My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1002: A little bug

A long time ago, the mountain and sea realm collided with the sky demon realm, and the boundary wall was broken, like a glass crystal ball after being hit, and a spider web-like crack appeared.

The short cracks are thousands of miles long, and the long cracks cannot be calculated in length.

These cracks are also called sky marks.

In the middle of Tianhen is the passage between the two realms, a large number of Heavenly Demon troops are stationed inside, and they may launch a war to invade the mountain and sea realms at any time.

There are a total of 18 main boundary cities and 54 small boundary cities in the mountain and sea boundary.

The Heavenly Mark next to the main world city went to Tianyuan, and the distance could not be calculated. There was a Celestial Demon Imperial Legion stationed in the sky scar. It was ready to invade the mountain and sea world at any time. It was necessary for the Emperor to sit in the main world city. After a long battle, Jiecheng gradually grabbed it back.

The main realm city needs at least the rank of the emperor, and super powers, such as the gods, the palace of the sword, and the thunder clan. This kind of main realm city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The sky demon dare not rashly invade, but there are still a few The main world city is guarded by the Saint Emperor, and there are no pillar figures of the super Saint Emperor rank, so battles often occur.

The small world city is facing the sky demon royal family, and the sky scar is small, and it has great resistance to the holy emperor realm sky monsters. Generally speaking, the greatest wars occur at most, so the strongest in the small world city is only a few great emperors, or Ordinary Saint Emperor is enough.

The small world city is suitable for those who just went to the world city to experience with the sky demon. After the battle experience is accumulated and the cultivation level is improved, they will go to the main world city.

Ke Yirou's speed was very fast, tens of millions of miles in a step, and the stars moved. After not much time, Lu Chen saw the outline of a giant city in the distance.

This city is like a giant, floating quietly in a solitary space, exuding ancient and primitive chaos.

Looking at the city that was getting closer and closer, Lu Chen's heart surged. After all, he had set foot on the Realm City, and it was still the Main Realm City.

Lu Chen had already begun to fantasize about the powerful and lively scene in Jiecheng.

The lowest realm of the main realm city is the realm of Tianzun. Nine Heavens and 90% of the Tianzun in the mountain and sea realm, the strongest emperors are in the main realm.

Not long after, Ke Yirou took Lu Chen into the main realm city. Lu Chen thought he would see a lively scene, but when he stepped into the realm city, he looked lifeless. Many buildings left knives on the ground. The traces of the chopping axe and the dark red blood stains left by the battle still left a trace of blood in the air.

"Nobody" Lu Chen was a little dazed. There was a big city, how could there be no one?

This world city seems to have no one, like a dead city without people.

Ke Yirou took Lu Chen to the other end of the city, near a mansion near the city wall, and into a courtyard. The mansion was large, but equally lifeless, as if there was no third person besides the two of them.

"From today, you will stay here" Ke Yirou said.

Lu Chen looked left and right, his head still a little dizzy, and asked in confusion: "Master, how about people, why are there no one alone."

Ke Yirou said, "There is no one else here."

"Just the two of us" Lu Chen's eyes widened.

Lu Chen looked shocked. There were only two of them in the main city of Nuo. It didn't make sense. For those of Master's men, I saw sister Bingyu last time.

Ke Yirou whispered softly: "I am alone here. I will let others go to another main world city."

She was the most feared by the sky demons. Sitting in a boundary city alone, she could frighten the army of millions of sky demons. Many of the same level and several sky demons were defeated by her.

Lu Chen was a little speechless, and Jiecheng was too quiet. There was actually only three masters sitting alone in a Jiecheng.

However, this also demonstrated the master's power from the side, and the sky demon would not dare to go beyond the boundary city alone.

Ke Yirou suddenly paused and said, "She has left the mountain and sea boundary."

Who is she...referring to?

However, Lu Chen soon understood that Master was referring to Young Girl Xi, should be a powerful Heavenly Emperor of the same level as Master.

Thinking of the young girl Xi's attitude changed drastically after she recovered her memory, and now she left the world of mountains and seas, Lu Chen felt a little lost in her heart.

"Get familiar with the surrounding environment first, and I will let you feel the origin in a few days" Ke Yirou finished, her figure flashed, leaving Lu Chen with a cold back, which disappeared in an instant.

After the third master left, Lu Chen felt a little irritable. Perhaps he would never see Young Girl Xi again. He shook his head and threw out the complex emotions in his mind. Then Lu Chen's figure flashed and he boarded Majestic. The city wall, overlooking the world outside.

Outside the city wall, it’s not pitch black. You can see huge luminous stars emitting dazzling light in the dark night. The stars are flowing, and the scene is beautiful. Farther away, there is a huge black line. The crack, which runs through the long river of heaven and earth, is tens of millions of miles wide. As for the length, it cannot be calculated.

This huge crack, like a wound in the mountain and sea boundary, cannot be healed.


Lu Chen stared at this huge sky mark, shocked in his heart. It was the first time he saw the wound in the mountain and sea world, and he was dumbfounded on the spot.

The sky mark is like the abyss of the sky moat. It is dark and filled with shocking aura. Lu Chen felt that this should be the aura of a sky demon, because in that darkness, there must be a lot of sky demon hidden.

Lu Chen wanted to watch Tianhen from a close range, and flew over, without feeling the power of the barrier.

Lu Chen was a little speechless. He had to say that his own three masters were too confident, and it was enough to guard the Jiecheng alone, and the Jiecheng had not yet been guarded by a formation.

The sky mark in the sky seemed close at hand, and it seemed to be far away, the distance was very far away.

Anyway, Lu Chen had been flying for a long time, but Tianhen was still not far away from him.

After a while, Lu Chen saw continents floating in the void. Each continent was huge, with a distance of up to a million miles, and a large divine mind could not be swept away. These floating continents should be boundary fragments. Just like the edge of the mountain and sea boundary shattered and formed nine days.

Nine days is the debris that fell off the edge of the mountain and sea boundary, and then evolved into a supercontinent.

Lu Chen came to a floating continent. This continent was very old, with a desolate atmosphere. Lu Chen lowered his head and saw that there were many cracks and corpses on the continent. It seemed that he had experienced a tragic battle, but it looked like it had been a long time. , The bloodstains were already dry, and the body turned into ashes when touched.

"Hey, a small bug has entered the killable range"

"This city is only guarded by the big dream goddess, why are there little bugs appearing"

Just when Lu Chen was standing on this floating continent, a sky demon found him in the deep sky mark.

There are a large number of sky monsters living in the sky marks, down to the supreme, up to the big monster of the Saint Emperor level.

This big sky mark has weak willpower, and the holy emperor sky demon can cross the boundary, but because the big dream goddess guards the boundary city, they dare not come over, and they have been waiting for time, as long as the breath of the big dream goddess disappears for a few hours, or Go to support a certain realm city, they can take advantage of the void to enter.

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