Chapter 552

The Fenglanyuyan clan migrated to a giant island on the edge of the 100,000-mile giant lake.

The Fenglanyuyan clan has a total of just over a million demon mouths, and a large island is more than enough.

“This island will be your territory in the future, and the most basic benefits will be arranged for you from now on.” Xiang Yun said.

Since he and Xiong Li were the first people to come into contact with the Fenglanyuyan clan, they naturally became their migration leaders.

“Your most basic welfare will be arranged for you in a while.”

“There will be corresponding tasks arranged for you from now on, and there will be corresponding rewards after completion.”

Several Jade Slips appeared in Xiang Yun’s hands.

“Demon Lord can take a look at the requirement to officially become a member of the demon clan, and then pass the appropriate demon sect.”

Yuyan Yaozun took Jade Slip in Xiang Yun’s hand and glanced lightly.

“Human race, after becoming a member of the Demon Tribe, will there really be the same treatment as stated that day?” Yuyan Yaozun asked expectantly.

“Of course, some time ago, our Sect also recruited a demon statue as a member of the demon clan, and now even the customized Dao Item has been refined.” Xiang Yun said with a smile, he felt that Sect was really good at refining tools. Invincible.

“Customize Dao Item.” Yuyan Yaozun murmured.

Once their clan also had a refiner, the Great Master, but only because the news leaked, he was taken away by a strong clan and threatened to destroy their clan by not refining Dao Item for that clan.

Looking back at the past, Yuyan Yaozun sighed, as if expressing emotion for the fate of their clan.

At this moment, 10 large spirit boats landed on the island.

Tens of thousands of puppets came down from the top and began to build infrastructure.

It didn’t take long for a huge mission palace to rise.

Accompanied by the spirit gathering array covering the entire island.

The Spiritual Qi on the giant island rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yuyan Yaozun and Xiang Yun came to the mission Great Hall.

As soon as I entered, I saw the huge screen in the office. All tasks on the huge screen were assigned to the Fenglan Yuyan clan.

Each task will also mark the reward after completion.

Looking at these thousands of tasks, Yuyan Yaozun suddenly felt that surrendering to the Yin Lingmen was not a bad thing.

“When can I see you Elder?” Yuyan Yaozun said expectantly.

“You can apply to Grape. Elder should be able to see you when he is free recently.” Xiang Yun said.

“Thank you.”

At this time, Xu Fan, who was fishing on the huge lake of one hundred thousand miles, received the news that Yu Yan Yaozun asked for a meeting.

“It just happens to be free, let him come over.” Xu Fan said while fishing.

“Yes, master,” said Grape.

Before long, a blue light flashed in the sky, and Yu Yan Yaozun turned into a middle-aged man and appeared next to Xu Fan.

As the saying goes, the face is born from the heart, this demon demon turned into a human image, which is the kind with a very responsible face in the national character.

“Outside the big Elder.” Yuyan Yaozun said in accordance with the etiquette of the human race.

“Get up, surrender to my Yinlingmen, are there complaints?” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“As long as Elder doesn’t wantonly massacre our clan, our clan will follow you forever.” Yuyan Yaozun said sincerely.

Xu Fan just glanced at Yuyan Yaozun faintly.

If you don’t follow, you die. What kind of loyalty do you show to this?

“What’s the matter with me? Haven’t all the details of your family’s resettlement been explained?” Xu Fan asked.

“I want to join the Sect Demon Club, and help Sect before and after.” Yuyan Yaozun saluted again.

“Think about it, I can’t help myself if I join the Demon Club.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I have already thought about it. I only hope that Sect will be strong and protect my clan forever.” Yuyan Yaozun said.

In fact, in the Demon Realm, their clan was most severely oppressed by the strong clan.

He had thought about finding a vassal of a top big clan, but after inquiring a little bit, he found that his clan was not qualified.

“If you have an idea, let Grape take you to the demon department in a moment.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and found the captain driving the Snake Spirit Starship.

A Jade Slip appeared in the hands of Yuyan Yaozun.

“Big Elder, this is all the news my clan got after coming to The Mortal Realm. I hope it will be useful to Sect.”

Hearing Yuyan Yaozun’s words, Xu Fan raised his eyebrows. This is really useful.

“Grape, take this Jade Slip, extract the content and record it in the database.”

“According to its value, redeem points that match its value.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Yes, master.”

A puppet appeared and took away Jade Slip from Yuyan Demon Venerable.

“Although your clan surrenders to the Yin Lingmen, except for related tasks, Sect will not take any advantage of your clan.”

“You will get what you give,” Xu Fan said.

Over the years, the demon race he destroyed, the most valuable thing he got was the records about the demon world of those races.

So what Xu Fan meant was to give out all the materials recorded by your race.

“I understand, thank you Elder.” Yuyan Yaozun said.

“If you have something to do, I will concentrate on fishing.”

Xu Fan waved his hand to signal that Yuyan Demon Venerable could leave.

A puppet led the Yuyan Demon Venerable to fly towards the demon department.

“Sect has added another general, and the team has begun to grow.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Relying on the location to settle down on the island of the wind and blue rain geese, it was possible to come to the Yinling Island in such a short time.

Xu Fan can conclude that this race must be far faster than other races in terms of speed, so you can dig deeper.

“The team is getting bigger and bigger, and this income is shrinking more and more.” Xu Fan said with some worry.

The main benefit of the hidden spirit gate now is that Spirit Slayer drives the star to mine in the region of the sky.

The second is the refining order received in the Terran Channel Star.

In addition, those Spirit Stones earned piecemeal are not important.

“The consumption of resources has increased, and the income channels have decreased. The problem is very serious.” Xu Fan said while looking at the huge lake in the distance.

“With one more demon, you can also drive the spirit boat to mine, so the pressure is a little bit less, but these are not enough?”

Thinking of this, Xu Fan suddenly looked towards the sky in response.

“Master, the human starship appeared on the Linsen Xiancheng area, driving in the direction of Sect.” Grape said suddenly.

A light curtain appeared in Xu Fan’s eyes.

Presumably, a starship that was barely capable of mining appeared in front of Xu Fan.

“The railgun is on alert, and the puppets of the second team are preparing for the combined period.” Xu Fan said.

He felt that the people on this starship should have something to do with him.

Not long after, that simple starship landed on the surface of the 100,000-mile giant lake.

A treasure vessel flew towards the Yinlingmen. It was the Magic Treasures that were sold to the outside world in the early days of Yinlingmen.

When approaching the hidden spirit gate, Xu Fan received a message.

“Big Elder, I’m finally back!”

The excitement, excitement, and a touch of grievance in the tone.

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