Chapter 576 Nether Venerable

“Four Invincible Demon Lords are sitting…”

“What on earth is there in it that can make the Yaozu pay so much attention.”

Xu Fan felt that he had encountered the wrong four-phase giant city at the wrong time.

If it weren’t for Xu Fan to feel that this secret realm is destined to him, maybe he would go back the same way, after all, nothing matters.

“It seems that when I leave, I can’t make a vote.” Qianling Venerable said with a sigh.

“Big Elder, otherwise let’s take a detour. If it is too close to the Four-Phase Giant City, it will be easy to be spotted by those demon lords.”

“Tell you an exciting thing. The coordinates given by the star stone seem to be above the four-phase giant city.” Xu Fan said, pointing to the faint star gate phantom above the four-phase giant city.

At this moment, a golden tiger roar sounded from the four-phase giant city.

A giant gold-eating tiger with a length of hundreds of feet appeared on the four-phase giant city, and then stepped on the Shattering Void, not knowing where it teleported.

“Is this little tiger his father?” Xu Fan said.

“This should be the Uncle of the little tiger. Elder, who is too big for the Golden Tiger clan, usually sits in his own clan, just like my boss.”

“But the only difference is that our boss may not be as good as him.” Qianling Venerable said while looking at the four-phase giant city.

“Venerable, what is the origin of this four-phase giant city?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“It was the vehicle that Golden-winged Great Peng used to patrol the Demon Realm before. Later, he soared. This four-phase giant city became the gathering place of the four top big clans in the Demon Realm.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Of course it’s a big show.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the four-phase giant city floating in the sky.

“What’s this? The Lord still uses an ancient Star as his car. This four-phase giant city is nothing extraordinary.”

“It’s a pity that the Supreme Master also followed the Golden-winged Great Peng soaring.” Qianling Venerable said regretfully.

Xu Fan silently looked at the huge four-phase city, thinking about how to quietly hide the Invincible Demon Venerable into the news.

If only an Invincible Demon Venerable is sitting, Xu Fan is still sure.

Once more than two Invincible Demon Venerables, Xu Fan was a little uncertain.

“Is the big Elder thinking how to get in?” Qianling Venerable smiled confidently.

“What’s Venerable’s strategy?”

Looking at the appearance of Qianling Venerable, Xu Fanguang wanted to equip him with a feather fan.

“The boss of my family has many connections with Elder’s serial numbers, and many of them are close friends.”

“And as his second junior brother, of course I am also well known by them.”

“So I just need to start the relationship, and invite a few more serial numbers, Elder, to take away the Invincible Demon Venerable on the Four-Phase Giant City.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

What is a relationship? What is a network?

Xu Fan clearly realized this lesson, and of course his strength must be at that level.

In front of the four-phase giant city, the spirit boat controlled by Xu Fan turned around and crawled away like an ant.

“It would be great if I could also know so many Invincible Venerable.” Xu Fan said with emotion.

Xu Fan’s words greeted Qianling Venerable’s suspicious look.

“Why does Elder have this idea? Have you forgotten your identity?” Qianling Venerable said.

Originally an insulting sentence, it changed when it was substituted into this scene.

“I can’t just say to everyone, I am the Great Master Refiner, you make friends with me, and I will refine Magic Treasures for you.” Xu Fan said flatly.

This thing is the same as whether you wear underwear or not. Whether you wear it or not, you won’t just tell anyone.

“Haha, it turns out that Elder is worried about this problem, so don’t worry about it.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Let’s go with the flow.” Xu Fan said.

Xu Fan flew away in the direction where the extremely empty giant beast roared just now.

Sure enough, after searching for a while, I found the rear base camp of the Elder Club.

It was a huge palace, standing in the realm of the sky.

“Longxian Palace, it seems that Elder with the top serial number came to sit down.” Qianling Venerable said.

Afterwards, Qianling Venerable left the spirit boat directly, and released the classical star boat in the realm of the sky.

“Big Elder, go to Xingzhou, I will take you to get to know you.” Qianling followed the appearance of a good Dage, as if to introduce Xu Fan the way to get rich.

Xu Fan took it with him. Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian boarded the classical star boat of Qianling Venerable.

After Qianling Venerable boarded the Xingzhou, he skillfully released a team of puppets and took over the basic positions on the Xingzhou.

“Venerable has been going out mining by himself lately?” Xu Fan asked curiously, looking at the puppet.

“This time I went to secret realm with Elder, so I didn’t bring Sect’s Elder and disciples.” Qianling Venerable said.

The sudden appearance of Qianling Venerable’s classical star boat shocked the surrounding cultivator.

“It turns out that Qianling is here. Welcome.”

A clear voice came from Longxian Palace.

“Sister-in-law Mingyou, it’s been a long time!” Qianling Venerable said in surprise, as if she had met a relative.

A woman wearing a long blue skirt appeared on Longxian Palace, smiling at Qianling Venerable.

“Is this the dao companion of Elder?” Xu Fan Chuanyin asked.

“Just take it!” Qianling Venerable thought for a while and said through voice transmission.

Seeing Qianling Venerable’s expression, Xu Fan knew that there was a story in it, and planned to have time to inquire about it in the future.

The classical star boat came to the Great Hall of Longxian Palace unimpeded.

“Unexpectedly, looking up close, Longxian Palace is so big.” Xu Fan said with a sigh.

The classical star boat is like a small boat for two in front of Longxian Palace.

“Netherworld Venerable, Elder will have the serial number thirteen. After a while, you can call your sister-in-law.”

The voice of Qianling Venerable rang in Xu Fan’s ear.

“How can you call this title casually? Besides…”

Before Xu Fan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qianling Venerable and said, “Sister-in-law is better than the boss, and she protects her shortcomings better.”

“Our sister-in-law is so amazing!” Xu Fan said in surprise.

“That’s pretty powerful. It’s not a problem to suppress the little tiger, his father.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile, praising Xu Fan’s witty name change.

When the four of them stepped off the classical star boat, they saw the Nether Venerable greeted at the door.

A faint blue dress, with the breath of the eldest sister in the family.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my sister-in-law!” Qianling’s Venerable tone was intimate.

“I wanted to go to the Thousand Spirit Sect to see you, but I didn’t expect to pick up this job again halfway.” Netherworld Venerable said with a smile, and then looked at Xu Fan.

“This is the hidden spirit gate Elder that I often mention to you. The star boat outside is made by the Elder.”

“In the future, it will be a Grand Great Master.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Meet my sister-in-law…, Nether senior.”

Xu Fanguang thought about his sister-in-law and almost purred.

“It’s okay, this is my sister-in-law, I like to listen to this.” Netherworld Venerable said with squinting eyes.

“The latest jade talisman of the boss almost all ran into Elder’s hands.”

“Sister-in-law, do you also give it together, in pairs?” Qian Ling Venerable said and glanced at Xu Fan.

Brothers have done this, it’s not interesting enough!

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