Chapter 428 The Sword of Yuan Zhong

“This is…” Xu Fan felt the material of this sword, and he couldn’t identify the material of this sword with his years of refining tools.

Xu Fanshen shot the sword against the sword, with a heavy shot, there was a mighty force in it.


A strange voice sounded, as if sighing, as if groaning.

Xu Fan quietly listened to the sound of this sword.

“According to the emotional analysis of this voice, is this rescued?” Xu Fan said with some uncertainty.

“Tweet~” (Let go of me~) Yun Hualu shouted.

Xu Fan looked at Yunhualu and said, “Where did you get this sword?”

He flicked again.

“Tweet, twee~~” (I found it in a sealed palace~) Yunhualu said, shaking her body. It seems that he is very dissatisfied with Xu Fan holding him with Spirit Power’s big hands like this.

“I knew it was just a question for nothing.” Xu Fan waved down Yunhualu and let her play by herself.

“Forget it, put it in the treasury first. I can’t see that the deep and shallow things are definitely not mortal things.” Xu Fan said, putting down the sword in his hand, taking out the time crystal ball and playing daily.

At this moment, the time crystal ball suddenly shattered, turning into crystal sand and melting towards the sword.

A golden light suddenly appeared on the gray-black spirit sword.

A strong suction was emitted in an instant, like a black hole, directly absorbing all the matter in the tens of miles around Xu Fan into the spirit sword.

“Warning, the owner has suffered an unexpected attack that cannot be counted. Now the emergency plan is activated.” Grape’s voice sounded.

All of Xu Fan’s apprentices received the information for a while.

In an instant, five rays of light rose up from all over the Yinling Island, and they swiftly attacked Xu Fan’s position just now.

Not long after, Xu Gang, Xu Yuexian, Wang Xiangchi, Li Xingci, and Zhou Kailing gathered around the spirit sword floating in mid-air.

“What’s wrong with Master!” Xu Gang asked hurriedly.

Xu Yuexian and others are also waiting for a reply.

A light curtain appeared in front of everyone, and it was the scene where Xu Fan was sucked into the spirit sword.

“Where is Master No.1 and No.2?” Li Xingci asked quickly.

“They are all in the underground space. At this time, they have fallen into a state of chaos. It is a symbol of the complete disconnection of Karma. At present, it is impossible to know whether the owner is alive or dead.” Grape said, with a sad tone.

“Unsure of life and death, then the Master must be alive. It may be that there is a secret realm hidden in this sword that traps the Master.” Xu Yuexian said.

“What should I do now?” Wang Xiangchi said while looking at the spirit sword trapping the Master in the sky.

Xu Gang looked at the spirit sword in the sky and said firmly: “Wait, if the Master does not appear within a month, we will find a way to take this spirit sword to Elder and find someone for help in the Star in the sky. .”

“Leave this to me.” Li Xingci said.

At this moment, a ghost of Xu Fan appeared.


“Don’t panic, when you see my light and shadow art, it means that I have been trapped in a secret realm and can’t get out, and the clone has also cut off contact.”

“Don’t worry about me at this time, just do what you should do.”

“For a while, Grape will give you your own inheritance jade butterfly, which contains the final version of “Five Elements Judgment” and the matching magical powers, enough for you to cultivate to the Mahayana period.”

“The moment I disappeared, the Great Masters in the underground space of Sect will immediately refine a full set of Dao Items designed for you.”

“You are all big kids now, and the only help that a teacher can give you can go to here.”

“If the teacher doesn’t come out before you ascend, you don’t have to wait to be a teacher. As long as the teacher doesn’t die at that time, our teacher and apprentice will always meet in the great world.”

“The only pity is that there is no way to refine a set of fairy tools for you alone before you fly.” Xu Fan’s virtual shadow said with a sigh.

At this time, Xu Gang and others were already in tears, and they all complained about why they didn’t accompany the Master more.

“Sect matters can be left to the normal operation of Grape. You take turns to be Head Teachers, which is just a matter of appearance.”

“If I haven’t come out in ten years, Grape will release my second light and shadow picture.” Xu Fan Xuying disappeared after speaking.

“Grape, what is your binding carrier?” Xu Gang asked suddenly.

“I was bound to Sect Qiyun from the beginning. The first permission is the owner, the second permission is you, and the third default permission is the Head Teacher.” Putao replied truthfully.

“I see.” Xu Gang said.

“We stay here in turns, one person for five years.” Xu Gang said.


But after everyone finished talking, they didn’t leave. They still stayed here. They felt that Xu Fan The next moment would come out.

At this time, in an unknown space, Xu Fan looked at the black shadow in front of him, his right eye was constantly jumping.

“How many thousands of years, someone has finally come to accompany me.” An ancient voice of vicissitudes sounded, as if the opening of a stone statue that hasn’t moved for a million years, and each word represents millions of years of light and shadow.

“But it doesn’t matter anymore. The moment this Yuanzhong sword was opened just now, I felt that the magic circle that sealed me was gone.”

“In a hundred years, I will be able to destroy this broken sword.” Soi Ying took a deep breath as he said, watching Xu Fan continue.

“Did you know that in this Yuanzhong sword, the flow of time is different from that of the outside world. One year outside the outside world, one hundred years will be spent here.”

“It’s ridiculous to try to use time to kill my spirit and wisdom, how can my ancient demon sky slaughter succumb to this mere tens of millions of years of light and shadow!!” Sombra angrily said.

“I, Ancient Demon Heavenly Slaughter, eternally immortal!” Black Shadow roared angrily.

“This is a person who has been alone for a long time, and my mind is a little confused.” Xu Fan thought when he looked at the shadow of the shadow, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the outside world is still very cool for a hundred years here.

“Okay, Human Race, I have finished talking about everything, you can go to death.” The shadow looked at Xu Fan with a grinning grin.

“Don’t worry, I will torture you slowly, after all, there are still hundreds of years to come.”

“Are you sure there are hundreds of years left?”

“You can continue to feel that just now, this Yuanzhong Sword has absorbed me a treasure of time. It is estimated that it will not be a problem for you to continue for several thousand years.” Xu Fan said calmly.

After hearing Xu Fan’s words, the shadow was stunned, and then a strange wave of demon power swept the entire space.

“The time power of the seal has increased!” Sombra angrily said, madly changing into various weird shapes in the space, which looked extremely weird.

“There are still four thousand years before I can lift the seal.” Sombra was a little desperate, his patience had reached the limit, and his reason was about to be wiped out by this time.

The shadows began to change into various shapes and began to roll.

For a while, the entire space was full of phantom shadows.

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