My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1010: Gift boy

The people around were totally happy to see this scene. The most eye-catching supreme Tan Jing of the Taixuan Sect was forced to even run out of time to arrange the formation before he came out and was shattered.

For those who are good at formations, this is a taboo and the most dangerous time.

With a wave of his hand, Tan Jing threw out dozens of array flags, forming a formation, surrounding Lu Chen.

Tan Jing also has no choice. With his strength, he can arrange the formation in a flash. There is no need for such things as the formation flag, but now I encounter a more violent person. It is too late to complete the formation during the battle. I can only use the engraved formation. Array flag.

Tan Jing didn’t know that Lu Chen had already released the water. If it was not waterproof, he would already be lying on the ground. The main reason was that Lu Chen felt that five million square spirit crystals were not enough. Why would he have to play the second game? If Tan Jing was defeated instantly On the ground, it will scare the audience, and it is estimated that no one dares to challenge him.

So why let the opponent fight for a while.

Standing in the golden formation, Lu Chen felt a killing force. At a thought, the formation was activated. Numerous golden lights appeared like blade lights, spinning frantically, rolling up a murderous vortex, and quickly enveloped Lu Chen. Away.

The spiritual power in Lu Chen exploded, turbulent, directly shattering the killing force, and at the same time bombarding the barrier with a punch.


There was a crisp sound from the barrier, a faint feeling of cracks, and some spider web-like cracks appeared.

"Good violence"

When the people around saw this scene, their eyes were surprised. Which big clan this guy came from, the world of shamanism.

Because of this method of using only fists and not using rules to cast spells, they had felt it in the witches of the witch body world, but there was obviously no witch power in the opponent.

Zheng Peng of the Taixuan Sect looked at the battle inside, feeling a little nervous in his heart, with a bad premonition in his heart, Young Master Tan Jing won't lose.

When there was no battle before, he thought that Young Master Tan Jing would surely win, and he put the imperial weapon into his ring. How did he feel that Tan Jing was about to lose.

Tan Jing stood outside the barrier, waved his hand, and threw out dozens of formation flags to re-strengthen the barrier’s power. Inside the formation, the flames condensed a fire dragon, and the huge body filled with astonishing power, faintly reaching The breath of Tianzun realm.

The fire dragon roared and swallowed towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked up at the fire dragon, his mind moved, and the slow rule was activated, which slowed down the surrounding speed. The roaring fire dragon slowed down. Lu Chen took this opportunity to smash the enchantment with two fists. When he was about to rush to him, he flashed out and came outside.


The fire dragon collided with the Dao Zhantai, making a violent roar, and an astonishing wave of flames spread.

"I admit defeat," Tan Jing said immediately after Lu Chen rushed out.

Tan Jing still has an engraved formation flag in the ring, but he is useless, because he can’t trap the opponent at all. It’s just a waste to continue to throw the formation flag out. It is estimated that a twelve-level array flag can trap the opponent, and he Faintly felt that the formation of the trapped Tianzun could not be trapped.

Because the power of the formation flag he engraved is not bad, ordinary Tianzun is not so easy to break the barrier. In terms of pure physical power, this guy is probably more than many Tianzun.

And with the twelfth-level array flag, he fouled.

Seeing Tan Jing admit defeat, Lu Chen stopped, looked at the other party and said, "I have accepted."

The other party surrendered swiftly and without shame, which made Lu Chen very satisfied, and did not taunt the other party.

Tan Jing took a deep look at Lu Chen and said, "You are very powerful. I think your power is stronger than that of witches. My name is Tan Jing and I come from Taixuan Sect."

"I'm only stronger than you. If you are good at attacking the soul, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent." Lu Chen looked at Tan Jing and said sincerely. Of course, this was actually speaking to the people around him.

When the people around heard Lu Chen's words, their eyes brightened, and it seemed that the imperial weapon could only be obtained by a force that was good at Yuanshen. In the crowd, a certain Tianzun's eyes were bright, and he quickly informed the descendants of his own force through a sound transmission.

"Perhaps" Tan Jing smiled, and after speaking, he directly withdrew from the Dao Zhan platform.

Lu Chen also walked out, looking at Zheng Peng who was constipated and said, "Arrange another battle for me."

Zheng Peng was in a bad mood now. He thought that calling Young Master Tan Jing would bring an imperial weapon to the Taixuan Sect, but who would have thought that stealing chickens would not lose the rice, and Young Master Tan Jing was not the opponent's opponent.

Not only was the imperial weapon not available, it also lost 5 million square spirit crystals in vain. No, it should be said that 4.5 million square meters, because they have to deduct the handling fee of 500,000 square meters.

Although Zheng Peng felt bitter in his heart, he still squeezed a smile and said to the people around: "Whoever of you wants to get the imperial weapon, you can inform your family."

Most of the people around were silent, because their cultivation techniques were not good at illusions. Only a few people showed eager gazes and wanted to inform the elders of the forces, but they were afraid of pitting their own forces.

Lu Chen frowned. He just showed off his physical strength. He didn't even use the rules and methods, so no one would dare to challenge him?

The people in the main world city are too timid.

"I come"

At this moment, a voice came from a distance, and soon, a young man came in front of him.

Tan Jing on the side saw the incoming person, his expression was different, and he shouted: "Qin Li."

"Qin Li"

"It turned out to be Qin Li"

Everyone was surprised when they saw the incoming person, because he was also a man of the supreme realm, the goddess of the phantom temple.

The phantom temple is a force that is good at attacking the soul

Qin Li didn't say anything, and directly handed the Na Jie containing five million square spirit crystals to Zheng Peng.

"Big brother, don't compare with him, he's a big hole, he's in a yin person" At this moment, a hurried voice came from a distance, and Qin Li's eyes were strange, because this is his younger brother Qin Yun. The voice, does my brother know this guy.

Lu Chen didn't expect that someone would recognize him in Nuo Da's Jiecheng, but he would not have watched the five million Fang Lingjing in his hand slip away, and smiled sinisterly: "Hey, it's too late."

At this time, Lu Chen ignored the disguise, grabbed Qin Li's shoulder, and a few flashes entered the Dao Zhantai.

"Close the entrance" Lu Chen said while looking at Zheng Peng.

Zheng Peng was heartbroken and closed the entrance to the Dao Zhantai.

With the entrance closed, Qin Yun came to the field and looked at the two people in the barrier with a look of regret.

"It turned out to be this guy" Lu Chen saw the person who had just reminded Qin Li and instantly recognized him. This guy was called Qin Yun, who had been defeated by himself when he was in the Zhongzhou region.

The people around looked at Qin Yun, what did that just mean, it seemed that Qin Yun said that this person who took out the imperial weapon to bet against him is a big pit?

Had Qin Yun been pitted?

"A step late" Qin Yun felt regretful. If he came two seconds early, his eldest brother wouldn't have to be a treasurer.

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