Chapter 575 Four-phase Giant City

Qianling Venerable drove the classical star boat to the Hidden Spirit Gate as expected.

“Big Elder, when shall we leave?” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

“Leave now.” Xu Fan said.

He also took Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian by his side.

The Restrictions that he had placed on Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian were actually cracked by their brothers and sisters.

Xu Fan feels that he has time and must give them a detailed test. After saving, there are some things that he can’t grasp.

“Then let’s set off now, this time I will take the boss’s clone, as long as I’m careful, the hair won’t damage one.” Qianling Venerable assured.

“Then bother Venerable.” Xu Fan said with a smile, thinking that there is an invincible Venerable as a guarantee. As long as he doesn’t die, there should be no problem in general.

The classical star boat that hadn’t landed for a long time took off again.

Half a month later, in the inner region of the extreme sky, the classical star boat sailed cautiously in privacy mode.

“Big Elder, what are your plans this time?”

“According to the news I got here, the Elder Society has already hit the monster clan, but the area is currently guarded by the monster clan, and there is no way to attack it for a while,” Qianling Venerable said.

Xu Fan took out the star stone, looked at how long it was before the new gate began, and then said a coordinate to let the grape clone on the classical star ship go there.

“Let’s go to the ancient Star to rest for a while. When the secret realm is about to open, we will go there as my spirit boat.” Xu Fan said.

Looking at Qianling Venerable’s suspicious eyes, Xu Fan explained: “I need to re-train my Dao Item spirit boat on the Ancient Star.”

“Otherwise, how can I sneak in?” Xu Fan said.

“That’s OK, let’s go to the ancient Star to rest for a while.” Qianling Venerable said.

Half a month later, the Classic Starship descended on Xue Lingxing, and everyone was warmly received by Xue Ling Venerable.

“Welcome Elder to visit Xue Lingxing as a guest.” Xue Ling Venerable said enthusiastically.

“Excuse me this time, we need to rest on your star for three months.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Don’t say three months, three to thirty years will not be a problem.” Xue Ling Venerable said with a smile.

Since Xue Lingxing replaced the Star array, he encountered four or five waves of monster battleships that had passed by Xue Lingxing.

Even the extremely empty behemoth that has not been wandering in this area has encountered twice.

It can be said that if he hadn’t updated the Star Array in time, he would have finished playing the entire Xue Lingxing.

“Then trouble Venerable.” Xu Fan said.

On the top of a mountain, Xu Fan is adding a stealth coating to the Dao Item spirit boat refined by clone 1 and incorporating some precious spirit mines into it.

“Big Elder, I didn’t expect you Sect to take this kind of work. I have been to a few ancient stars in the inner space of the sky, do you want to contact you?”

Qianling Venerable then talked about the coordinate areas of several ancient Stars.

“Venerable said that those ancient Stars have already been done.”

Xu Fan evenly applied the substance that had been melted into a mass of liquid on the Dao Item spirit boat.

“At that time, there was a lack of Spirit Stones and spirit mines, so I asked Spirit Slayer Elder to drive the star boat and lead my clone to find the ancient Star everywhere.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Awesome, craftsmanship is popular.” Qianling Venerable said enviously.

“Eat live food.” Xu Fan said modestly.

“Big Elder, why didn’t you prepare the Dao Item Spirit Boat in advance?” Qianling Venerable asked puzzledly.

“How do you say? In the past, there were very few in the space of the sky. If you rush to refine the Dao Item spirit boat without personally experiencing it, the concealment effect will be greatly reduced.” Xu Fan explained that he would not admit that he had procrastination.

“So, Elder is very considerate.” Qianling Venerable nodded.

Three months later, a ten-foot-long spirit boat took off from Xue Lingxing and flew towards the depths of the sky.

As the destination approaches, Xu Fan and others have seen the wreckage left after the battle between the Yaozu and the Elder Society.

“The monster battleships defending here are all moon-level. It seems that Elder will suffer a lot from there.” Qianling Venerable said while looking at the wreckage outside.

“It may be that the Elder Club is still not clear about the importance of this place, and the dispatched Xingzhou might be slightly weaker.” Xu Fan said next to him.

At this moment, the roar of the extremely empty giant beast came from a distance.

A shock wave swept across the entire polar space.

“It should be the old tortoise.” Xu Fan said solemnly.

“It seems that Elder will dispatch the serial number Elder over there, otherwise it can’t attract such a big fluctuation.” Qianling Venerable said.

At this time, you can see the monster warship defending in the distance on the spirit boat.

“Starting to enter the defensive circle, Venerable, Xu Gang, Xiaoyue, don’t run Spirit Power now.” Xu Fan said.

“Understand.” Everyone replied.

At this time, on the periphery of the Yaozu’s defense, a spirit boat quietly flew past a huge behemoth warship.

The distance between the two is less than a hundred feet.

“If I pay a price to teleport to the main control room of the monster warship, I can suppress them in an instant.” Qianling Venerable looked at the monster warship a hundred meters away and touched his chin.

At this time, the behemoth warship is in a state of alert, but there is no magic circle similar to a space blockade.

“Venerable, when we leave, we can get a hand, at least we can get a few behemoth warships.” Xu Fan said with a smile, feeling that we can really get a hand.

Xu Fan got a lot of good things from the three moon-level monster battleships destroyed by the orbital artillery, especially the psychic core on the moon-level monster battleship, which can be directly modified and used.

“This can be. The space-blocking behemoth was beheaded by the boss. Let’s sneak a wave, and the boss can directly take us and teleport away.”

Qianling Venerable looked at Xu Fan eagerly.

“Two moon-class behemoth warships can transform a starship whose performance is no less than that of the classical starship.”

Xu Fan knew what Thousand People Venerable’s eager eyes were asking.

“The one who knows me is great, too, Elder!” Qianling Venerable said excitedly, thinking in his heart that the boss must get 4 monster warships.

Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian laughed beside them, and they all knew this Venerable Dugong Xingzhou.

As Xingzhou moved toward the center of the demon clan guardian position.

A huge city of demons appeared in front of the four people.

“The four-phase giant city of the monster!” Qianling Venerable exclaimed.

Xu Fan looked at Qianling Venerable, what is this four-phase giant city?

“Simply put, there are at least 4 Invincible Demon Lords guarding this huge city.”

“I have seen records about this giant city in the intelligence of those monsters.” Qianling Venerable looked at the Four Phases City with a slightly uncertain face.

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