Chapter 587: The Best Quality Leek

Hidden Spirit Gate, above the huge lake of one hundred thousand miles.

Xu Fan looked at the spirit mine on Wang Yulun’s hook and said with a smile: “It’s still interesting to fish with you. I will never guess what you will catch on the hook next time.”

Three months after Xu Fan returned to Closed Door Training, he completely stabilized the period of refining the void, and integrated the feelings and insights at the time of breakthrough into the own Dao scripture.

“This is very strange. You can never catch a normal fish.” Wang Yulun untied the spirit iron ore hanging on the hook and threw it into the lake.

“Xu Dage, I went to see Chi’er yesterday and found that his condition was a bit wrong.” Wang Yulun said.

“Then prove that your son is about to get rid of it.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Enlightenment?” Wang Yulun questioned.

“In short, your son is going to be smarter.”

“Once he is resuscitated, his aptitude and savvy will rise to the next level.” Xu Fan said you, feeling that he had to relax as soon as he left the gate.

Xu Fan felt that Ba Shi was incomparable now.

“This is a good thing, don’t worry.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“What you should be worried about is another thing, Xiuxin Elder seems to be very rare for you, so don’t catch fire in the harem.”

Xu Fan caught a big light red fish with one foot long, and then sent the puppet into the canteen.

“How did Elder feel it?” Wang Yulun said in surprise.

“A man’s intuition, or the reason for your fate.”

“Although I have helped you cover it up, there are still things that should happen.”

“It’s just that you won’t be forced every time.” Xu Fan swings again, throwing the hook far away.

“This shouldn’t be a big problem, it’s okay to have less contact in the future,” Wang Yulun said.

“You just have to know it in your heart.”

Xu Fan took out a turquoise spirit pearl and handed it to Wang Yulun.

“What is this?” Wang Yulun had already obtained it.

“Help you upgrade this Dao Item suit.”

As soon as Lingzhu touched Wang Yulun, it instantly turned into a pool of liquid and plunged into Wang Yulun’s body.

“Xu Dage, the Dao Item suit you refined for me is already very powerful, don’t worry about helping me.” Wang Yulun said moved.

“An Xin, now I have been promoted to the Grand Great Master Refining Tool, you are just my refining, don’t delay any effort.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

“Xu Dage is now the Grand Great Master in training equipment!!” Wang Yulun said in shock.

“Yes, in the Ten Thousand Mirrors Heavenly Palace, I felt a little bit about it, and finally couldn’t help being promoted to the Grand Great Master Refining Tool.” Xu Fan said and patted Wang Yulun on the shoulder.

“Now the fairy weapon level is not enough, or I will get you a set of fairy weapon suits so that you will be invincible in this world.” Xu Fan said jokingly.

“Invincible is not invincible, just have Xu Dage belt.” Wang Yulun laughed.

At this time, a silver-white puppet appeared beside Xu Fan.

“Meet the big Elder.” The silver-white puppet saluted.

“I haven’t seen it for a while, do you guys still adapt after cooperating with Yinlingmen?” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“As if in the fairy world, our clan felt the dominance of our own freedom for the first time,” said the silver puppet.

After they came to the location arranged by the hidden spirit gate, they felt that they had come to heaven.

Here you can buy a wide variety of Magical Items, and there are also puppets that make them crazy.

The spirit armor in the combined phase parasites on the semi-spirit puppets in the combined phase, which can produce an effect of 1+1=2.

The spirit armor clan in the integration phase already has Dao Item-level defensive power, plus the combat power to control the companion spirit puppets.

This is equivalent to defending Dao Item one more than others at the start, so how do ordinary people play?

The Lingjia clan currently cooperating with the Hidden Spirit Gate has become a ruthless quest tool for their favorite spirit companion puppets.

This made some monster tribes who could not receive the task very dissatisfied.

“That’s good. During this period of time, your family has undertaken almost 80% of the tasks of my hidden spirit door. With such a huge amount of tasks, it is really not easy for your family to complete them with quality and quantity.”

“So I’m calling you this time to persuade you. Those puppets dedicated to your clan are there. Don’t worry, they will all be yours then.”

“The companion spirit puppet can be rebuilt if it is destroyed. If your spirit armour clan falls, it will be a great loss to my hidden spirit gate.” Xu Fan persuaded.

Now the Lingjia clan has red eyes on the task of brushing, they no longer care whether the task itself is dangerous or not, as long as they do not die, this has also led to a substantial reduction in the Lingjia clan’s staff.

“I understand what the big Elder means. It’s just that the little spirit armors in the clan have an almost crazy obsession with this companion spirit puppet. They all want to get the companion spirit puppet as quickly as possible.” The silver armor puppet lowered his head and said.

“First of all, I let Grape allow you to install loans for your family.”

“It is to give you the companion spirit puppet first, and then Yueyue will return the companion spirit puppet’s points.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

In his eyes, the Lingjia clan is the best quality leek he has ever seen, and he doesn’t want to pull the seedlings in advance to encourage growth and ruin this piece of leek field.

“In the future, I will let Grape, assign exclusive tasks for your family, and insist that you are doing so desperately for tasks.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes, Elder.”

The silver-clad puppet retired after saluting.

“This spirit armor clan is really peculiar, like a self-conscious armor.” Wang Yulun said.

“Unfortunately, the Lingjia clan is extremely difficult to practice, and it is extremely difficult to give birth to offspring.”

“If I didn’t find this clan, maybe they would be extinct naturally after ten thousand years.” Xu Fan said regretfully.

“Yes, I have seen the materials of this clan, and it is an eye-opener for me to produce offspring.” Wang Yulun said.

The Lingjia clan has no gender. If they want to breed offspring, they rely on their own efforts to cultivate. They will have a chance to separate a small core from the core during the Gold Core phase, the god transformation phase, and the fit phase promotion phase.

After a series of training, this small inner core was transformed into the Lingjia clan.

“What’s wrong with this? I’ve seen even more weird ones.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

In the underground space, Xu Fan came here after he finished fishing.

At this time, No. 1 and No. 2 were still listening to Xu Fan’s temporary avatar’s storytelling with relish.

“Ask the body, I suddenly discovered that you have the potential to tell storytelling, we will not read novels in the future, you can directly let the temporary clone tell us.” Clone No. 2 said with a smile.

“Then, do you want to give you some more meaty jokes?” Xu Fan said jokingly.

“Never mind it. Talking too much will easily affect Dao heart.” Clone No. 1 said with a smile.

“I’m looking for you this time, I want to refine another Mahayana puppet and become the Grand Great Master of Qi Refining.”

“I want to understand. Many of the key points are that the Mahayana puppets we designed in the past had problems.” Xu Fan said.

“Me and No.2 also know that this is waiting for you to come over to discuss it.”

At this time, Xu Fan’s temporary avatar just finished a paragraph.

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