Chapter 527

At the Hidden Spirit Gate, Xu Fan looked at the little white mink who had just been promoted to the Demon Venerable, and felt that his combat power was a little weaker, and he did not even reach the level of the average Demon Venerable.

Maybe he can beat that stick-only puppet.

At this moment, a small group of puppets came to Xu Fan with a group of small white minks.

“Master, all the brothers and sisters of Demon Venerable Jie Yu have brought here,” said Grape.

Xu Fan looked at this group of nearly a hundred small white minks.

The weakest is the Nascent Soul stage, and the strongest is the Demon Venerable Jie Yu.

“What is your family?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“The Chiyun Mink clan has now been annihilated.” Demon Venerable Jie Yu said sadly.

At that time, the whole clan was hunted down by the snake clan, and only their group of alien white minks, who were pushed to the edge of the race, survived.

“Very poor.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

In the Demon Realm, it looks like a small race, always facing the danger of being annihilated.

“Our Yinlingmen has no prejudice against those demon races who have good intentions, so you will stay at the Yinlingmen in the future and take care of your work.”

“In the future, as long as you perform well, cultivate the resource Magic Treasures Dao Item, and you have everything you want.”

A delicious cake was drawn by Xu Fan.

“Big Elder, it is not shameful to submit to your Human Race Sect, but I have a question, how did you find out where I am?” Demon Venerable Jie Yu asked the question that he had always wanted to ask.

“You use your natal supernatural powers to hide, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is not right for you to absorb Spiritual Qi halfway.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Now the Galaxy Sect has been upgraded to detect Spiritual Qi fluctuations within the monitored range.


Demon Venerable Jie Yu didn’t expect that he just took a sip of Spiritual Qi and then took him out with his brothers and sisters.

“Since you asked me, I also want to ask you a question, how did you get the title of Demon Venerable Jie Yu?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

In the Demon Realm, the Demon Race is very casual when naming themselves.

Usually it looks like the prefix of the demon-zun, and it is not related to his own race or his supernatural body shape.

“We are a different species of white mink, not only the color is different, but also~”

Demon Venerable Jie Yu said, looking at the smallest half-sable mink.

“Little Jiuliu, let Elder see your complete form.” Demon Venerable Jie Yu said.

Little White Sable, who was in a daze, heard his Big Sister’s words and quickly responded: “Yes, Big Sister.”

Then a slender body, only a small white mink with two wings appeared.

A pair of white wings made Xu Fan suddenly realize.

“It turns out that this is how you came from.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Well, it’s useless not to tell you so much.”

“Grape, show the salary of the external hire, you can see if you are satisfied.”

A light curtain appeared in front of a group of little white minks, with the resources that little white minks can receive each year, and each Realm has a detailed division.

Jie Yu Venerable shifted his gaze to the treatment of Demon Venerable.

“One customized Dao Item, one Azure Spiritual Qi Immortal Cave, and one day of the Five Elements source Sacred Land practice every year, Elder personally customized a set of magical powers.”

There are still a lot of treatments behind Demon Venerable Jie Yu, who hasn’t looked at it, and now she has only one thought in her mind.

Is the human race so rich now?

After a while, Demon Venerable Jie Yu turned around.

I saw her brothers and sisters all looking at them with teary eyes.

As the head of Big Sister at home, he understands the meaning of this look.

“Big Elder, Spirit Slayer Elder, is the treatment mentioned above true?”

Demon Venerable Jie Yu’s voice trembled a little, no way, she couldn’t believe it too much.

“Too little, there is a problem with your customized standards for Grape!” Xu Fan meditated.

“No problem, the treatment in the Demon Realm is completely worthy of the Demon Venerable.” Grape’s voice was also a little puzzled.

“Demon Venerable Jie Yu will protect Yuexian from now on, so this treatment will be tripled.” Xu Fan said, turning his gaze to Demon Venerable Jie Yu.

“In addition, how about this Elder deducing a magical power Cultivation Technique suitable for your alien sable.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said, as his apprentice’s bodyguard, the combat power is too weak, it must be impossible.

At this time, Demon Venerable Jie Yu’s body trembled more severely.

It’s like a wage earner with a monthly salary of 5K, but he was suddenly interviewed by another company’s hr, and when they met, they got paid a monthly salary of 100K.

Demon Venerable Jie Yu, who had already pressed the handle of the heaven door, made the most correct choice.

“Big Elder, I will join.” Demon Venerable Jie Yu said.

“Welcome to join our Yinlingmen, you will be the first member of the Demon Clan of the Yinlingmen in the future.” Xu Fan said welcomingly.

The evil spirit Slashing who was next to him became amiable and amiable.

At this time, a bloody law appeared in the sky.

“Now we have completed the last step and signed an oath with our Sect luck.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“As long as you make the Heavenly Dao vow to drop Blood Essence into the circle, you can officially complete the contract.”

Jie Yu Venerable nodded, and lightly touched his forehead with his paw.

A drop of bright red eyebrows Blood Essence floated towards the magic circle.

The rest of the little white mink also learned the same way.

For a time, dozens of Heavenly Dao contract chains connected Little Bai Miao’er and the hidden spirit gate Sect Qi Luck.

After the contract was over, Xu Fan laughed.

“Grape, take the Jieyu Demon Venerable to protect it and select three Dao Items to use first. You can customize the Dao Item, you can arrange it.” Grape ordered.

The most indispensable thing in the hidden spirit gate now is the basic Dao Item, which can be refined by the master craftsmen of the Moon Fox clan under the control of Grape.

“Yes, master.”

“In addition, build a small demon island on the edge of Yinling Island for rest and cultivation.” Xu Fan said.

“Understand the master.”

A merging puppet appeared, and took Jieyu Demon Venerable and Little White Sable to the Sect treasure house.

“Big Elder, do you plan to absorb the monster race?” Spirit Slayer Venerable asked.

Xu Fan nodded.

“In the Demon Realm, there are still many small clans that can’t get along. They were all born in the past 100,000 years. They have no enmity with the human race. They can be used by us as long as they give a little bit of benefit.”

“Yes, just like this Demon Venerable Jie Yu, the treatment in the Demon Realm is not as good as our disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect.”

“Just now, in order to save herself, she poured out all her Magic Treasures.”

Speaking of this, Zhan Ling laughed, it felt like a beggar had emptied all his family.

“Really poor.”

“So in the future, we will attract these demon venerations to contribute to the construction of our hidden spirit gate.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Big Elder, as long as it’s not the Invincible Demon Venerable, I will stop you.” Ling Zhan said domineeringly with a wave of his hand.

“That’s natural. I wouldn’t dare to recruit these monsters as external members without Elder.”

Xu Fan started to cheer up appropriately.

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