Chapter 578: Entering the Secret Realm

Longxiangong directly hit the front line of Yaozu’s defense.

A woman wearing a long blue skirt is standing above Longxian Palace.

Looking at the front line of the monster race with a provocative expression, the two serial numbers standing behind her, all of them looked forward with serious faces.

A huge golden tiger phantom with a thousand feet of giant bite appeared in the sky above the monster battleship of the monster race.

“Human Race, hurry up while I’m in a good mood, or you don’t blame me for killing you all.” The killing intent flashing in the eyes of the Golden Devourer, what can Human Race Venerable do.

The things in the secret realm are very important to the Yaozu, and they must not be used by others.

“Hehe, let me go?”

A dark blue long knife appeared in the hands of Nether Venerable.

Immediately the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a faint blue color flashed in the domain of the sky.

At that moment, the three monster battleships on the front line of the monster clan were divided into two, and the monsters who piloted the monster battleship were all annihilated.

Nether Venerable cut out another blade of light, and slashed towards the golden tiger’s body in the extremely empty domain.

Powerful Spirit Power fluctuations erupted in the depths of the extreme sky.

“Little tiger, it seems that your grown-up didn’t tell you clearly who I am.”

“Go and ask how the scar on his face came from!” Nether Venerable held a knife in one hand and looked at the golden tiger phantom full of awe-inspiring color.

“You are the Nether Venerable of Human Race!!”

“But it doesn’t matter if you are here.”

A giant tortoise with a body length of hundreds of miles appeared on the front line of the demon race, looking at the Nether Venerable fearlessly.

“Your demons are really a bunch of bullshit, do you have any other skills besides tortoises?”

“In a word, get out of this area quickly, so that the Golden-winged Great Peng’s wealth left to you will not be guaranteed.”

A clay pot appeared in Nether Venerable’s hand.

“You put the tortoises, and I will put some good things too.”

The earthen jar opened automatically, and a golden ant with two wings appeared on the earthen jar.

“Little tortoise, don’t you know if you like it or not?” Netherworld Venerable said with sarcasm.

Tianlu Turtle looked at the golden ant with a trace of fear in his eyes.

“Sky-biting ants are different species of heaven and earth, how many can you have!”

At this time, three more figures appeared in the sky, just the other three invincible demon sovereigns of the Sixiang Giant City.

Nether Venerable saw four invincible monsters appear, and immediately sent a message to Xu Fan.

At this time, the spirit boat controlled by Xu Fan had appeared not far from the Sixiang Giant City.

Communication Magical Item vibrated slightly, and Xu Fan glanced at it and laughed.

“You can act according to your plan. Now there is no Invincible Demon Venerable in the Four-Phase Giant City.”

“Then let’s go to the secret realm, I want to know what makes the Yaozu so important.” Qianling Venerable couldn’t wait to say.

Xu Fan activated all the magic circles on the spirit boat and began a state of top-secret invisibility.

“Big Elder, are you sure that this invisible formation can hide from the demon lord’s detection on the Four-Phase Giant City?” Elder of the Elder Society on the spirit boat couldn’t help asking.

“Don’t worry, you can definitely hide it from them.”


Xu Fan said that a jade talisman of Elder, the Great Qianling Sect, appeared in his hand.

“We can’t enter softly, but we can enter hard.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Now that the Invincible Demon Venerables on the Four-Phase Giant City are all absent, the invincible Demon Venerables above can be handled at will.”

Xu Fan’s words made the Venerable of the two Elders feel at ease.

At this time, Lingzhou had already reached the sky above the Four-Phase Giant City, and was about to touch the phantom of the star gate.

“I don’t know what’s in it, it makes me feel so familiar.” Xu Fan said.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was about to enter the Star Gate, suddenly felt the gaze coming from the four-phase giant.

Xu Fan glanced in the direction of induction, and saw a beautiful and white nine-tailed holy fox looking in the direction of Lingzhou, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

“The nine-tailed sacred fox is second only to the great royal families in the demonic clan.” Qianling Venerable also saw the nine-tailed sacred fox.

“Combat power is generally not strong. It belongs to a resourceful race and likes to confuse people the most.”

“It’s a pity that there is a task at hand now, or else we can kill this demon and save a lot of trouble in the future.” Venerable of the Elder Club said.

“Secret realm is the top priority, let’s go in first.”

The star stone appeared in Xu Fan’s hand.

As soon as the star stone appeared, it emitted dazzling starlight, forming a magic circle condensed by the power of the starlight.

The starlight array and the star gate echoed each other, and a magical gravitational force caught the spirit boat where Xu Fan was, and slowly pulled it into the star gate.

The four-phase giant city, on a large platform, a nine-tailed holy fox is quietly staring at the star gate phantom in the sky.

“It’s a pity that I can’t go in to the secret realm, or I must take the fairy artifact back and let the Golden-winged Great Peng demon emperor descend on the demon clan.”

The tone of the nine-tailed holy fox was a pity.

At this moment, the nine-tailed holy fox suddenly felt something strange in the star gate.

“How do you feel that the power of the starlight is stronger than just now?” Nine-tailed Saint Fox wondered.

At this moment, an aura flashed through the star gate, instantly making the nine-tailed holy fox alert.

“Are other creatures entering the secret realm? Is it a human race?”

The nine-tailed holy fox thought of a lot in an instant. Combined with the human race’s serial number, Elder was defiant, and he felt that the human race had entered the secret realm.

Everyone appeared in a broken world composed of pieces of mirrors.

“This secret realm is so strange. The principle of the secret realm’s avenue seems to be isolated from the immortal world.” Qianling Venerable said.

Xu Fan heard what Qianling Venerable said, and suddenly thought of his previous plan.

“If nothing happens, the wonders of this secret realm should be in this mirrored Minor World.” said a Venerable of the Elder Club.

At this moment, the voice of grapes rang from the bottom of Xu Fan’s heart.

“Master, I have received the Magic Treasures signal from Peak Master Wang Yulun,” said Grape.

“Yulun is here!” Xu Fan said in surprise.

At this time, Xu Fan received a message from Wang Yulun.

“Xu Dage, don’t set foot in this mirrored Minor World!”

“Every Mirror Minor World will accelerate time and consume its life.”

“The principle of the secret realm is very strange. Once Xu Dage steps on the mirror Minor World, there is no turning back!”

“Xu Dage, thank you for taking care of me for so many years. Yu Lun may never see Xu Dage again.”

Looking at the news from Wang Yulun, Xu Fan looked more and more serious. Compared with the joyous event of accelerating time and consuming life, he valued his brother’s life more.

“Grape, can you locate Yu Lun’s position?” Xu Fan asked.

“The time and space here are chaotic, and only the message can be received.” Grape responded.

“Two Venerables, is there any record of this secret realm in the Elder Association?”

“I have a brother trapped in it and need to be rescued.” Xu Fan asked when he looked at the two Elder Association Venerables.

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