Chapter 528 Venerable

As soon as Xu Fan finished holding Zhanling, he was interrupted by a light curtain.

A fireball appeared in the light curtain, and there was a middle-aged man in the middle of the fireball, who was in a coma.

“Grape, send the puppets to rescue and activate the full defense mode.”

“Also call Ran Tian Elder.” Xu Fan said quickly.

The hidden spirit gate guardian array opened, and the puppets of the 100-man team flew out of the hidden spirit island, thinking about the orbit where the fireball was expected to land to intercept.

A flame fell from Xu Fan’s side, and Su Rantian appeared next to Xu Fan.

“Big Elder, what’s the plan?” Su Rantian said with a smile.

“Yantian Elder looks at the light curtain, this should be the Elder of Elder, do you know?” Xu Fan said, pointing to the light curtain.

“Genyan Venerable!” Su Rantian exclaimed.

“Grape, hurry up and send out another team!” Xu Fan said hurriedly.

Just listening to Su Rantian’s tone, Xu Fan knew that this person was very important.

“Genyan, Venerable, is the number 58 Elder of the Elder Society.”

“Higher than my Master level.” Su Rantian introduced.

“Invincible Venerable!”

Xu Fan and Zhan Ling took a breath.

“I’ll go personally escort~”

As Ling Zhan said, it turned into a bloody light and followed another group of puppets who set off in the united period.

Xu Fan hurriedly informed Li Chufan, and suddenly there was a blast of swords on Yinling Island.

The heavy water source knife turned into a streamer and caught up with Zhan Ling.

“Bring the fairy weapon and meet the Invincible Demon Venerable of the Demon Race, and quickly send a signal.” Xu Fan said.

“Grape, the emergency transmission plan is activated, and the base trembles and begins to warm up.” Xu Fan said to Grape again.

At this time, the Snake Spirit slowly lifted into the air under the control of Grape, and the main and secondary guns were all turned on.

“Notify all the disciples in the field to return to Sect quickly.”

Xu Fan’s series of instructions made Su Rantian a little confused.

“Big Elder, is there an enemy coming?” Su Rantian asked.

“It’s just defense. Genyan Venerable is invincible, and the opponents that match it must also be at this level, so you must be fully prepared.”

“In case the Invincible Demon Venerable is chasing, then we must prepare for the back.” Xu Fan stared at the light curtain with nervous eyes.

He didn’t expect that it was only a few years ago, and he, like a salted fish, would already have to face an enemy of this level.

“I don’t know what evil I did.” Xu Fan sighed lightly.

If there is no Invincible Demon Venerable to chase it, it’s okay, if it does come, the mortal people in this Xiancheng area will be over.

When Xu Fan thought of this, a Yin & Yang coin appeared in his hand, and it bounced directly into the sky.

He hadn’t used this supernatural power for a long time.

Yin & Yang coins fell in the big bowl, making a crisp sound, spinning in the big bowl.

“The sun is facing, and it seems to be fine.”

Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax his vigilance.

“Big Elder, overreacted.”

“The big demon clan forces and Elder will fight in total, and the invincible demon lord will not be chased down.” Su Rantian said.

“It’s the same reason.” Xu Fan nodded.

At this time, the group of puppets in the Hundred-Person Combination Stage had already met the Genyan Venerable who contained flames all over his body.

“There is a sacred fire body, just guard it around.” Grape ordered.

“Activate the source water array to protect its Venerable body from damage when it descends.” Xu Fan said.


With the emergence of the magic circle above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, a water column of hundreds of meters high rose into the sky, and flew away in the direction of the fireball, like a water dragon that stretched for thousands of miles.

At this time, Zhan Ling also saw the fire that fell from the sky.

“It’s worthy of being an invincible Venerable. I can’t afford to provoke just the sacred fire guarding me.”

Seeing this scene, Zhan Ling obediently put away the image of the sea of ​​blood behind him, so as to save any misunderstandings for a while.

“If you can’t pick it up, it’s a trouble to ease the falling speed of this invincible Venerable.” Ling Ling said, scratching his head.

He could tell at a glance that this invincible Venerable was in a deep coma and was damaged by the soul.

The external sacred fire was just unconsciously guarding him.

As soon as Zhan Ling finished speaking, a cloud of water flew towards the direction of the fireball.

With the contact of the water column and the firelight, smoke rose in the sky.

Afterwards, a continuous stream of water was injected, which slowed down the speed of the sacred fire.

“Big Elder’s reaction is fast.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

Three hours later, that group of divine fire steadily landed on the surface of the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

At the same time, the sacred fire protecting Genyan Venerable’s body also disappeared.

Xu Fan and Su Rantian appeared beside Genyan Venerable.

“What should I do behind the big Elder?” Ling Ling asked.

“Send it to the Source Realm, let him heal himself first, and later I will practice a few furnaces of Medicine Pill to restore the soul and send it to him.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Looking at his injury, at least half of his mind and soul has been lost. I don’t know how long it will take to wake up.”

“Maybe I wake up now, or I may never wake up.” Xu Fan said.

“But this is the general situation, it’s different with me.”

Speaking of this, the corners of Xu Fan’s mouth curled up.

An invincible Venerable’s life-saving grace, I want dozens of clone jade charms, right?

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly thought of a question.

“Which is the best of Elder, Genyan Venerable, or the Great Elder of Qianlingzong?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“A Thousand Spirit Sect is too great Elder, his strength can be ranked in the top 20 of the Elder meeting.” Su Rantian said.

“I understand.” Xu Fan nodded, and by the way glanced at the Dao Item palace, the Qianlingzong Taishang Elder’s jade talisman that he had stored in the Dao Item palace.

“There is no enemy to chase, then I will go back to refining a few furnaces of Medicine Pill for Genyan Venerable to restore my mind and soul.” Xu Fan said.

On the pill refining peak, Xu Fan sat in front of a Dao Item-level pill furnace with a gloomy air on his face.

“It hasn’t been pill refining for a long time, and it suddenly fryed after practicing.” Xu Fan said painfully.

“It seems that we need to review pill refining, or else it might really be abandoned in the future.” Xu Fan shook his head and said.

Three months later, Xu Fan came to Source Realm with three jade bottles.

A middle-aged man in red is lying on a bed of spirit crystals composed of Spiritual Qi, the origin of Five Elements.

“Shenzhen Pill, Soul Awakening Pill, and Soul Pill, I hollowed out my family’s foundation to help you refine them.”

“I hope you wake up in this wave, otherwise it will take a long time to collect these top elixir.”

As Xu Fan said, he took out a spirit pill from each jade bottle, turned it into powder, and plunged it into Genyan Venerable’s mouth.

“It melts in your mouth, and it tastes fruity, I hope you like it.”

Xu Fan smiled and said, refining Medicine Pill, he is talking about excellence, even the taste must be perfect.

The fruity taste is suitable for all ages.

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