My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1001: pregnancy?

Suddenly there were two more Divine Emperor levels, which made Di Xi Xi’s pretty face a little heavier. Except for the one in front of her who was not weaker than her, both of them were very powerful later. One of them felt the breath of Seal Avenue. , And also grasped the rudiments of the space rules.

A divine phoenix appeared behind the other, with dazzling light and nobleness. She felt the breath of the void in her body, and there was also a mysterious ability that could threaten her life.

Shendi Xi suddenly became serious.

The two who came here were naturally the Sealed Empress Su Yingxia and the Divine Phoenix Empress Yao Xi.

They all knew that Divine Emperor Xi was very strong, not weaker than the Third Junior Sister. The main reason was that Lu Chen was here. If Divine Emperor Xi really wanted to mess around, she might not be able to stop her, and they had to come in person.

"Hahaha, master father, the second master, you are here too, quickly seal this murderous lady, I want to obedient Xiao Xi" Lu Chen saw the arrival of the three masters, with a bottom in his heart, and said arrogantly beside him.

"you shut up"

"you shut up"

The first person to speak was naturally God Emperor Xi, who swept around Lu Chen with unkind eyes, this **** little thief, dare her master seal himself?

As for the second speaker, it was Ke Yirou.

Ke Yirou glared at Lu Chen irritably, trying to control the awakened visitor from another world, she couldn't do it now.

The reason why the opponent’s dream memory was successfully tampered with last time was because the opponent’s divine infant fell asleep and separated a ray of consciousness to control the body. It was a loophole. Now the opponent is fully recovered, and there is no such good luck.

"You go"

Su Yingxia looked at God Emperor Xi, her tone was quite gentle, not as cold as Ke Yirou's: "We won't let you hurt Lu Chen."

"Don't think that there are three people, I'm afraid of you." Shendixi's eyes flashed a little bit of arrogance. She ranked third on the list of gods. She has a strong personality. The reason why the gods are afraid is not because of the title of goddess of death, but Her strength.


Shendi Xi exudes death energy, the endless light of death condenses, and a layer of black armor is condensed on her body. The girl Xi wearing the black armor has a scent of heroism.


Su Yingxia looked at Shendixi in her beautiful eyes, and slowly uttered a word in her mouth. The seals and lights were intertwined and turned into a skynet, suppressed. At the same time, she who mastered the rules of space waved her arm to make God The space around Di Xi was stable and turned into a space prison, and then, the sealed light descended.

"Sure enough, you understand the rudiment of the space rules" Young Girl Xi felt the surrounding space become solid, and she said as she looked at Su Yingxia.

Space rules are also a kind of rule she is afraid of. This kind of rules can forge hard space prisons, space cutting, etc., coupled with the opponent's sealing ability, is extremely powerful, and is a terrible opponent.

Fortunately, this woman only grasped a rudimentary shape, but did not fully comprehend it. After all, such extremely powerful rules are very difficult to master.

At the beginning, a **** emperor of the God Realm mastered the prototype of its space, and he did not master the complete rules of space until he died in battle.

A death blade appeared in Shendixi's hand. This was her battle weapon. The jade hand waved, and a dark light cut past. The solid space was divided into two, and then she said with disdain, "It's up to you to keep it. Live me."

At this moment, Shendi Xi suddenly retched, and her face changed slightly. She quickly probed, and found a real thought that she couldn't believe. She felt a faint life fluctuation in her stomach, and then looked at it. Xiang Lu Chen's eyes were full of anger.

"Little thief, you..." Shen Di Xi flushed, and stared at Lu Chen angrily.

He just disappeared in place.

Shendixi's sudden departure made everyone confused, but soon, three lines of sight swept over Lu Chen meaningfully.

"Masters, why do you see me like this?" Lu Chen was uncomfortable being seen.

Su Yingxia said in a slightly weird tone: "At the beginning, you tampered with her dreams with softness, just let her get close to you, and draw a strong person for the mountain and sea world, but you are better..."

Speaking of this, Su Yingxia couldn't say anything.

Yao Xi smiled at the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile: "Chen'er, you are too courageous."

Although Ke Yirou didn't speak, her beautiful eyes looked at Lu Chen, with expressions of surprise and anger mixed in them.

Lu Chen heard two implied words, and for a while, his old face was a little red. He suddenly remembered that in the secret realm, because of her junior sister, Young Girl Xi followed her every step of the way, and drilled into his arms from time to time. , He didn't hold back any of them, of course he ate Young Girl Xi too.

Combining with the scene of young girl Xi retching, Lu Chen had a bold guess in his mind, is Young girl Xi pregnant?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's heart beat violently.

This news is really amazing.

"That girl is pregnant," Dong Huangjing suddenly said something like this, and then looked at Lu Chen with a weird look, Xiao Er Lang was bolder than she thought.

"Cough cough, cough cough" Lu Chen lowered his head.

Fortunately, the four of them just stared at him for a few seconds, then looked away and communicated with the woman in the red dress next to them.

Lu Chen quickly learned that Dong Huangjing was called Dong Huangjing, who was actually the sister of Dong Huang Tiandi.

No wonder the other party has such a deep friendship with his master.

"Where's Ning Tianjun?" Donghuang Jing's red dress flew, and a powerful aura was released, and there was an unforgettable hatred in his eyes.

"Let's talk about Shangjie City" Su Yingxia said, and then left with Yao Xi.

Dong Huangjing glanced at the sacred tree of death next to him, and with a gesture, the tree of death kept shrinking and merged into her eyebrows, stepped on and left here. .


Seeing that only Ke Yirou was present, Lu Chen cried out weakly.

If the third master is not leaving now, is it necessary to'educate' him alone?

"You follow me in Shangjie City, go to my place to understand the rules of the big dream" Ke Yirou said coldly at Lu Chen, her sleeves rolled up, and Lu Chen broke through the air.

When Lu Chen followed Ke Yirou back to Jiecheng, there was a small Jiecheng far away. There was a sky mark in front of Jiecheng that was hundreds of millions of miles long. A mansion in Jiecheng had a delicate face and a black dress. Slender woman, the slender jade hand holds a list.

This list is the latest batch of supreme warriors in Upper Realm.

"Lu Chen" The beautiful woman saw one of the names, and anger emerged in her eyes, and said, "Call me this guy named Lu Chen."

The beautiful woman is Xu Qingyao. Seeing the name of Lu Chen, she thinks of the kid in the lower realm. After many years, with that kid's talent and background, the upper realm should be coming. Maybe Lu Chen on this list is the one who drives himself crazy. The hateful little thief.

"Report to the emperor, this person and the public did not come together, someone asked him for leave," a guard next to him bowed and said.

"Ask for leave"

Xu Qingyao's beautiful face was taken aback for a moment, and then she sneered: "I'm not in a hurry, this guy will always fall into my hands."

The guard next to him trembled as he prayed for the guy named Lu Chen inexplicably.

Before Shangjie City, he offended Emperor Xu Qingyao.

It's too tragic.

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