Chapter 577

Nether Venerable laughed at Qianling Venerable’s words, like a hearty elder sister.

He directly took out a blue jade talisman and threw it to Xu Fan.

“Call my sister-in-law. From now on, my sister-in-law will protect you, so you can just greet me directly if you have something to do.” Netherworld Venerable said with a smile.

“Thank you, my sister-in-law, when I want to refining Magic Treasures, I will tell my younger brother that I will help my sister-in-law refining wholeheartedly.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

He felt that his newly recognized sister-in-law had a very good personality and could make friends.

“It is my honor to have a future refiner, Grand Great Master, to be a younger brother.” Netherworld Venerable said with a smile.

A group of people were taken to the Dragon Fairy Palace, where Nether Venerable hosted a banquet.

“Qianling, go ahead, let me help if you have anything.” Netherworld Venerable said.

“Big Elder and I are going to a secret realm in the Territory of Extreme Sky. It is the one that the Monster Race guards strictly.”

“We just came out of the secret realm and found that the four-phase giant city of the monster race was there.”

“Do you want me to drive away the four-phase giant city?” Netherworld Venerable frowned.

“No, we just want my sister-in-law to attract the invincible Venerable in the four-phase giant city. Elder and I have a way to enter the secret realm.” Xu Fan said from the side.

“You don’t need to lead them all away, just three people.” Qianling Venerable said.

“That’s okay. One day later, Elder will send two more serial numbers Elder over, and then you can act.”

“You can just find a chance to enter the secret realm, but there is one thing I hope you promise.” Netherworld Venerable thought for a while and said.

“Sister-in-law, please speak.”

“Take Elder to the secret realm with a few Elders. Don’t worry, they won’t compete with you for the Magic Treasures and the like.”

“Since the Yaozu values ​​the secret realm so much, it means that there is something important to them in the secret realm. Those Elders only need to destroy the Yaozu’s plan.”

“The thing that is valued by the monster race, whether it is you or Elder will get it, the benefits are indispensable to you.” Nether Venerable said.

“Yes, when the time comes, those Elders will go directly to the secret realm with us.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

His purpose of going to the secret realm was just to see where the familiar feeling came from. The closer he got to the secret realm, the stronger the feeling.

He is actually not very interested in the things in the secret realm.

Netherworld Venerable nodded and said, “I will go to the Demon Race to make a formation early tomorrow morning to help you lead out that Demon Race Invincible Demon Venerable.”

“Thank you sister-in-law,” Xu Fan said gratefully.

“What are you polite with me?” Netherworld Venerable said with a smile.

After visiting the Nether Venerable, several people returned to the Classic Starship.

Xu Fan originally wanted to ask Netherworld Venerable and his boss about it. Later, after thinking about it, it was not because of the love between men and women. When should I not ask?

The Classical Star Boat has a special viewing platform. Xu Fan sat there, looking into the depths of the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Master, what are you thinking?” Xu Gang asked beside him.

“I wonder if the shining galaxy in the depths of the extreme sky is in this realm.” Xu Fan said while looking into the distance.

“I don’t know, but I feel that since these Stars can be seen by my eyes, as long as you move towards the place where the Stars flash, you will definitely be able to find them.” Xu Gang said.

“Yes, I have been thinking too much.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“You have made rapid progress lately. Have you already fully understood the Dongfeng Divine Power Insight?” Xu Fan asked, looking at Own Master.

“Only one of the magical powers was insight, and the follow-up magical powers are being learned.” Xu Gang scratched his head and said.

“It’s not easy, it’s shorter than the time you think for a teacher.” Xu Fan praised.

“Among the disciples accepted by the master, the disciple knows that he is the stupidest one.”

“For this disciple’s cultivation Cultivation Technique and supernatural powers do not dare to relax a little bit.”

“Just a few years ago, Tu’er suddenly felt that there was a hint of enlightenment in his mind, and then the cultivation Cultivation Technique and magical powers progressed a lot faster.” Xu Gang said.

“It’s not easy, Boss, you finally got the hang of it.” Xu Fan said with some surprise.

According to Xu Fan’s calculations, it would take a hundred years for his big apprentice to get resuscitation, but he didn’t expect that resuscitation would happen earlier than he thought.

“Yes, it seems that I am going to give you the things I prepared for you in advance.”

Ten jade discs appeared in Xu Fan’s hands, all of which were made for Xu Gang’s supernatural powers. The level of these supernatural powers was much higher than the supernatural powers Xu Gang is now learning, and the requirements for qualifications are also higher.

“Master, this is.” Xu Gang said puzzledly.

“This is a supernatural power system tailored for you, to be precise, for your father and son. I wanted to leave it for the spiritual platform, but I didn’t expect you to reach this standard next step.” Xu Fan said.

“Master, can’t I cultivate this supernatural power series before?” Xu Gang asked sadly.

“Everyone has the ability to bear it. Once the limit is exceeded, doing anything is twice the result with half the effort.” Xu Fan explained.

To put it simply, the aptitude and understanding are not enough, Xu Fan would not say so bluntly.

Xu Gang accepted Yudie and asked sadly: “The apprentice is dull and almost delayed the Master’s good intentions.”

“What nonsense, the time it took you to be apprentices at the time was not too long.”

“Now let you fight a fight, you alone can fight according to your senior brothers.”

“Qualification and understanding can’t decide everything. Cultivation well, sooner or later you will be able to carry a piece of heaven for your teacher.” Xu Fan said. He knows what his apprentice thinks.

“Thank you, Master, for your comfort.” Xu Gang said moved, and then closed his eyes and began to gain insights again.

After seven hours, Elder will come to help Elder with two serial numbers.

“This is July Venerable and Fengjing Venerable. Both are my old friends. This time I will go to secret realm with us.” Qianling Venerable introduced.

“This is the Great Elder of the Hidden Spirit Gate. My Classic Star Boat is made by the Great Elder, the future proper refining tool Grand Great Master.” Qianling Venerable proudly introduced to the two Venerables. My brother is not awesome.

“The two Venerables are good.” Xu Fan said politely.

“Great Elder,” the two Venerables said quickly and politely, and they looked at Xu Fan eagerly.

They had long known that Qianling Venerable knew a very powerful refiner Great Master, who could help him refine the star boat, and finally saw him today.

“Since everyone is here, let’s set off for Elder,” Qianling Venerable said.

Xu Fan nodded, driving the Dao Item spirit boat, flying towards the direction of the four-phase giant town Shou.

As the spirit boat left, the huge Longxian Palace also moved towards the area guarded by the monster clan.

“Little tiger, little loach, puppy, bird, all come here and die.”

In the inner area of ​​the Extreme Sky Territory, the Yaozu guarding the front line sounded the voice of Nether Venerable.

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