Chapter 429 Five Years

Xu Fan looked at the dark shadows that filled the space. Only then did he fully recover and observe this small space.

The entire space is almost the size of a football field. There is a ceiling a hundred meters above the sky. The entire space is composed of pure white jade, exuding soft white light.

It forms a sharp contrast with the black shadow of the seal in the space.

“Calm down, watching you come here for tens of millions of years, not bad for thousands of years.” Xu Fan said with a smile, feeling that the surrounding environment is good, and it is a good place for Closed Door Training to practice quietly.

The premise is to solve this shadow.

The black shadow paused suddenly, looking at Xu Fan, with a little thought in his eyes.

“You can only torture me for a few hundred years at the most in the Nascent Soul period.” Sombra looked at Xu Fan and shook his head, as if Xu Fan was a toy that was specially tortured, or the kind of poor quality.

Don’t just think of torture, all the laws of this enclosed space are sound. If I make good use of my promotion to the gods, I might be able to accompany you to rush out of the sword of the yuan bell.

“But I still find it interesting to torment you.” Sombra said with his fangs.

“It’s meaningless to fight and kill, I’ll show you something interesting.” Xu Fan smiled in honey.

A projection jade wall specially refined by Xu Fan appeared in front of the black shadow, and on it appeared a villain with a strange style for the black shadow.

At this time, Yubi began to play, and the sound began to be emitted from it.

“Once upon a time, Fox Demon was in trouble. The demon fox gave birth to nine tails. If the fox moves its tail, the mountain collapses and the ground splits.”

“The people are deeply disturbed, so gather ninjas.”

The picture in Jade Bi, matched with its sound, instantly attracted the dark shadow.

The black shadow appeared beside Xu Fan and began to watch Yubi’s animation.

“Interestingly, although this nine-tailed little demon is weaker, it has displayed the aura of a demon clan.”

“What is this ninja…” Sombra said curiously.

“You should be similar to the cultivator.” Xu Fan casually dealt with the shadows, thinking of a way to get out of here and how to deal with the shadows in his heart.

“Yeah, this demon fox was sealed in the baby’s body. This story is very interesting. In the end, did this little boy turn into a nine-tailed demon fox and destroy the ninja village?” Soi Ying said excitedly, as if looking forward to it. Plot.

“Watch it well, the story behind is very exciting.”

In this way, Xu Fan has been watching anime with Sombra. During this period, Xu Fan kept taking out the spirit fruit from the Interspatial Ring and handing it to Sombra.

“Is this a spirit fruit? I haven’t eaten it for thousands of years.” Sombra took the spirit fruit and took a bite, only to find that he was only a spirit body, and there was a tendency to run wild in an instant.

“If you break this jade bi, you will never see this animation.” Xu Fan said hurriedly.

“I’m passing you a set of little magical powers, so that you can feel the taste of spirit fruit.” Xu Fan said as he took out a Jade Slip and handed it to Sombra.

The black shadow did not speak, but silently took a look at Jade Slip in Xu Fan’s hand, and then his body changed for a while, turning into a grumpy black bear, and then took the Lingguo and ate it.


There was a comfortable voice that could not be suppressed.

At this time, Xu Fan was fascinated by his eyes, and there was a hint of speculation in his heart.

After the giant bear finished eating the spirit fruit, Xu Fan began to watch anime around him. Did he complain that if the yellow-haired child had a Cultivation Base, he must first destroy the broken village.

One month later, Xu Fan finally watched the entire animation with Xu Fan and Black Bear.

When watching anime, the black bear forcibly endured it several times, smashing the impulse of Jade Bi, and his mouth kept breaking up.

“Why didn’t the Huang Mao boy destroy the village? How could the monster race be in the same way as the human race, and finally became the village chief.”

“The shame of the monster race!” Hei Xiong said with disdain.

“Tian Lian senior, isn’t the Ancient Demon Clan’s enemies?” Xu Fan asked curiously, feeling that the Ancient Demon had been leaning towards the Demon Race.

“Compared to the monster race, I hate the human race more~” The black bear put a furry palm on Xu Fan’s shoulder and said with a grin.

“Haha, is Tian Liao senior still looking at the next step?” Xu Fan changed the subject with interest.


So Xu Fan took out the second part again.

After watching for a few hours, the black bear slapped the ground fiercely.

“What the hell, change one.”

“Haha, change now.”

Xu Fan said in his heart: “It’s careless~”

Aside from the sword of Yuan Zhong, a magnificent circle palace has been established at this time.

The main seat in the center of the palace is the sword of Yuan Zhong, and only Xu Gang is guarding it under the palace.


Spring has passed and autumn has come, and five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

During this time, the hidden spirits seemed to have suspended their development, and their plan to explore the demon world became defensive.

The sky puppet masters who had explored in the demon world also withdrew, and made all-out efforts to develop in the Linsen Fairy City area. Only Spirit Zhan was driving the star boat under the guidance of Grape to mine for a period of time in the Territory of the Sky from time to time.

In the palace, Xu Gang looked at the sword of Yuan Zhong on the main seat and whispered: “Master, you have been omnipotent in my eyes since you were a child, as if everything in the world can’t hide you first.”

“Xu Gang grew up when you watched you grow up, just like the father of Yuexian and I.”

“I also soared to the fairy world with the Master, to see the wonderful scenery of the fairy world, and enjoy the world.”

“Xu Gang has no ambitions in this life. He just wants to guard the Master. When you are strong, he will listen to you teach the magical powers of the Great Dao. When you are strong, he will protect your safety from the Master.”

At this moment, the sword of Yuan Zhong began to tremble rapidly, and there seemed to be thousands of rays of sunlight in the sky.

There are countless visions in the sky, all of which are great visions representing various laws.

“This is someone making a breakthrough.”

“I have seen this scene somewhere.” Xu Gang said, looking at the vision in the sky. As for the vibration of the Yuan Zhong Sword, Xu Gang said he was used to it.

This Sword of Yuan Zhong vibrates every once in a while.

At this time, in the sword of the yuan bell, Xu Fan took the black bear that had been domesticated, and was preparing to use Xu Fan to break through, the moment the vision of heaven and earth merged into the sword of the yuan bell, the secret room opened up with the outside space and escaped to the outside world.

As the vision in the sky merged toward the Yuan Zhong Sword, Xu Gang began to get excited, and he felt Xu Fan’s breath in the vision.

“Grape, mobilize all the Spiritual Qi of Sect, find a way to bless it into the vision!” Xu Gang shouted.

Xu Gang, who usually has a relatively straight mind, instantly guessed Xu Fan’s plan when he saw that the vision had something to do with Xu Fan.

In the sword of Yuan Zhong, the black bear felt the breath on Xu Fan and said, “Is this really okay?”

“No, we’re here to run out of time before going out.” Xu Fan said with a smile, with a little vicissitudes in his eyes.

“That’s okay. I feel that Brother Xu is here to accompany me, it’s not lonely at all.”

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