Chapter 403 Han Feiyu: Is the Spirit Stones thing still a thing?

“Okay, Xu Dage don’t tease him anymore.”

At this time, Wang Yulun said with a smile.


With Xu Fan snapping his fingers, the black smoke giant returned to its original appearance. At this time, it was already trapped in the magic crystal.

“When a piece of demon crystal becomes refined, it will be hidden honestly, and it has learned some scary skills of crooked ways. The way is not deep, but the courage is not small.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, can you let the grape swallow this magic crystal.” Grape’s voice suddenly sounded, and his tone was a little impatient.

“Swallow it, it’s good for you to advance to the fairy weapon in the future.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said, he thought for a while and felt that it was useless to keep this magic crystal.

At this time, the black smoke trapped in the magic crystal by the magic circle began to be anxious.

“My lord, don’t, I have a great use. I know the address of the treasure left by the ancient demon in the endless sea, and there will be nothing if it swallows me.”

“There are fairy tools and supreme cultivation technique in the treasure secret realm. The resources in the secret realm are enough to make adults become Mahayana Venerable and ascend to the fairy world.” The black smoke hurriedly shouted. He looked at Xu Fan’s indifferent tone, not like a fake .

“Oh, by the way, remember to extract the memory of this product after you have swallowed it.” Xu Fan said swiftly.


Then Xu Fan handed the black box to the puppet beside him.

After the puppet left, Wang Yulun sighed: “How can I just catch this weird thing?”

“Like a lottery, isn’t it fun?” Xu Fan smiled.


“I want 150 fructose this time.” Then Wang Yulun made a very excessive request.

“No, 120 fructose at most.” Xu Fan said, this is fructose that he has refined by his own hands.

“140” Wang Yulun said.


“How about taking a step back, 135.”

“make a deal”

In this way, Li Chufan got a bunch of sweets.


In the extreme north, warm jade city.

At this time, Han Feiyu was looking at this teleportation array with a frustrated expression.

“It shouldn’t be. I arranged the formation completely according to the method in the manual. How could it not work.” Han Feiyu said.

This is already his tenth failed transmission.

Han Feiyu sighed around the wind and snow outside the teleportation array.

“Do you really want to stay here for a lifetime.”

Han Feiyu, who had no thoughts, looked at the Sect manual Jade Slip again, there was a lot of content on it that he hadn’t had time to read.

At this moment, Han Feiyu suddenly felt the sky outside, and he hurriedly walked out of the teleportation array.

At this time, a broken starship descended into Nuanyuxian City.

“Xingzhou!” Han Feiyu exclaimed, he had seen this thing in the Sect records.

Han Feiyu flew towards Nuanyuxian City.

At this time, in the Warm Jade City, the injured Qianling Venerable is asking a local cultivator.

“Boss, I should have followed your advice in the first place, and shouldn’t pursue those giant beast battleships.” Qianling Venerable said bitterly after knowing where this is.

“Now that the core of Xingzhou Spirit Power is damaged, it will seem that it can’t be returned for a while.”

“What do you do now.” Qianling Venerable said to the puppet next to him.

“Look for the Great Master, repair the core and return to the channel of the human race in the extreme sky.” said the puppet.

“It’s not easy to find Refining Tool Sect in this place.” Qianling Venerable looked at the huge Xingzhou and got the scar that almost penetrated the Xingzhou.

At this time, Han Feiyu, who was heading to Nuanyuxiancheng, discovered a very magical thing. The communication Magic Treasures sent by Sect actually got a signal and received a message.

“Please Sect disciple to go here, you have triggered the rescue condition of the Yinlingmen disciple.”

Han Feiyu took a look at the location information of Magic Treasures, the official direction of Xingzhou.

“Is this Sect’s star boat?” Han Feiyu thought.

At this time, Qianling Venerable, who was worrying, saw Han Feiyu in a Taoist robe dedicated to the hidden spirit gate.

“Is this your disciple of Sect? How could you run so far.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Yes, it is my disciple of the Hidden Spirit Gate, please Venerable take him back to Sect.” said the puppet.

“This is easy to say.” Qianling Venerable nodded and said.

“Meet senior.” Han Feiyu saw the puppet next to Qianling Venerable, and knew he had found the organization.

“I know, you can follow me for a while, then I will find a way to send you back to the hidden spirit gate.” Qianling Venerable said kindly.

“Thanks senior.” Han Feiyu saluted and thanked.

At this time, the puppet scanned Han Feiyu and crashed slightly.

“I’ll check the damage of Xingzhou, and fix it by the way.” The puppet said to Qianling Venerable, and at the same time signaled Han Feiyu to go with him.

“Go ahead, I’ll explore what’s going on around me.” Qianling Venerable said.

At this time, Han Feiyu took out a Jade Slip and handed it to Qianling Venerable.

“Junior has been here by accident for more than three years, and he has a better understanding of the situation here, and all he knows is in Jade Slip.” After Han Feiyu gave Jade Slip, he followed the puppet to repair the spirit boat.

“Han Feiyu, the second-generation disciple of Sect.” The puppet said to Han Feiyu on the road.

“Yes, the information is correct.” Han Feiyu took out a Sect token and said.

The puppet began to talk about some situations in the world of cultivating immortals and how to return to Sect.

“It turns out that the method in the manual is not wrong. It turns out that the entire world of immortality has failed.” Han Feiyu exhaled after hearing some recent situations in the world of immortality.

“Is there really no way to transmit?” Han Feiyu asked hopefully.

“Although the teleportation array in this realm is sealed, it is only relative. If you use hundreds of millions of top-grade Spirit Stones or spirit mines such as Lingjing Immortal Jade, you can use powerful energy to penetrate the seal and transmit.”

“Lingjing Immortal Jade is precious, it is not recommended to be so wasteful,” said the puppet.

Han Feiyu was overjoyed when he heard the puppet’s words, and hurriedly asked: “If there is a fairy jade spirit crystal, how should the teleportation array be arranged.”

“It’s in the Sect manual. Find it yourself and replace the Spirit Stones with Lingjing Immortal Jade.” The puppet said and began to repair the damaged starship with the Qianlingzong ship refining room.

“Really there is no end to me.” Han Feiyu said excitedly.

Then he said goodbye to Qianling Venerable, claiming that he had to fetch something from another place without waiting for him.

“Everyone has their own little secret.” Qianling Venerable smiled, and then said to Han Feiyu Chuanyin: “Xingzhou is expected to stay here for half a year. You can come here anytime after you finish.”

“Thanks senior.”

In the teleportation array he built, Han Feiyu couldn’t help sighing that his master was mysterious and unpredictable. He didn’t expect that he would be rescued in this way.

After returning to the teleportation array, Han Feiyu received another message, the puppet’s suggestion to Han Feiyu.

“Before the teleportation array is restored, it is best not to go to the central continent if the strength is not enough.”

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