heard the words of the earth bear Venerable, feeling that this guy was talking coldly.

“Just do it, and I would like to remind you that your clan must have spies who are controlled by the supernatural powers of the human race. You’d better take precautions.”

A gloom flashed in the eyes of Venerable Yue Fox Demon. Recently, there were more than a hundred refiners missing. He finally found out who did it.


At this time in the Demon Realm, a barren area that was not known how many billions of miles away from the territory of the Yuehu clan had been transformed into a huge underground base at this time.

Countless space-based weapons and satellites are hidden in the sky with fire and artillery shells.

A pure white earth spider is bored watching a team of puppets collecting fire spirit concentrate.

“I said Grape One, when will your master come over, I haven’t finished learning my magical powers.” The Earth Crystal Spider said with its fangs bared.

“Transfer the Zhenben seal for unknown reasons. After recovery, my master will return. Please wait patiently.” said a virtual puppet.

At this time, the virtual refining puppet has been transformed, and its body is full of cannonballs made from fire spirit concentrate.

“What if your master can’t come back all the time, the spirit mines you collected will be useless.” The Earth Crystal Spider looked at the puppet who collected the spirit mines and said.

“The probability of this happening is zero. One day I will receive a signal from my master. Before that, my task is to collect all resources for self-preservation and reserve.”

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