My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1003: A little tiger

There was only Ke Yirou in this main realm city, but now a small bug appeared and ran to the edge of the sky scar, which surprised the sky monsters inside.

They were wondering in their hearts whether the little bug came here because of the big dream goddess who brought Jiecheng.

The pitch-black cracks and the hurricanes of destruction are intertwined, causing the space to be distorted and whirlpools appear. These whirlpools contain destructive power. Even if the emperor realm is involved, the body cannot withstand it and will be torn apart. Scars need to be extremely careful.

The power intertwined in the sky marks is not an ordinary force, but a powerful boundary force.

The will of the Sky Demon Realm is opposed to the will of the Mountain Sea Realm, forming a boundary force that distorts all things, and the power released can completely threaten the Dao Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Many lantern-like blood-colored suns appeared in the sky mark, lit up in the dark, densely packed, these were the eyes of the sky demon, gazing faintly at the land dust on the broken continent outside.

In this sky mark, there are two kinds of sky monsters, blood resentment bull and three crocodiles.

Both sky demons belong to the royal family and are very powerful.

"Jiecheng has the aura of a big dream goddess, the emperor realm big demon is not easy to shoot, send a supreme realm bullock to swallow the little bugs" the sky demon legion is stationed, there is a sky noble demon issued such an order.

Blood resentment Mangniu station, walked out of a supreme realm young man, quickly came to Tianhen, looking at the twisted vortex, a look of awe in his eyes, this is the force of the two worlds colliding and twisting force, very powerful , Once swallowed the emperor.

If they want to enter the mountain and sea world, they have to find a place where the collision force is not so intense.

The young man watched for a while, and finally found a relatively stable place, his figure flashed, and he entered the mountain and sea boundary from the sky mark.

Afterwards, he cast his gaze on a continent not far away and soared directly over.

At this moment, Lu Chen didn't know the second he appeared on the broken continent, he was stared at by the sky-marked demon. He was flying low above the mainland, and there were many elixir in his sight, let alone this continent. There are quite a lot of elixir on it, not weaker than the elixir in the secret jade talisman.

The reason why these floating continents have grown so many elixir is probably because there were too many warriors and sky monsters who died here. The blood irrigated this continent, making the elixir grow well, and it was close to the sky mark, so no one would dare to pick it. Elixir, let the elixir spring up like bamboo shoots.

Lu Chen had nothing to do, so he picked the elixir here, and quickly collected more than a hundred plants.

Suddenly, a dangerous aura rose from my heart, and without thinking about it, he dashed away and left.


A terrible blood-colored lightning descended from the sky, directly bombarding Lu Chen's body.

After Lu Chen avoided, the blood-colored lightning fell on a 10,000-ton boulder, which was blasted into dust by the thunder power contained in the blood-colored lightning.

Lu Chen raised his head and saw a young man walking towards him. The young man had two blood-colored horns growing on his head, and his blood was surging, shaking like thunder.

"Blood resentment and reckless cow" Lu Chen stared at the young man, his eyes flashed with surprise.

The young man who attacked him was very familiar. He came from the blood-resisting bull clan and had been seen in the Eastern Emperor space.

The Blood Resentment Mangniu is the Celestial Demon Imperial Clan, this clan is good at the Scarlet Thunder Road.

The blood resentment mang ox is known as the royal family, and naturally has its advantages.


The youth did not say any unnecessary nonsense, a bloodthirsty flash flashed in his eyes, and his footsteps were bloody, and a huge boundless bull appeared behind him, exuding a heavy breath like a mountain.

This young man is not an ordinary tribe, at least in the blood-resent and reckless cattle race, it can be regarded as an elite.

They sent people to the mountains and seas to kill, and they were still under the nose of the big dream goddess, which was regarded as offending the big dream goddess.

But they didn't care, because the clansmen sent out were not much different from the young people outside. They wanted to come here as the goddess of the big dream and would not shoot the bull that looked like ants in her eyes.

However, I was still a little worried.

Therefore, I hope that the person sent out will kill the young man immediately and come back immediately.

When the huge phantom cow appeared, Lu Chen immediately felt a surge of pressure, but he didn't care, and calmly stretched out his hand, put his fingers together and pinched the sword art.

A ray of sword light bloomed from between the fingers, and finally magnified infinitely. When the huge mountainous ox phantom flew over, it split into two to dissolve the heavy pressure that permeated the space.

After that, Lu Chen took a step, as if a flash of lightning shot out, and with a move of thought, he offered the most powerful killer move, that is, killing sword intent, waving his fingers at the youth's brow.

The young man didn’t put Lu Chen in his eyes because he was confident of his own strength, but when the other party was missing, his eyelids jumped wildly. Then, an indifferent figure appeared in front of his eyes, and then between his eyebrows. One pain, consciousness plunged into darkness.

This supreme-level blood resentment reckless bull, directly corpse on the spot, after death, revealed a huge body, the size of a hill.

Inside Tianhen, the demons who were following the battle were completely stunned on the spot, feeling an illusion in front of them.

The elites in the royal family made the shots, and they were also full of frankness. How could they be killed in seconds when they met each other.

After two seconds of silence, the Blood Resentment Mang Niu Clan and the Three Crocodile Clan were completely crazy.

"To the effect, I thought it was a little bug, but I didn't expect it to be a little tiger."

"Have you seen the opponent's attack clearly? What kind of move was that? How to cut the defense with one blow and destroy the soul"

Since Lu Chen was close to the youth's killing sword intent, and the sky demon in the sky scar was far apart, and there was no attention from the emperor realm powerhouse, they didn't see how Lu Chen made the move for the first time. Now they are guessing.

"It's a sword intent to break the defense of the Mangniu tribe with ease."

The sword intent of the Sword Emperor Palace is recognized as the most extreme sharp power in the world. It is not like a great road, but it is more terrifying than a great road, so they immediately thought of the sword intent.

"No, I don't seem to feel the sword intent" You Tian Yao retorted.

In short, an elite corpse of the blood resentment Mangniu race was on the spot, making the sky demons very angry.

"Look at what that kid is doing, it seems to be peeling"

"He cut off a hind leg"

"He started to light a fire..."

A group of sky monsters watched the movements of a certain young man on the mainland, and was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to realize that the little bug would have eaten a **** grudge.

When the small bugs outside put the cleaned beef legs on the fire and roasted it, the celestial demon in the sky mark finally realized that it was really going to eat and kill the mang cattle elite.

"I am so angry"

In this scene, the blood inside the qi complained of the birth of a Buddha from the Mang Niu Clan, and the two Buddhas ascended to heaven, braving fiery anger all over.

The scene outside was simply unbearable.

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