Chapter 589 Spirit Armor Clan

Qianlingzong Taishang Elder and three Elder, all staring at Qianling Venerable.

A strong spiritual pressure pressed on Qianling Venerable.

“It’s faded, the feelings between the brothers have faded~” Tai Shangsan Elder’s tone was a little sad.

It’s as if the one you love the most betrayed yourself.

Too big, Elder, also looked at Qianling Venerable with a blessed look, why not share.

“What is it? Your pit position, I have already stood up.”

“The boss has two fairy artifacts, two for me, and one for the third.”

“Big Elder promised to help us refine a fairy artifact at the first time. As for the second immortal artifact of me and the boss, we have to wait until Elder has time to refine it.”

“As Master’s favorite apprentice, how could I not take care of the brothers.” Qian Ling Venerable raised his head proudly, as if Qian Lingzong pointed at me.

“Why am I the only one?” Elder said with dissatisfaction.

“It will be enough for the boss and me to protect you in the future. That fairy weapon is just to comfort you.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

“Are you sure that Elder will be promoted to the Grand Great Master Refiner in a hundred years.” The Great Master Qian Lingzong asked with a serious face.

“Based on what I know about Elder, it may be the Grand Great Master now.”

“The reason for telling me about a hundred years may be that we must first refine some immortal artifacts to stabilize the hidden spirit gate.”

“The puppets of the Hidden Spirit Gate and the rail cannon are both capable of dealing with the existence of ordinary demon veterans.”

“I don’t know if Elder is promoted to Grand Great Master, can he refine an immortal weapon against the Invincible Demon Venerable? Then the boss can try his power.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Since the second child said so, it seems that Elder becomes the Grand Great Master of the refining tool. It is a certainty.”

“We have to make some preparations in advance.” Taishangda Elder said.

“Of course you have to make some preparations. The remuneration for the Grand Great Master shot must be prepared first.” Qianlingzong Taisan Elder said.

Now in the world of cultivating immortals, there is only one known refining tool, the Grand Great Master, who is still in a state of not taking orders all the year round.

So now Xu Fan, the Grand Great Master who can take orders in the future, can be said to be the only scorpion shit in the world of cultivating immortals.

“Does anyone know this news besides us?” Qian Lingzong Taishang Elder asked.

“That is, my sister-in-law knows, but that’s not an outsider either.”

Qianling Venerable smiled, smiling very cheaply.

“What sister-in-law! That is the enemy of Qian Lingzong!”

“If you dare to call your sister-in-law, don’t blame me for expelling you from the Qianlingzong!” Elder said angrily.

Tai Shang San Elder looked at the scene next to him.

“Since it’s an enemy, boss, take revenge!” Qianling Venerable’s eyes looked at Taishang Elder, with an inexplicable meaning.

“You will talk to me about her from now on!” Tai Shang Da Elder turned his head and ignored Qianling Venerable.

“Okay, let’s get back to business.”

“Although the relationship between the two sects is good, the deposit is still to be given.” Qianling Venerable said.

“I support my second child at this point. Even if the verbal matter is settled, it doesn’t count if there is no actual thing.” Tai Shang San Elder said.

“For the fairy ore mines that are not used in the Sect treasury, pick out a part of the precious ones and send them to the big Elder.” The big Elder thought for a while and said.

“That’s OK, I’ll go to the Sect treasury to select a batch.” Qianling Venerable nodded and said, but what I thought was.

Those immortal weapon-level spirit mines that are not available, should we take away all of them or keep a little?

“The second child, at most half, dare to take more, I will let the boss cut off your dog’s head.” The third child looked at Qianling Venerable’s expression and knew what he was thinking.


Are you the roundworm in my stomach?

Qianling Venerable left Taiyi Great Hall and flew towards the treasure house of Sect.


One hundred thousand miles of giant lake, a huge island, here is the place where the hidden spirit gate arranged for the Lingjia clan.

At this moment, Xiong Li was looking at a pool of turquoise and frozen matter.

“Jiashan, you follow me, what you want.”

“Isn’t it the puppet of the god-transforming stage?”

“As long as you agree to be my spirit armor, I will buy you a full series of god-level companion spirit puppets.” Xiong Li said.

Xiong Li was particularly interested when he knew that there were Lingjia clan, and especially wanted to have the kind of relationship that suits his own Lingjia as an ally.

The turquoise pool of frozen matter on the ground crawled into the distance after hearing Xiong Li’s words.

“There was no chance before, now with the companion spirit puppet, our spirit armor clan just wants to control our own destiny.”

“You are the senior brother of the Yinlingmen, with a noble status, and you promised me so many benefits. I am very grateful for this.”

“But want to make me a vassal again, even with the vassal spirit armor of a cooperative relationship, I feel that I have lost my freedom.”

“Xiong Li, I’m sorry, I can’t promise you.”

Xiong Li looked at the back of the turquoise material, his eyes filled with helplessness.

“Brother Xiong Li, why do you have to cling to this one?” Ten Thousand Soldiers said beside Xiong Li.

“This is my careful selection. It is the most talented spirit armor of the Ling armor clan, and it is expected to become the demon lord.” Xiong Li said.

“Master, I feel you should change your strategy.”

“This kind of thing has to be started from a young age. You can look at those helpless qi refining, the spirit armor of the Foundation Building period.”

“Cultivate slowly. Although it takes a little longer, it will definitely be easy to use in the future.” Ten Thousand Soldiers suggested by the side.

The purpose of his coming here is also to recruit a batch of spirit armors, which will become the core combat power of his puppet army in the future, but the result is not ideal.

“The Lingjia clan has a very slow growth period. It really needs to be cultivated from an early age. Maybe I will ascend. He hasn’t even reached the conjoined period.” Xiong Li was a little worried.

At this moment, a pool of gray Lingjia clan slowly crawled under the feet of the two of them.

“Little guy, do you want to accompany the spirit puppet?” Ten Thousand Soldier said.

Suddenly, a pair of watery eyes appeared on the pool of gray material, looking towards the tens of thousands of soldiers.

“As long as you join my puppet army, you can get a companion spirit puppet that matches your own Cultivation Base for free.” Ten thousand soldiers tempted me to say.

“Is it true? Then after I join the Puppet Army, do I have any Spirit Stones points?”

The gray Lingjia clan’s voice was very immature.

“Don’t worry, these are the basic benefits of my puppet army, and there will be commissions if they perform well in the future.” Ten Thousand Soldiers said with a smile.

“Then I will go home and talk to my mother. After she agrees, I will look for you.”

After that, the gray spirit armor had to leave the contact information of tens of millions of soldiers.

“Aren’t the Lingjia clan reproduce asexually? How come there are parents?” Xiong Li said in confusion as he looked at the gray Lingjia clan leaving in the distance.

“You don’t understand this. After the psychic core of the Lingjia clan splits, it becomes a mother by default.” Ten thousand soldiers said.

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