Chapter 588

A light curtain was projected by Xu Fan.

Above is a brand new Mahayana puppet design.

“I thought about it with us. At that time, no one thought about the closed loop of the original Spiritual Qi energy.” Clone No. 1 sighed.

“This kind of thing is very strange. A layer of window paper can’t be broken at that time.” Clone No. 2 said.

“It’s not important anymore, what’s important is that now we want to understand.”

There is an Interspatial Ring in Xu Fan’s hand.

“When I came back from the Territory of Extreme Sky, our sister-in-law gave a lot of good things, adding something just to make a Mahayana puppet.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Sister-in-law, who is Dage?” The two clones were a little confused.

Xu Fan took out a faint blue avatar jade charm and placed it on the table in front of the two of them.

He also took out a jade talisman of Elder, the Great Emperor of the Thousand Spirits Sect.

“Dage and sister-in-law are very good to us. The most important thing is that sister-in-law is better than Dage, and she also protects her shortcomings.” Xu Fan said hehe.

The two looked at the faint blue jade talisman on the table in awe.

The cordial image of the sister-in-law was immediately outlined in the eyes of the two avatars.

“My sister-in-law is really nice to us, starting with a jade talisman for the clone.” Clone 2 said with some emotion.

In their eyes, a avatar jade talisman is equivalent to a life.

“So I decided to put my sister-in-law’s pit behind Taishang Elder.” Xu Fan said.

“this is necessary.”

The two avatars nodded, in their eyes, the sister-in-law was the other thigh.

“One more thing, the welfare of good brothers is here.”

“The profound wind thunder iron full of Dao Item palace is enough to make a high-performance starship.”

“So I plan to refine the Mahayana puppet on the 1st.”

“On the 2nd, you refine a new star boat.” Xu Fan said.

“We have a requirement. When we are refining, you, the temporary avatar, must be by your side to give us a commentary.” Clone No. 1 asked.

“That’s OK, it’s not a problem.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

He has never been stingy about things that can soothe the fatigue of the two clones.

The two avatars who received the task were full of bright expressions, and their eyes were full of hope for the future.

They know that the ontology has 100 years to advance to the fit stage.

Once promoted, it will be a qualitative leap for the refiner.

At that time, they don’t think there is anything else in this world that can threaten them.

“This time the time is loose. I will give you 20 years to refine things. Don’t worry.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

After being promoted to the Void Refining Period, the sense of crisis that had previously been added to Xu Fan completely disappeared.

Now in Xu Fan’s eyes, there is no problem that one Mahayana puppet can’t solve, if there are two.

“Our design philosophy is the same, so we are responsible for our own projects.”

“I’ll go back to cultivate, and strive to reach the peak of the Void Refining Period, and prepare for the promotion to the Fitting Period.” Xu Fan said.

“Go, go, be lazy and don’t make a good excuse.” The two clones waved and said, not surprising.

Xu Fan smiled and left the underground space and came to the surface of Yinling Island.

He looked to the sky, feeling all this so beautiful.

“Grape, what do you think I should do now?” Xu Fan said with a sudden smile.

“Master, according to your current mood, Grape recommends someone to show the saint for you.” Grape’s voice sounded.

“Change another, this is too high-profile.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Then go out and play, bring the Mahayana puppet and the clone jade charm, even if it is the Invincible Demon Venerable Demon Race, you can’t keep the master.” Putao said again.

“You can have this.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

Sometimes just staying in one place is quite comfortable, but for a long time there is always a period of time to yearn for the outside world.

“Take the apprentices and preach while playing.”

“By the way, select a group of disciples from Sect to serve as the guards, and take them to gain insights.”

Play, picnic, and the endless scenery.

At this time, a blood shadow appeared beside Shi Tuan.

“Big Elder, I haven’t congratulated you on your promotion to the Void Refining Period.” Zhan Ling said with a smile.

“Oh, where did Elder know the news?” Xu Fan said in a puzzled manner. It stands to reason that the news has not spread in Sect.

“When your good brother saw his grandson, I chatted with fellow daoist Wang for a while.”

Zhan Ling squinted his eyes and looked like I knew your little secrets.

“Ling Zhan Elder knows.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I will be a fool if I don’t know it. When Chu Fan was young, your good brother looked at Chu Fan invisibly from the outside every day.”

“There is also the aura of the blood of the two of them. If you feel it for a while, you will know that they must be dear.”

Xu Fan and Zhan Ling came to a pavilion.

“I hope that Elder Zhan Ling will keep it secret, let my younger sister-in-law know about this, I’m afraid there will be trouble.” Xu Fan said.

“Don’t worry, after living for thousands of years, I can’t even understand this.” Zhan Ling laughed.

“What is Elder looking for?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

“Big Elder, I think that Mahayana puppet has already been refined, so I want to re-cultivation in advance.” Zhan Ling said solemnly.

Xu Fan nodded slowly when he heard Zhan Ling’s words.

“Yes, the materials for the rebuilding of the spirit transfer have been gathered for Elder the spirit slayer early.”

“It’s just that it will take some time to arrange the magic circle for transforming the spirit circle and the Cultivation Technique that Elder needs to practice.”

“It will take about three years,” Xu Fan said after thinking about it.

“Then I will now begin to cultivate the Cultivation Technique of transforming spirits and re-cultivating.” Zhan Ling said immediately.

“Yes.” Xu Fan nodded.

In his eyes, although Zhanling had excellent talents, he was obviously on the wrong path.

As long as you turn your spirits and rebuild and lay a good foundation, it will not be a problem to become invincible within two thousand years.

Then Xu Fan said to Zhanling again, asking him to guard the Yinling Gate if he wants to go out and play.

“Big Elder, go with peace of mind, you want to be against the hidden spirit gate, unless they step on my corpse.” Zhan Ling promised, patting his chest.


After the two separated, Xu Fan began to prepare to go out for fun.


Qianlingzong, Taiyi Great Hall.

Qianling Venerable smiled and took the piece of fairy-like gilt iron from Elder.

“Second, have you been hiding something from me and the boss lately?” Elder said, the third high of Qianlingzong.

“Your recent move to collect fairy weapon level spirit mines is very wrong. Could it be a refiner Grand Great Master that you have newly known.”

“Or the Elder of the Hidden Spirit Gate is going to be promoted to the Grand Great Master.” Taishang Elder said.

“The big Elder personally told me that he will be promoted to the Grand Great Master in a hundred years.”

In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire Taiyi Great Hall changed.

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