Chapter 580

When Xu Fan stepped into the second mirror Minor World and the time began to accelerate, he showed a comfortable expression.

“The most beautiful place in this world is nothing more than that in my opinion.” Xu Fan felt the passing of time, suddenly feeling a strange pleasure.

It feels like all this is a dream, the beauty in the dream meets the reality.

Xu Fan once had a dream when he was in the Foundation Building period.

In the dream, time is like a stream of light, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye, and his Cultivation Base is promoted like a rocket.

Now all this has become a reality.

Time hastened, and the mirror Minor World where Xu Fan is located suddenly has a lot more Five Elements, Spiritual Qi.

When a platform rises, there is only a small cup of stalactite on the platform.

“The stalactite of ten thousand years, not bad, barely useful.” Xu Fan smiled and waved into the Interspatial Ring, and began to walk towards the next mirrored Minor World.

With brisk footsteps and firm eyes, he wants to walk through this secret realm to find his good brother.

The third mirror world was enjoyed in Xu Fan’s face, and the time was over.

“Time has accelerated for 56 years, is there any rule between this?” Xu Fan was a little puzzled.

The usual practice is that a platform rises, and it is also a ferocious Demonic Beasts, whose combat power is a little stronger than the one Xu Fan met for the first time.

“The deeper you go, the more rewarding you get or meeting Demonic Beasts?”

Xu Fan directly waved his hand slightly, and the thread, hundreds of times thinner than the hair, instantly wrapped around the Demonic Beasts’ neck.

Then there was a perfect separation.

“In a hurry, I won’t play with you.” Xu Fan said with a smile looking at Demonic Beasts, who was separated from the head and tail.

The fourth mirror world, accelerated for 60 years, Xu Fan got a Dao Item that was of little use.

The fifth mirror Minor World, time has accelerated by 63 years, Xu Fan encountered a Demonic Beasts in the Void Refining Period and killed it smoothly.

The sixth mirror is a long time, and the time has been accelerated by 61 years. The reward is still a Demonic Beasts during the refining period.

Just when Xu Fan thought that he could continue to be happy like this, in the seventh mirror world, Xu Fan encountered the demon race who entered the secret realm to explore.

“Human race, did you come in to find death with this behavior?” said a demon from the snapping turtle clan, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

“Turtles, there doesn’t seem to be any powerful monsters.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin, looking at the monsters of the snapping turtles without any fear.

“Human race, I’m not here yet, obediently suffer to death!!”

The demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan transformed into a real body in an instant, and a strange force restrained Xu Fan.

“Gravity supernatural power, interesting.” Xu Fan said, letting go of Wukong.

“Zhengchou didn’t have a try, you ended up sending it to the door.”

As soon as Wukong came out, he released the breath of Mahayana Venerable.

Po Ling appeared in Wukong’s hand, and hit the demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan with a stick.

“Dinghai is great!”

“Human, are you blind? You want to fight in the most defensive position!”

“It seems that you are destined to die today!” The demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan had an expression that he would like to eat, and directly used the tortoise shell to greet Wukong’s stick.

Xu Fan didn’t speak, but just stared at the demon of this pretending snapping turtle clan.

As Wukong dropped the stick, it seemed that the entire mirror Minor World trembled for a moment.

Na Dinghai hit the shell of the snapping turtle family with one stick, as if it had fallen into a pile of loose sand.

The shell of the snapping turtle clan was directly cracked.

Ding Hai shot into the soul one by one, directly hitting the seven demon spirits of the Snapping Turtle clan out of the body.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!” The demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan seemed to have encountered the most absurd thing in the world.

Their family is known for defense, how can they be crushed by the puppets, which is harder than Dao Item’s tortoise shell.

While the demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan was still in shock, Wukong’s second rod was struck again with the momentum of thunder.

But this time the target was his head.

A trace of Death surrounds the demon zun’s heart of the snapping turtle clan.

At that moment, the demon of the snapping turtle clan originated from instinctive fear, and directly retracted his limbs and head into the tortoise shell.


With a stick hit, the upper body turtle shell of the demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan instantly shattered, and it also smashed a hole in the mirror world under his feet.

“Human race, how about letting me go!” The demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan pleaded.

“Then you stretch your head out first, you talk to me in a tortoise shell, you disrespect me very much.” Xu Fanyouyou said.

“You promise not to kill me first, and I’ll go out.” The demon vener of the snapping turtle clan had a trace of fear.

After listening to Xu Fan’s words, he knew that this human race had no intention of letting him go.

“Human, you let me go, I will be your demon slave.”

“My snapping turtle clan, although not strong in combat power, knowing many things in the demon world, big and small, can be your help.” The demon sovereign of the snapping turtle clan said sincerely, making the final desperate fight.

“Forget it, I’m in a hurry, so I will be merciful to you.” Xu Fan said lightly.

Accepting a demon venerable who is connected with the top big clan of the demon clan, isn’t he looking for death?

As Wukong dropped another stick, he directly killed the true spirit of the Snapping Turtle Demon Venerable.

Xu Fan sensed the consumption of the Wukong puppet, and a little distressedly took the body of the Snapping Turtle Demon Venerable into the Dao Item Palace.

“I knew that the second rod would not be kept. This rod consumes a lot of money.” Xu Fan said distressedly.

The three sticks that Wukong shot consumes more than Xu Fan imagined. Almost every one knocked out the Spiritual Qi consumption of the Five Elements origin of Yinling Island for one year.

“Forget it, if it consumes more, it will be more expensive, and it feels worth it.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

At this moment, the mirror Minor World where Xu Fan was located changed, and time began to flow backwards for 100 years.

“Is this my reward for defeating the Yaozu!!” Xu Fan said with some pain.

Xu Fan instantly felt that he called out that team of Puppets during the fit period to fight against that Demon Venerable.

After the flow of time was over, the mirrored Minor World where Xu Fan was located was connected to many unknown mirrored Minor Worlds.

Xu Fan walked into the nearest one with a stinking face.

“I hope I don’t get moths for me this time.” Xu Fan said in his heart.

The 8th mirror Minor World, time has accelerated for 80 years before it stopped.

“This is the familiar taste, this is the familiar feeling.”

Xu Fan opened his hand and took a deep breath, waiting for the platform to rise and hurriedly dealt with it to the next mirrored Minor World.

A Demonic Beasts in a fit period was slowly sent out by the platform.

The cross-combined puppets appeared, and directly killed the Demonic Beasts in the combined phase with the force of decay.

Xu Fan didn’t even look at the puppet. He raised his foot and walked towards the next mirrored Minor World.

At the same time, above the mirrored Minor World, with a pair of eyes, he looked at Xu Fan curiously.

With Xu Fan stepping into the 13th mirror Minor World.

Time has just accelerated to 50 years, but it was stopped by a tyrannical force that overrides this realm.

Xu Fan looked at the seven Rosy clouds falling from the sky and the vision of Wandao, as if he had discovered a new world.

“It turns out that the system can still be used like this!”

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