Chapter 551

Outside Fenglanyuyan territory, Xiong Li and Xiang Yun are lurking.

“Brother Xiong Li, it’s pretty good to subdue this clan into Sect as a mount for the brothers.” Xiang Yu said as he looked at the ten-foot-long Fenglan Yuyan.

“Anyway, the news has been sent back to Sect, a large spiritual vein, Sect will definitely come and take it away.”

“If this monster race is obedient, it can still be a mount. If it is not obedient, it can only be killed. The decision is up to them.” Xiong Li said.

“I hope they surrender. Although Sect’s spirit boat is good, its style is too single. With such a mount, there is nothing to talk about.” Xiang Yun said with a smile.

At the Yinlingmen, Grape distinguished the monster races based on the information obtained.

Good, neutral, evil.

The standard of kindness and neutrality is that its racial nature is not bad, it has no hatred with the human race, and has not massacred the human race after coming to the human race.

In addition, what is left is evil. According to the standards of the hidden spirit gate, surrender is only worthy of being a slave, just like the five-spirited monkey at the beginning.

“Big brother, I found that you are a lot calmer than before.” Xiang Yun said with a smile.

During this period of time, he has been following Xiong Li to do various tasks, which also encountered a lot of dangers, but they were all overcome by their joint response.

“I was calm before, but now I am more calm.”

“I went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion that day and chatted with Senior Brother Xue Ling, and I had some insights,” Xiong Li said.

“So Big Brother has become more calm?” Xiang Yun said curiously.

“No, I have felt the opportunity to challenge my limits. It’s something you can’t find. If you insist on pursuing it, it will only be counterproductive.” Xiong Li said slowly.

At this moment, a shadow in the sky enveloped the two of them.

A huge spirit boat landed not far from the two.

Zhan Ling walked down with 100 puppets of the Integral Stage.

Zhan Ling didn’t even cover up his aura, directly alarming the demon lord of the Fenglan Yuyan clan.

A blue light flashed in the sky, and the demon sovereign of the Fenglanyuyan clan appeared.

Zhan Ling squinted his eyes to the sky, and when he saw the whole picture of Demon Venerable, he couldn’t help sighing and said, “It’s good to leave this race as a mount.”

Xiong Li and Xiang Yun looked at each other.

“Human Race Demon Venerable, if I don’t intend to go to war with you, please exit quickly.” Yuyan Demon Venerable said coldly.

“Don’t talk nonsense with you, I understand and tell you, this large-scale spiritual vein belongs to our human race, and I am interested in your family, and I will stay as a mount for our disciples.”

“You will live if you go along, and you will die if you go against it. It depends on how you choose.”

The heavy water source knife appeared in Zhan Ling’s hand, exuding the unique aura of the fairy weapon.

At the same time, the two railguns in the sky also locked Yuyan Yaozun.

At this time, Yuyan Yaozun felt like a giant cannon was on his forehead. It was not a question of death, but directly turned into scum.

At this time, another 10 large spirit boats appeared in the sky, and 10,000 puppets of the Void Refining Period were placed in the spirit boats, standing in the air in an orderly manner, waiting for orders.

Xiong Li and Xiang Yun were a little confused at this time, and an idea flashed in their minds at the same time.

When is Sect so powerful?

“Little Demon Venerable, hurry up and make a choice. After a stick of incense, you will start to kill if you don’t surrender. At that time, your clan can only become demon slaves.”

An endless sea of ​​blood appeared behind Zhan Ling, and in the sea of ​​blood, the resentful spirits of the monster race rushed into the sea of ​​blood from time to time, all staring at the Yuyan Demon Venerable with bloodthirsty and greed.

“Choose quickly, surrender or perish.”

Zhan Ling’s smile had a hint of bloodthirsty.

Xiong Li and Xiang Yun, who were watching from the side, began to communicate with each other.

“I always feel that our spirit slayer Elder is not like a good person.” Xiang Yun Chuanyin said.

“Everything can’t be seen on the surface. Elder is actually quite good with the disciple of the door. If a disciple asks him for advice, he will also patiently teach.” Xiong Li said.

When guarding the Great Wall of Steel, he also asked Zhan Ling for some cultivation questions.

“However, the image of Elder Slayer is indeed somewhat…but this does not affect the result.”

At this time, all the demons from the Nascent Soul stage of the Fenglanyuyan clan rushed over.

Follow them behind the Demon Venerable, vowing to coexist and die with the Demon Venerable.

That firm, unyielding expression, more and more brought out the evil of Spirit Slayer.

“It seems that you are going to die for your clan.” Zhan Ling looked at the Fenglan Yuyan clan in the sky with blood red eyes.

“Human race, my race migrates, and I give you the large spiritual veins, can you let my race be a horse~” Yuyan Yaozun said.

“No, I have taken a fancy to your family and the large spiritual veins. Anyway, if you don’t surrender, you will die.”

Zhan Ling said and waved a light curtain.

“This is the treatment that Sect gives to the submissive monster race. You still have a chance to enjoy it now.”

“Become a demon slave, but there is nothing left.” Zhan Ling said with a smile, but the expression on his face was very evil.

“Human race, do you think I am stupid?” Yuyan Yaozun felt that he was insulted.

“Sect will get this treatment if you submit to you, I don’t believe it.”

“Of course it is impossible for all this kind of treatment, but as long as you serve my Sect, you can become a member of my Sect demon clan and enjoy this kind of treatment.” A puppet explained.

Grape detected that the Blue Rain Goose belonged to a neutral race, and his talent was extremely suitable for being a mount, so he took over the job of persuading surrender from Zhanlin.

He was afraid that Zhan Ling would click all these requests on a whim.

“After my clan surrenders, what should I do?” Yuyan Yaozun asked, his tone softened.

He could see that even if he didn’t surrender, he would be enslaved, especially the murderous intent from the sky, so that he did not dare to drive the Yuyan of his race to flee here.

“Move the territory outside of the Linsen Xiancheng area and accept the control of my hidden spirit gate.”

“As long as you don’t hurt the human race, you still have relative freedom. Your only loss is that you can’t enjoy this large spiritual vein.” The puppet said again.

“My Fenglan Yuyan clan, surrender.” Yuyan Yaozun said with a sigh.

Being suppressed by those strong clan in the demon world, I wanted to come to The Mortal Realm to escape the suppression of those strong clan and let the young birds in the clan grow better.

Unexpectedly, things backfired. After coming to the human race, they would also be suppressed by the human race Sect, but this is better than the death of the race.

“A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, and your choice will bring hope of peace and rise to your family.” said the puppet, with a hint of joy in his tone.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Ling said to Grape uncomfortably: “Somehow you let me fight this demon lord and then come out again, I want this knife for nothing from my grandson.”

“This clan is not known for fighting power. Even if it fights, Spirit Slayer Elder will not enjoy it. Besides, Yuyan Demon Venerable can’t stand Spirit Slayer Elder a few times.” Xiong Li said with a smile beside him.

He felt that Elder must be looking for someone to have a good fight at the moment.

“Are there any other monsters nearby? I’ll fight.” Zhan Ling said as he looked at Yuyan Demon Venerable.

“Thirty million miles to the west, there is a clan of lions and scorpions, and their demon sovereigns are excellent in combat power, and they can certainly meet the requirements of the human race Venerable.” Yuyan Demon Venerable said politely.

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