Chapter 553-The Return of the Minister of Commerce

“Pang Fu! Where did you run to me!”

“I have searched all the fairy cities where you are often!” Xu Fan said in surprise.

Ever since he had Xingzhou, Xu Fan has not given up looking for his Minister of Commerce.

Every time Zhanling goes to the Terran Star in the Extreme Sky Territory, he will release a message to find Pang Fu.

But it has not been found.

“Big Elder, I have been in Shuyunxian City for these years, when I just arrived in Shuyunxian City, the entire space was sealed.” Pang Fu said with a grieved expression.

He was going to that fairy city to talk about business, and he was fine when he wanted to go, but he couldn’t come back.

“Shuiyunxian City, no wonder I haven’t found you for so many years.” Xu Fan said, looking at the somewhat thin Pang Fu in front of him.

It feels like it has been reduced from 300 catties to 200 catties.

“Looking at your body shape, have you suffered less in the past few years?” Xu Fan sighed.

Hearing Xu Fan’s words, Pang Fu’s tears flowed down.

“Big Elder, the past few decades have been too difficult for me, and I don’t want to return to Sect all the time.” Pang Fu said with a cry.

“In that Shuiyunxian City, I have no backing or resources. The small chambers of commerce established only by the existing Spirit Stones and samples on my body have been suppressed by others everywhere.”

“For 70 years, I finally made up enough Spirit Stones to lease a Starboat home.” Pang Fu said aggrieved.

“It’s okay, I’m going home now, and you’ll be a backer in the future.” Xu Fan said with emotion, and he can imagine how much wronged Own’s Minister of Commerce has been outside.

But that’s it, I just got past the Spirit Stones that leased Xingzhou.

Although I don’t know how many Spirit Stones it is, Xu Fan knows it must be an astronomical number.

“Big Elder, these are the Spirit Stones I have earned over the years, please take it.”

“Give me another batch of special products from our Hidden Spirit Gate. I want puppets, Magic Treasures, Medicine Pill, etc.”

“Give me a hundred years, I will get a star boat back for Sect.” Pang Fu said firmly in his eyes.

Now the entire space of the Cultivation Realm is sealed, and in the future, if you want to occupy a place in the Cultivation Realm Chamber of Commerce, you must own a star boat.

Xu Fan looked at the Minister of Commerce who was considering Sect in front of him, and couldn’t help feeling that he had really treated Pang Fu badly before.

“That star boat can only dock here for three days. After three days, I have to return to Lingxin City, where the base camp of the Hidden Spirit Chamber of Commerce is there.” Pang Fu said.

“Let that star ship go, we have a star ship in the hidden spirit gate, and we will configure one for you in the future.” Xu Fan said with emotion.

“We Sect has a star boat!” Pang Fu was shocked and excited.

“Our Sect has developed very fast over the years, and you won’t have to rent Xingzhou again in the future.” Xu Fan said, patting Pang Fu on the shoulder.

“Then can our star boat mine?” Pang Fu asked.

“Of course it can mine, isn’t this the most basic operation?” Xu Fan asked strangely.

“Many of the star boats I came into contact with were modified by sea boats, saying that they can go to the extreme sky to mine, but the truth is that they will fall apart if they fly faster in the extreme sky.”

“Every time you do this kind of star boat, it is a voyage of unknown life and death.” Pang Fu said with lingering fear. He had done it once and almost lost his life.

“Don’t worry, our star arks are all decent star arks, and it’s okay to go to the inner regions of the Extreme Sky Territory.”

“Who am I, how can I create that kind of unsafe thing?” Xu Fan said disdainfully, looking at the simple Xingzhou in the distance.

“Let that Xingzhou go first. You are going to be in the dust, and rest in Sect for a few days.”

“There is information about the situation of the big fairy city spaces after being sealed in Putao. Please find out. I will equip you with a star boat and continue your journey.”

“Sect is very short of resources right now and urgently needs you, the Minister of Commerce.” Xu Fan said with a smile, really wanting to sleep on the pillow God sent him.

“Then I will let Xingzhou go back first, and let him return the Spirit Stones to me by the way.” Pang Fu said excitedly.

He feels very strange now. When he left, it was difficult for Sect to build a sea boat. It was only a few short years. After returning, there will be a star boat.

“What retreat? You will be the Minister of Commerce of the Hidden Spirit Gate in the future. This pattern is always necessary.” Xu Fan said grandiosely.

“12 million top-grade Spirit Stones, this is only the return price.” Pang Fu said silently.

“Grape, tune a team of puppets to follow the minister, and prepare the orbital guns in the sky for locking.” Xu Fan commanded that there are actually a lot of 12 million Spirit Stones.

“Big Elder waits for me, and I’ll go back.” Pang Fu said as he drove his small spirit boat to the distant star boat.

Pang Fu had a friendly conversation with the Venerable who was driving the star boat, and finally returned 11 million top-grade Spirit Stones.

“Grape, make a list of the things that can be sold in Sect, and show Pang Fu a look.” Xu Fan looked at the energetic Pang Fu and ordered.

“Big Elder, give me three…give me two days, then I will set off to earn Spirit Stones resources for Sect.” Pang Fu said excitedly.

“No hurry, you can rest for a few days.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said. Although Sect lacks resources, he won’t make it so.

“Big Elder, I read the list. Our Sect has overcapacity and urgently needs other resources. How can I sit still at this time? I must first circulate useless resources to maximize profits.”

“Give me two years, and I will fill the Sect treasure house with Elder.” Pang Fu seemed to have found youth, and the whole person exuded the energy that I could beat ten.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, we haven’t seen each other for so many years, let’s talk first.”

“Tell me about your experience over the years. I’m still quite curious.” Xu Fan said.

In an unfamiliar fairy city, from scratch, to lay such a large family business, the story must be wonderful and tortuous.

“Since Elder wants to hear it, I will tell you about it.”

Xu Fan waved his hand, and there was a recliner beside him.

“It’s the morning, and the sunshine is just right, we can talk all day.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“At the beginning of Shuiyunxian City, I didn’t have many Spirit Stones, and the samples I brought were just those puppets and Magic Treasures in Sect.”

“At that time, when I looked at the resources in my hand, the concept that Elder I talked about when I was at the Hidden Spirit Gate suddenly popped up in my mind.”

“Later, I met another refining genius, and then…”

As Pang Fu’s story unfolded, Xu Fan’s expression became more and more exciting.

The refining genius Pang Fu encountered at the beginning put forward the reconstruction of communications and some advanced concepts.

Afterwards, under Pang Fu’s passionate speech, a group of small chambers of commerce were gathered to establish a communications alliance. Why is there no large chamber of commerce? The reason is that they look down on it and require too much investment.

Later, after the communication alliances of these small chambers of commerce worked so hard to open up the four surrounding commercial roads and communications, they began to face pressure from many large chambers of commerce in Shuiyun City.

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