My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1004: Blast your lungs

Lu Chen hadn't eaten the meat of the **** angry cow for a long time, so he missed it. After beheading his opponent, he couldn't wait to cut off a hind leg, lit a fire, and roasted it on the spot.

After a while, a fragrant smell came out.

Inside the sky mark, green faint eyes stared at Lu Chen, and the flames in his eyes were burning very vigorously. This scene was discovered by more and more sky demons, with smoke from the top of Qi's head.

What kind of people are these people? If you kill the opponent, you have to eat it on the spot. Even if you say you eat it, it's still under our noses.

In fact, they didn't want to think that when the war broke out, their clan didn't know how many humans they had eaten. Now it's their turn to be eaten, it's just a pay for a paycheck.

"The old man can't bear it anymore, I want to go out and kill him personally, moo" A Tianzun realm bull demon roared, his ears were hot, his eyes were green, and his anger was so angry.

"Damn it, I went out and killed him" shouted the young junior with **** grudges, furious in his heart, watching his companion being eaten by humans in front of him, feeling a sense of humiliation in his heart.

As for the members of the three-headed crocodile royal family, they were also very angry when they saw this scene, but they were not as angry as the **** grievances against the reckless royal family.

In the area where the powerful boundary force was distorted, two elites of the Bull Clan appeared. They rushed out desperately and came to Lu Chen with murderous eyes, and roared, "Kill."

The two rushed directly to Lu Chen, and the scarlet horns shot out lightning, intertwined into one, and fell towards Lu Chen's head.


An anger surfaced on Lu Chen's face. He knew that he was roasting, and he came to disturb him as soon as he was roasted. This **** thunder fell, didn't he want to destroy his food.

Also let people enjoy the food quietly.

Although Lu Chen was angry, he ran away quickly carrying a thick corbel.

When the two shots saw this scene, their teeth almost didn't break. Of course, they could see that the other party was not afraid of them and ran away. If they were afraid, they would not run away on their feet.

The other party is protecting the food.


The two looked at each other, drove the blood-colored lightning, and chased towards Lu Chen.

Don't let the other party eat the beef leg. This is too insulting to their **** grievances.

Seeing this scene, the sky demon inside Tianhen felt angry with toothache, liver pain, and whole body pain.

The two people chased out were obviously stronger than the one killed earlier. The two of them were supremely powerful and energetic, and they reached the level of supreme perfection.

They were also fast, driving the lightning, like two blood-colored rainbows, so fast that Lu Chen did not get rid of them.

"Fast speed" Lu Chen shuddered slightly, it is almost impossible to get rid of them, but it is impossible to catch him.

So, Lu Chen ran carrying the corbel, and used sacred fire to ripen it. After half an hour after chasing and fleeing, the corbel was also cooked and the aroma filled it. Lu Chen continued to run while eating meat.

Although the essence of the meat is sufficient, Lu Chen regretted that he did not have time to put in various spices.

The two people behind them scolded inwardly. They smelled a scent. This scent made them swallow unconsciously?

Inside the sky mark, many bullish sky demons were dumbfounded, as if struck by a sky thunder, they were stiff in place.

They saw the young man running away carrying a bull's leg while eating. This scene challenged their visual impact.


"Moo, moo, I really want to go out and kill him"

The noses of many **** angry bulls were crooked, how could there be such shameless people who took time to ripen food while escaping, and even ate them on the spot.

The person outside is simply challenging their bottom line.

The storm outside had been tossing for half an hour, and it spread all over the Mangniu tribe's camp. The Great Demon of the Emperor Realm was startled and appeared, watching the scene of a figure running and eating meat outside, directly messing up the scene.

Soon, not only the Great Demon of the Emperor Realm appeared, but even the Great Demon of the Saint Emperor appeared. They stood in the area where the boundary force was distorted, looking at the outside scene, their eyes were burning with raging fire.

"I booked the skin of the shameful little thief from the outside world. I took it off and made a coat."

"I booked his blood, I want to use it to make tea"

"I booked his head and used it as a ball."

The blood resentment Mang Bull clan big monsters above the emperor realm, gritted their teeth and said cruel words. After speaking, they found sadly that they seemed to be able to put cruel words here.

They are capable of entering the mountain and sea realm, but they dare not, because there is a peerless and powerful person in the realm.

If they dared to take a step at this level, the majestic goddess would definitely appear to kill them, but she felt so angry at the scene of the little bug running away while holding her tribe's thigh.


After a while, a saint emperor realm great demon looked cold and faint, and said.

After speaking, he was about to do it, but his companion next to him grabbed him and shouted, "Don't do it."

This person is like a big enemy, motioning him to look in the direction of Jiecheng.

The Saint Emperor Demon immediately looked in the direction of Jiecheng, and there was a peerless figure in white clothes standing on the majestic wall.

"Big Dream Goddess"

The Saint Emperor Great Demon's eyes froze slightly, and he swallowed hard.

Da Meng Tian Nu is gazing in this direction. If he does it, he will definitely find his own way. Even if he is standing in the sky mark, it is the same. Because the power of the Dao accumulated by the other party is too much, the evolving Da Meng Dao can be separated. With Tianhen, he dreamed and even committed suicide in the dream.

Outside, Lu Chen gnawed a corbel, leaving only a greasy bone in his hand.

Lu Chen squatted, he was heavy, and he was ready to start eating and drinking.

With a move of Lu Chen's mind, the rules of slowness were activated, causing the two to slow down. Looking back, they smashed into the air.

A young man didn't expect Lu Chen to make a sudden move and was smashed. In an instant, his head burst like a watermelon, a soul flew out, and Lu Chen swung out again, smashing his soul.

The scarlet horns on the top of the other young man's head glowed, and two thunderbolts of arm-thickness shot out, and Lu Chen cut through the two thunderbolts directly with a stroke of his palm.

The "so strong body" shot Lu Chen's eyes with a shocked look when he saw Lu Chen's hard palm.

The thunder and lightning of their reckless bull clan are all stored in the blood horn, and the thunder power contained in it, even Tianzun dare not hold on.

Now this young man took it for granted, one can imagine how abnormal the other party's body is.

He felt something wrong, and immediately wanted to escape, but found that his body was like a swamp, and the void seemed to be covered with sticky material, which affected his speed.

I could only watch a thick bone waving over and smashing his skull.

After the two died, their bodies turned into huge monster bodies.

Lu Chen grabbed two huge bull monster bodies, loaded them into Najie as if they were harvesting trophies, and then headed towards Jiecheng.

This time I got a lot of food, which made him very satisfied.

But the Mangniu Clan Sky Demon inside Tianhen could only watch Lu Chen head towards Jiecheng.

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