Chapter 402 Black Smoke Giant

At this time, the boring ground spider ran to the reserve of the puppet underground base and began today’s dinner.

The Earth Crystal Spider picked out a secondary artillery shell from the huge warehouse full of shells and stuffed it directly into his mouth.


The crystal spider uttered a comfortable cry, and with a tremor, its crystal-clear body turned into a flaming red.

With a full hiccup of the Earth Crystal Spider, it changed back to the original little white spider.

“A boring day.” As the Earth Crystal Spider said, he planned to find a place to sleep.

More than a year ago, the Earth Crystal Spider that had been mixed with Grape No. 1 accidentally ate an artillery shell in the warehouse where the artillery shells were stored. From then on, all the remaining fire spirit concentrates in the hands of the Grape Spider belonged to the Grape One. The premise is to feed it.

At this time, a virtual refining stage puppet appeared beside the Earth Crystal Spider.

“What’s the matter?” asked the Earth Crystal Spider, who was planning to sleep in the ample warehouse of Spiritual Qi.

“The area with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers has been discovered.” The puppet of the Lianxu Period said, shooting a giant light curtain into the air, and the map above it was a map of tens of thousands of kilometers around.

“Did you know it!” The Earth Crystal Spider instantly became energetic, and began to look at the light curtain.

“Within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, there is only one big clan, and the rest are small clans without the demon Venerable.” said the puppet of the Lianxu Period.

At this time, introductions about each race appeared in the light curtain, as well as the distribution of spirit mines.

The small eyes of the crystal spider turned around on the light curtain, not knowing what was thinking.

“Do you want to cooperate with me?” The Crystal Spider asked. It is not stupid, knowing that every step of the grape has his reasons.

“On behalf of the master, I signed an agreement with you to represent the demon. You will act as our agent. In the future, the benefits of expansion and trade can also be divided into 10%.”

“No need to fight.” Finally, Grape added.

“I want 20%.” The Earth Crystal Spider stretched out two spider legs and said, with an expression of appeasement in your eyes.

“The agreement failed, cancel the plan.”

During the refining period, the puppet walked directly toward the core control room, as if everything just didn’t exist.

“Hey, don’t go, how can you do this.”

“You’re paying the price, maybe I’ll agree to it.” The Earth Crystal Spider hurriedly yelled when the puppet was about to leave.

During the refining period, the puppet remained unmoved, and continued to walk forward, but the constant walking speed before was much slower.

“Don’t go, every time you get 10%.”

During the Void Refining Period, the puppet stopped, and then naturally began to talk about the expansion plan with the Earth Crystal Spider.

After an hour of explanation, the Earth Crystal Spider curiously asked: “Didn’t you just say that you have to protect yourself and reserve it? How come it has started to expand now.”

“Within a radius of tens of millions of miles, there are several urgently needed resources, so it is necessary to expand and control the resources.” said the puppet during the Lianxu Period.

“Okay.” The Earth Crystal Spider waved his hand and said, just because it was tired of the Fire Spirit Concentrate.

Hidden Spirit Island, on the huge lake of one hundred thousand miles.

Xu Fan took Wang Yulun to sit on a spirit boat for fishing, and checked his body routinely by the way.

“Xu Dage, what is the space in your body?” Wang Yulun asked curiously. It’s okay. After a while, Dage will check his body, which makes him very uncomfortable.

“It has something to do with your previous life, now you need to take precautions.” Xu Fan said with a serious expression.

“To know Xu Dage in this life is the blessing of my Wang Yulun’s previous life.” Wang Yulun said moved.

“No blessings are blessings. Since they are brothers, they should help each other.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

I help you, you help me a hundred times, Wang Yulun still underestimated his position in Xu Fan’s mind.

“Every time Xu Dage says this, I feel ashamed.” Wang Yulun said moved.

At this moment, the fishing rod in Wang Yulun’s hand trembled and something took the bait.

Xu Fan put down the fishing rod in his hand and looked at Wang Yulun’s fishing rod with an expression of opening a blind box. He didn’t know what good things could be caught this time.

Every time Wang Yulun accompanies Xu Fan to fish, he will catch some weird things. Anyway, he has no contact with Demonic Beasts in the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

Following Wang Yulun’s rod, a pure black box was caught up. The pure black box was about a meter long, and it was still shaking violently when it came up, as if something was about to break open.

“This looks a bit like an evil thing, do you want to throw it back?” Wang Yulun said, feeling the evil aura above.

“Evil things are not necessarily good things.” Xu Fan smiled, then took the box and opened it.

As soon as the box was opened, a burst of black smoke came out, forming a black smoke giant.

“Haha, three thousand years, three thousand years, finally someone opened this damn box.” The black smoke giant Jie Jie said with a big laugh, dancing his body frantically, releasing the loneliness and depression of three thousand years.

“As your reward for saving me, I will let you be my first batch of demons.”

The black smoke giant looked at Xu Fan and Wang Yulun with bloodthirsty and brutal eyes.

“Now make a contract to obey me, and I will lead you to dominate this immortal cultivation world.” The black smoke giant pressed towards him.

For a time, endless devilish coercion pressed on the two of them.

Xu Fan looked at the black smoke giant, and then at the magic circle in the box and the magic crystal in the magic circle.

“From whom did you learn this scary skill?” Xu Fan smiled and gently brushed the magic crystal with his hand, and re-stabilized the Magical Item on the box.

“Two Nascent Soul Xiaoxiu dared to disobey my Demon Lord, and surrendered quickly, so that they can suffer from the devil torture.” The black smoke giant yelled at the two.

At this time, Xu Fan laughed and said to the black smoke giant: “You are so foolish, do you know who I am?”

“Who are you?” The black smoke giant was taken aback.

At this time, Wang Yulun could see that the smoke was pretentious.

At this moment, a red light flashed in Xu Fan’s eyes.

In an instant, the whole world began to collapse, the earth quaked, the Galaxy Cluster in the sky fell, and the sky appeared chaotic, a scene of the end of the world.

At this time, Xu Fan’s figure had already disappeared, and a huge face condensed by the color of chaos appeared in the sky, as if isolated from the world and about to descend into this world.

As the huge face appeared, the whole world began to shatter.

“Your name is Mozun?” The huge face looked at the black smoke giant with ant eyes.

Although there is no coercion, but only the mighty power from the sky, and the look in the eyes, the black smoke giant is scared enough.

“The deity only lives in seclusion in this realm. I didn’t expect a little demon to let me recognize him as his master.”

“I’m just joking.” The black smoke giant said in a panic, looking at the shattered world, it knew it was in trouble.

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