Chapter 430 The Flower of Will

Zhan Ling took an eight or nine-year-old boy, and Li Xingci and his wife, appeared outside the palace.

“Is this someone who is advancing to the God of Transformation and daring to cultivate so many supernatural powers of different avenues at the same time, isn’t he looking for death?” Zhan Ling said in surprise as he looked at the vision in the sky.

“This is my Master. I only saw this vision when my Master was promoted.” Li Xingci said excitedly, holding Su Rantian’s hand tighter.

“Xian Dao, Devil Dao, Buddhism Dao, Demon Dao, Ghost Dao, Refining Tools, Pill Refining, Formation, Divination, Life, Yin & Yang…………”

Looking at the scene where the thousands of visions descended in the sky, Zhan Ling became more and more shocked, and muttered: “Goodbye, this is not as simple as the reincarnation of the Immortal Realm.”

“Could it be that your Master is the reincarnation of Heavenly Dao from a certain realm?” Zhan Ling speculated with his mouth open.

“I should tell you quietly, I have also asked Master such a question.” Li Xingci whispered to Zhan Ling, with a smile in his eyes.

He felt Xu Fan’s breath in the vision, and after confirming that the Master had not fallen, the heart he had raised over the past few years slowly eased.

“What~” Ling Ling subconsciously said in a low voice, the eyes of Eight Trigrams eating melons flashing in his eyes.

“My Master said, a million years later, it will be enough to hold your teacher’s thigh tightly.” Li Xingci finished speaking and laughed.

Su Rantian also covered her mouth and smiled. In the past few years, she finally saw a smile on her husband’s face.


Although Zhanling hurts, he remembered Li Xingci’s words in his heart.

At this time, the Wandao Vision began to converge towards the sword of the Yuan Zhong, and with the blessing of the Yinlingmen Spirit Power, the Wandao Vision became more charming.

At the moment when the Wandao Vision was completely integrated into the Yuanzhong Sword, an aura of light emerged from the Yuanzhong Sword.

Outside the sword of Yuan Zhong, it turns into one person and one bear.

As soon as this person came out, he unified his posture, opened his arms, and felt the aura of the realm of cultivating immortals.

“Xiong Er, we finally came out.” Xu Fan said with emotion.

“Xu Dage, it really came out~~~” The black bear burst into tears and looked at it as if it had been tens of millions of years.

Xu Fan patted the black bear like a difficult brother.

In this shot, the black bear broke the defense in an instant, hugged Xu Fan and started crying, as if an aggrieved child had seen his parent.

Xu Fan was holding the black bear with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

In that closed space, Xu Fan thought that it was not a problem for him to be inside for thousands of years, but after all he underestimated the pain of time, which made him almost give birth to Heart’s Demon.

The first hundred years were okay, I was playing with the black bear myself, and it was fine to deduce the Cultivation Technique or something.

Later, he gradually discovered that something was wrong with the big black bear named Gu Yao Tian Liao.

It is true that he is the true spirit of the ancient demon, but the spiritual wisdom of the original true spirit has long since disappeared tens of thousands of years ago.

According to Xu Fan’s guess, the current ancient demon true spirit is at least the spiritual wisdom born of true spirits ten generations away.

From birth to extinction, it took tens of thousands of years to give birth to a new wisdom, inheriting the memory of the previous generation, and then after millions of years of silence, and finally overwhelmed and chose to self-destruct.

The generation that Xu Fan has encountered now only inherits the name Tian Lun, and there is a little bit of poor memory, that is, the little thing Xu Fan encountered when he came in.

The black bear nowadays is actually like half graffiti white paper. When Xu Fan came in, it was just the black bear pretending to frighten Xu Fan deliberately, with the intention of not being hurt.

For the rest of the time, Xu Fan was like a father, cyclically guiding the black bear to eliminate the pain of the tens of thousands of years of silence.

In the ensuing time, Xu Fan used illusion to take the black bear to appreciate the scenery of the world of immortality, leading him to experience various things, and even used the magical power of Samsara to make the black bear spend a perfect bear life.

Originally, Xu Fan intended to be commensurate with the black bear father and son, but after thinking about it, in order not to cause misunderstandings, Xu Fan finally became Dage.

At this time, all the peak masters, Elders, and disciples of the Yinlingmen surrounded Xu Fan, watching a ten-foot-high black bear hugging Xu Fan and crying bitterly.

Everyone showed strange expressions, only Xu Gang’s expression was serious, and a sense of crisis emerged in his mind.

For a long time, one person and one bear separated.

“Respectfully welcome Elder to leave the customs!” First generation and second generation disciples saluted.

There are disciples in the distance who will be able to rush over in the future, and their voices are heard from a distance one after another.

Xu Fan looked around for a week with slightly vicissitudes of life, took a deep breath, and said faintly: “My Cultivation Base has soared, and the whole family is congratulated.”

A condensed treasure of merit and luck appeared behind Xu Fan, and Xu Fan waved his hand gently.

A stream of light rushed to the sky, containing half of Xu Fan’s merits and luck, as well as the perception of the ten thousand ways and the will to be born in response to the heavens and the earth.

When the streamer rushed to the apex of the Sect array, it exploded like fireworks, turning into countless colorful flowers and falling towards the entire hidden island.

At this time, Xu Fan’s voice sounded on the entire Yinling Island, like a bell ringing, like a dragon, like a thousand ways, like the sound of a great road.

“My great aspiration, I wish my disciples to be brave, wise, and virtuous.”

“May my disciple, Taoist rhyme, and everyone like a dragon, stand in the world of great controversy.”

“May my disciple…”

Following Xu Fan’s voice, the colorful flowers scattered on the Yinling Island evenly blended into each disciple’s body.

A small colorful flower fell on Zhan Ling’s hand.

“Hey, I am young for more than four thousand years, and I must join the Yinlingmen to rebuild it~” Zhan Yiyi said, knowing that the colorful flower in his hand is a big Mingtang.

This is the flower of the will of the ancient Sect. It carries the will of the Sect and has the power of Qiyun merit. It is integrated into the Sect disciples. It will be of great benefit to the development of the Sect disciples in the future. It is comparable to the ancient Foundation Building god pill.

At this moment, all the three generations of Sect disciples were embedded in a state of enlightenment, and their enlightenment was not a Cultivation Technique, nor a magical power, but a great will that was born in response to the heavens and the earth.

“Master, you finally came out!” Xu Gang and others excitedly gathered around Xu Fan and said.

“Well, I finally went home.” Xu Fan said with emotion.

“You are doing a good job, Sect is very stable now, and it is in my heart.” Xu Fan said with satisfaction. The moment Xu Fan came out, Grape had already reported the development of the hidden spirit gate to Xu Fan over the past few years.

“We are all worried about the Master’s stability and have no intention of developing Sect, so we focus on stability and wait for the Master to return.” Xu Yuexian said.

“This is also very good.” Xu Fan looked at these apprentices, thinking in his heart that he must support a professional head teacher.

“By the way, this is Xiong Er I met in secret realm. You can call Er Brother or Xiong Er Elder in the future.”

“He will be our hidden spirit gate Elder from now on.” Xu Fan introduced.

“Xiong Er, Elder is good.” Xu Gang and the others hurriedly saluted.

“Hello.” Xiong Erhan scratched his head.

“Okay, I’ll go back to Closed Door Training for a few days and stabilize the Cultivation Base before talking about the future.”

Xu Fan took Xiong Er back to the small courtyard where he had been away for hundreds of years, and the deck chair made of Teng Gangmu swayed slightly in the small courtyard with the wind.

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