Chapter 581 Xu Fan’s Plan

The human race and the monster race who were rushing through the mirrored Minor World in the Wanjing Tiangong all felt the direction where Xu Fan was.

“Could it be the big Elder who broke through?” Qianling Venerable said curiously, and finally took a look at the demon lion of the holy lion clan who was beaten to death by him.

“I didn’t expect to kill the Monster Race, and time can go back. I don’t worry, I have to tell the big Elder quickly.”

With the miraculous vision returned to Xu Fan’s body, breakthrough is also over.

Xu Fan could not help but feel some tears in his eyes as he felt the strength after being promoted to the stage of refining the virtual.

In this Ten Thousand Mirror Temple, it was the most comfortable and relaxing time for him to break through.

From the Qi Refining Period to the God Transformation Period, Xu Fan was overwhelmed for most of the time.

Time can speed up, but Xu Fan’s senses still come from that moment to second.

After he was promoted to the Lianxu period, Xu Fan had a lot of enlightenment in his heart. The obscure road before, now became clearly visible in his eyes.

Those avenues are like women waiting for their husbands to return home. As long as Xu Fan returns, everything belongs to him.

At this time, No.1 and No.2, which were resting on the Yinling Island, suddenly felt a little strange in their body.

Afterwards, their Cultivation Base progressed to the stage of refining vacuity as a matter of course.

The two avatars No. 1 and No. 2 met quickly.

“Is the ontology lucky? How long has it been breakthrough?” No. 2 clone said in surprise.

“Before the problem is gone, what familiar feelings have always been said, did the good brother give him benefits?” Clone No. 1 pondered and said.

“No matter what, this is a good thing.”

“I feel that with the refining device, I have initially touched the realm of the Grand Great Master Refining Qi.” Clone No. 1 said.

“It’s not the same as who else.” No. 2 whispered.

“It just happens that I have some stock there. Let’s work together to refine a basic fairy artifact first?” Clone No. 1 licked his lips and said, he is also obsessed with the refinement.

Clone No. 2 looked at No. 1 with a foolish gaze.

“You don’t know very much about the ontology. Can we still be idle when he comes back?”

“Don’t find a job for yourself in advance, you will be annoying at that time.” Clone No. 2 said.

“Forget it, I just touched the Grand Great Master realm, and some hands are itchy.” Clone No. 1 said with a smile.

“Then itch it first, and wait until the main body comes back.” Clone No. 2 said.

“The only way to do this is to take a good rest today! Take a look at the unfinished novels and animations, or you will run out of time after the main body comes back.” Clone No. 2 said again.

“You still think carefully.”

Not long after the two clones were separated, they each returned to their own den.

Wanjing Tiangong, this is the 20th mirror Minor World Xu Fan has set foot in.

In front of him was another Venerable of the tortoise family.

Xu Fan didn’t talk nonsense, he directly summoned a team of puppets and started to work together!

With the last lesson, he will not easily mobilize Wukong.

At this time, the violent fighting sound caught the attention of the four Wang Yulun who were resting on the platform next to them.

“Father, the fighting sound came from that direction.” Wang Linger pointed to a space filled with white mist and said.

“Don’t worry about so much, take the time to rest.” Wang Yulun said as he looked at the dying Demonic Beasts in the distance.

Now the Demonic Beasts they met are getting stronger and stronger.

It was so powerful that he prepared the railgun in advance.

“It might be Xu Dage over there,” Murong Qian’er said.

“Then ask, I haven’t contacted Xu Dage for a while, I don’t know what’s going on with him?” Wang Yulun said, sending a message to Xu Fan.

Less than a cup of tea time, Wang Yulun received a reply.

“I came across a monster demon of the tortoise clan, in battle.”

“After I kill, how about making a pot of old turtle soup with you.”

Seeing Xu Fan’s reply, Wang Yulun became excited, and then said his own direction.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was commanding the puppet battle, froze for a moment, and said happily: “I didn’t expect to be so close.”

At this time, the demon of the tortoise clan had already turned into a state of shrinking tortoise.

“Do you think you can’t do anything if you retract into the shell?” Xu Fan smiled and waved out two railguns.

“I think you can shoot a few shots.” Xu Fan said hehe.

The last two railguns fired in turn, aiming precisely at the head of the tortoise demon lord.

After the railgun fired to the tenth shot, the Turtle Clan Demon Venerable finally couldn’t help it, stretched out his head and limbs, and rushed towards Xu Fan fiercely, trying to fight Xu Fan to the death.

The giant tortoise with a body length of thousands of feet pressed against Xu Fan with the momentum of Mount Tai.

“The strategy is right, but the wrong person is used.”

Xu Fan smiled and took over the authority of the two railguns and began to control the railguns.

For the first time, a shot directly hit the upper left of the turtle shell, and suddenly the huge body pressed against Xu Fan began to roll uncontrollably in the air.

Then the second orbital gun fired directly, exploding the head of the turtle demon venerable accurately.

Xu Fan put away the railgun calmly and moved it to a position where the demon of the turtle clan can’t control it.

After the death of Turtle Clan Demon Venerable, he entered the time reversal link that Xu Fan hated.

“105 years.” Xu Fan frowned. To the next mirror Minor World.

Time accelerated, and a platform containing Dao Item slowly rose.

Xu Fan didn’t even look at the Dao Item on the platform. He just sat in the same place, calculating the time for the mirror Minor World to accelerate after the promotion period.

“In 709, after a few more visits, will I be able to advance to the fit stage?” Xu Fan calculated.

“You can’t break through the fit period, at least you have to leave a hundred years to stabilize the Cultivation Base.”

“Crossly breakthrough, the foundation will be unstable in the future.”

Xu Fan did not expect that one day he would be annoyed by this.

“Grape, haven’t you found the spirit of Wanjing Tiangong?” Xu Fan asked from the bottom of his heart.

“I can perceive it, but I can’t touch it. He seems to be in a place isolated from any space.” Grape responded.

“Can you communicate with Wanjing Tiangong Artifacts?”

“Yes, it’s just that my existence will be exposed after I come into contact with that spirit,” said Grape.

“You wait a little longer, and then contact with it again.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

After he was promoted to the Void Refining Period, the Refining Device Group was also promoted to the Grand Master Refining Device.

For this Wanjing Tiangong, in the eyes of his refiner Grand Great Master, there is almost no secret.

The power of this time acceleration, in his current view, is probably using an extremely precious time and space fairy treasure to accelerate time.

This kind of time acceleration is definitely not eternal, and it will end when it reaches a certain variable.

So Xu Fan thought, speed up the exploration of the mirror Minor World, and wait until the virtual refining period is still a hundred years away, and then let the grapes communicate with the spirits of the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace.

Moreover, the opening of the secret realm of the Wanjing Immortal Palace this time is definitely the mastermind of the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Palace Artifacts or the creatures behind them.

What the purpose was, Xu Fan didn’t know, anyway, he got a big deal.

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