My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1011: Ten million Fang Lingjing got it

Qin Yun looked at Qin Li in the Dao Zhan Platform and said, "Brother, you can give up."

Qin Yun's remarks were not nonsense, but had a basis. At the beginning, the lower realms knew Lu Chen's identity, Junior Brother Yan Zixuan, Junior Master Mei Yingluo, Master Refining Apprentice, and many scary vests.

At that time, he used the illusion to attack the opponent, with little effect. Now there is a high probability that the saint king who follows the rules of kendo will enter the saint king. Facing the warriors who follow this rule to become the saint king, it is simply a nightmare in the hall of fantasy.

Since the eldest brother has already become a treasurer, it would be worthless to have to be beaten.

Inside the Daotai, Qin Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and the little brother told him to admit defeat, so look down on him.

The people around him also showed different colors, as if Qin Yun knew this person well, what identity did this person have, Qin Yun had no confidence in his elder brother like this.

"Who are you and what force are you from?" Qin Li turned his head and looked at Lu Chen and said, Qin Chengli was a little suspicious. He quickly filtered some of the better than him in his mind, but there was no such person in his mind.

"you guess"

Qin Li: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Qin Li looked serious and looked at Lu Chen and said, "Although I don't know why my brother asked me to surrender, I still want to fight you."

Qin Li was the core disciple of the Illusory Temple anyway, and looking at the mountains and seas, they belonged to extremely outstanding figures, how could he admit defeat.

After Qin Li finished speaking, he looked at Lu Chen, his eyes bursting with a strange light, and an illusion descended.

Lu Chen felt some changes in his surroundings, and the surrounding ice and snow were all white.

Lu Chen understood that this was a scene in an illusion, and it was very real. The average person might get lost here, but the outsider estimated that he was standing there stupidly, even if Qin Li took the shot at this time, he would not feel it.

Lu Chen's thoughts concentrated, the surrounding scenes changed, and he reappeared in the Dao Zhan Tai.

Qin Lidong used the illusion technique, and found that Lu Chen's eyes soon woke up. He was slightly surprised, wondering why the opponent was not affected by the illusion technique.

The people around were surprised at this scene, mainly because Lu Chen was sober too quickly.

"Magic Cloud Arrow"

Qin Li paused, his eyes shot a divine light, flew into Lu Chen's mind, escaped into the soul, Lu Chen suddenly felt a needle stabbed, this pain can almost be ignored.

"I want to go back to improve my realm, so let's stop here." Lu Chen yawned. With a movement of his mind, the rules of melting blood were activated, spreading across Qin Li's body.

Qin Li suddenly felt the qi and blood in his body roll, this feeling was extremely uncomfortable, and he wanted to vomit blood.

Qin Li shouted and hurriedly used his exercises to suppress the boiling blood, but the blood roared continuously, hitting his body continuously, trying to break his body.


Qin Li couldn't suppress it anymore, spouting blood.

"The Rules of Melting Blood"

Some people around felt the power of this rule, and their eyes showed a ray of surprise. The rule of blood melting is a very terrifying rule, which can mobilize thousands of blood, and Lu Chen, who has practiced blood guide technique, can enhance the power of the rule of blood melting. .

"You are too weak, you are not my opponent" Lu Chen said seriously while looking at Qin Li, then raised his palm and pushed it horizontally.

Qin Li felt a terrifying force roll over and roared, his body was flowing with regular power, and he wanted to resist.


When Lu Chen came over with a palm, his spiritual power poured out like a waterfall on Qin Li. Qin Li's body flew upside down, crashing into the barrier behind him, and there was a dull loud noise.

Qin Li was hit hard, his internal organs seemed to be displaced, his face pale.

Qin Li looked at Lu Chen with an unbelievable look in his eyes, because he felt the gap in Lu Chen. The gap between him and the other party seemed to be a great moat, irreparable. This feeling was like facing the top Tianzun without anything. Something can make up.

The people around were stunned when they saw this scene. Qin Li was defeated too quickly. It should not be said that it was a defeat, but there was no force to fight back. A feeling rose in their hearts, as if Qin Li was facing not a supreme, but a Tianzun.

Qin Yun's eyes were shocked when he saw this scene. Although he had guessed that his eldest brother was not Lu Chen's opponent, he still made waves when he saw this scene.

With blood on the corners of his mouth, Qin Li looked at Lu Chen and asked, "Why are you...why are you not affected by the illusion? Did you use a special treasure?"

Qin Li still had some doubts now, why the other party was not affected by the illusion, even the top enchanters would fall into the illusion for a few breaths of time, but the person in front of him seemed not affected at all.

If you don't figure out the reason, Qin Li will not be reconciled.

Lu Chen looked at him and said, "The rules of kendo I walked into are the Saint King."

After speaking, he walked out of the road battle platform.

Qin Li's pupils contracted slightly.

The people around also suddenly realized that the primordial spirit who followed the rules of kendo and entered the holy king was very tough, not afraid of attacks such as illusions, and was very abnormal. Not to mention the illusion of the same realm, it is estimated that even the illusion of a martial artist in the Celestial Realm would have little effect on the latter. .

However, it was immediately realized that it was very rare to follow the rules of kendo to enter the holy king, and there were not many in the sword emperor palace.

As far as they know, Sword Emperor Palace is now under the imperial realm, it seems that only three juniors have succeeded, Liu Mu, Pei Ji and Ruan Chenshuang.

Is this the fourth person in front of you?

Since the opponent is an evildoer who follows the rules of swordsmanship and enters the Holy King, it must be very good at the sword intent on behalf of the opponent, but the opponent did not use sword intent and swordsmanship in the last two battles.


Thinking of this, everyone was speechless.

It seems that Tan Jing and Qin Li are not enough to let each other show their full strength.

They suddenly understood why Qin Yun would call the opponent Da Keng Bi, because after this guy defeated Tan Jing, he seemed to say that he was also good at strength, and if he was good at attacking the soul, he would not be an opponent.

The feelings are not to Tan Jing, but to dig a hole for them.

Among the crowd, a certain Tianzun turned white eyes and fainted abruptly. It was he who informed the high level of Illusory Temple to let Qin Li come over. He thought he could get an imperial weapon, but who had thought that this was a big hole .

The imperial weapon was not obtained, and five million square spirit crystals were lost.

Lu Chen came to Zheng Peng, the deacon of Taixuan Sect, looked at him and said, "Give me ten million Fang Lingjing."

Zheng Peng didn't say much. This kid seemed to come from a lot of money, and he didn't deduct the handling fee. He gave Lu Chen the Lingxi Scepter and 10 million Fang Lingjing.

Lu Chen was satisfied with the precept, ready to go back to practice.

"Boy, you stop"

At this moment, an angry voice came from behind. Lu Chen turned his head and saw the two men separated from the crowd and approached him aggressively.

The two people exude a strong aura, this aura is not the heavenly sovereign, but the terrifying aura that the strong emperor has.

"Huh, this is..."

When the people around saw this scene, they looked weird, because the two great emperors were blocking the way.

"Is there a good show to watch" the eyes of the people around were bright.

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