Chapter 550

“Recruiting a new Venerable.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin, as if he had launched a new idea.

“It’s not impossible, but we are also here, and we haven’t reached that point yet.”

“The general Venerable is not used, and the too powerful Venerable is recruited into Sect. It is not clear about its character and it is easy to cause trouble.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Elder is afraid of being reincarnated and rebuilt. Sect doesn’t have Venerable level combat power, so it’s easy to get into trouble.”

“Ling Slash Elder can rest assured, in less than a hundred years, there will be a Mahayana level puppet in Sect.”

“It can replace Elder to protect Sect.” Xu Fan said with satisfaction.

“Mahayana Venerable level puppet.” Zhan Ling said with a sigh of relief.

Thinking it’s okay, it’s just a puppet.

“Zhan Lingchang can slowly cultivate after rebuilding, and make up for all the previous regrets.” Xu Fan said.

“Of course, with the big Elder pointed out the way, the future advancement to the invincible realm is expected.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

Once in the Heavenly Demon Sect, Taishang Elder once commented on him, this life is hopeless and invincible, you can ascend as soon as possible to find opportunities in the fairyland.

At that time, he had just been promoted to the Mahayana realm and was very unconvinced. Later, following the cultivation of Xiangshen, he knew that Elder, who was too great, was right.

“Where is the invincible state? The road is still long in the future.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the vast Azure Lingye Lake ahead.

“I will follow in the footsteps of Elder.”

Zhan Ling felt that his thigh was hugged right.

“How is your butcher brother recently?” Xu Fan asked in a bored time.

“It’s still the same. I have just been promoted to the seventh-order Heavenly Puppet Master, and I am earning Spirit Stones to buy new-style puppets.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

Years of getting along has allowed him to have a deep friendship with the middle-aged butcher, and recently he became obsessed with his brother in the soul sanatorium.

“Really a deep equipment lover.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“He has almost collected all the bladesman puppets from the Foundation Building stage to the Void Refining stage, and he really made a lot of contributions to the revenue generation of our Sect.” Zhan Ling said.

“A high-quality and tasteful leek~” This is Xu Fan’s evaluation of the middle butcher. He feels that if everyone is so average, a perfect internal circulation can be formed.

“Another day, I will find a Great Master, a monster forging tool, to customize a bladesman puppet for him.” Xu Fan said.

“Then I thank Elder for the middle-aged butcher,” said Ling Ling.

“Thank you, how many Spirit Stones should it be?”

It is impossible to want to prostitute for nothing.

At this moment, the voice of grapes suddenly sounded.

“Master, Xiong Lixiangyun and the two have detected a large spiritual vein outside Sect, which is guarded by a large clan and asks for support.”

“Large spirit veins, this can be, adjust a team of puppets and two railguns to see if the small clan is soft or hard.” Xu Fan said casually.

“Big Elder, why don’t you let me do this job?”

“Otherwise, it’s just a puppet, but the monster clan can’t be restrained, I’ll go now.” Zhan Ling said excitedly, and it was time for his performance again.

As soon as he finished speaking, he excitedly turned into a blood shadow and flew away in the direction specified by the grape.

“Otherwise, after the puppet is refined, the second one will be used to refine a fairy for Elder.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

Over the years, Zhan Ling has indeed made a lot of contributions to the hidden spirit gate, so Xu Fan had this idea.

“Forget it, let’s wait for him to change his spirit and rebuild.”

Xu Fan got up and flew towards the position of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. He still has one thing left to do.

As soon as Xu Fan entered the gate of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, he saw a white-haired, decayed Zhang Xueling holding a Jade Slip to study.

“I gave you Zhanyan Pill at the time, why didn’t you eat it?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“Meet the big Elder.”

Zhang Xueling, who was at the top of the Foundation Building, has now fallen to the fifth level of Qi refining due to the decline of Qi and blood.

“I want to feel the whole process of life and death Samsara.”

“Newborn, growth, youth, peak, decline, and perish.” Zhang Xueling said.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at Zhang Xueling, and the expression in his eyes became strange.

You started to learn college knowledge before you finished elementary school. No wonder your energy and blood decayed so quickly.

“Then have you realized what?” Xu Fan asked.

“No, I only felt the qi and blood decay, and Cultivation Base regressed.” Zhang Xueling said.

“Of course you can’t find it in Insight. What you said is Samsara’s way. How can it be touched by your current Realm.”

“Originally, you could live for more than a hundred years, but now in your situation, one year is choking.” Xu Fan said quietly.

Sure enough, Dao idiot, dare to understand everything.

“I know, so didn’t Elder come to see me?”

Zhang Xueling looked senile and smiled while opening the two missing front teeth.

“When will I be promoted to the Foundation Building, do you still want to be at the last moment of Death?” Xu Fan asked.

“Yes, even if you start Insight, you can’t give up halfway.” Zhang Xueling said slowly.

“You, you, you will live in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for the rest of your life.” Xu Fan said angrily.

Xu Fan’s hands were sealed, and the Scriptures of the Great Road appeared in his hands, and then he was photographed into Zhang Xueling’s body. This was to prevent him from not stopping the car at the last moment and to provide him with a layer of insurance.

“Thank you Elder,” Zhang Xueling said.

“Fortunately, staying in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, I look forward to the day you are born.”

Xu Fan said he was leaving.

“Elder, please go slowly, the disciples have something to ask for.” Zhang Xueling stopped Xu Fan.

“What else is there?”

“Recently, the magical powers created by Elder, Cultivation Technique is very rare, and the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion has not been in stock for many days.” Zhang Xueling said with a smile.

“Why, have you finished insight into the magical power Cultivation Technique in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?” Xu Fan said lightly.

“The disciple has finished reading it, and he hasn’t completed Insight yet.” Zhang Xueling lowered his head and said.

“Okay, I will send a batch of grapes in a while.” Xu Fan left after speaking.

Zhang Xueling is one of his disciples that he pays more attention to. Xu Fan knows that this kid will not live long when he sees his state accidentally. His idea is to be promoted to the Foundation Building at the last minute, and he will fail in all likelihood.

That’s why Xu Fan made a special visit, but he didn’t expect to be urged to change it.

“Grape, put the primary version of Dongfeng supernatural powers in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Yes, master.”

“Just think about this set of magical powers, it’s enough for you to play during the Qi refining period.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

In the grape database, there are many top-secret Cultivation Techniques and supernatural powers that he deduced, the number of which is not worse than that of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

These are all boringly deduced in the sword of Yuanzhong.

Not long after Xu Fan left, a puppet took more than fifty Jade Slips and handed them to Zhang Xueling.

“Dongfeng series magical powers, the magical powers created by Elder, always have some weird names.” Zhang Xueling smiled and picked up a Jade Slip and began to look it up.

Whenever there is a new Cultivation Technique supernatural power sent over from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, it is always his happiest time.

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