My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1014: Sword collision

Su Yingxia's body is shining with the light of the seal, which is extremely gorgeous, setting off her like a goddess. Hearing Lu Chen's words, her beautiful face bloomed with a smile. This smile made the world pale, and the sun and the moon were dulled by many people around them. shocked.

Su Yingxia said in a rather gentle tone: "If you can cut him, just cut it."

Lu Chen has grown up, the Supreme Consummation realm, and there are already more than a dozen rules he has understood. The combat power is terrible, and he can deal with the Celestial Realm martial artist. After going to the Time Realm to practice this time, he might be in the Heaven Realm realm.

Within a hundred years, he should be able to reach the emperor.

Now even if the Heavenly Demon Realm discovers Lu Chen’s evildoer, it’s too late to assassinate, so Lu Chen doesn’t need to hide it. It can shock the young generation of the Heavenly Demon Realm. This can not only damage the morale of the Heaven’s Demon Realm, but on the contrary, it can greatly enhance the morale of the Mountain and Sea Realm. , Let people see the hope of defeating the sky demon world.

However, it was difficult for Lu Chen to kill Ning Hong. Ning Hong must have a treasure bestowed by Ning Tianjun.

Su Yingxia seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared in her beautiful eyes. It seemed that Ning Hong was dead this time.

Affirmed by Master, Lu Chen stretched his waist and lazily said: "The old dog Ning Tianjun betrayed the mountain and sea world, killed the Eastern Emperor Tiandi, the Sword Emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty, etc., and should have been punished long ago. I am not Ning Tianjun. Opponent, but today I can slash this old dog's coyote."

Lu Chen looked at Ning Hong with contempt in his eyes, making no secret of Chi Guoguo's killing intent.

As soon as Lu Chen said these words, whether it was the creatures of the Mountain Sea Realm or the Sky Demon Realm, they were shocked by the shocking words.

Lu Chen's words were arrogant and insulting. He used words to insult a heavenly emperor, but after thinking about it, Ning Tianjun betrayed the mountain and sea realm. Both sides are already enemies, so naturally there is no need to respect him.

The eyes of the younger generation in the Sky Demon Realm were indifferent, and their eyes looked at Lu Chen like blades.

In Taichung, Ning Hong's face was ashen, and the killing intent all over his body almost became real.

Ning Hong didn't know where Lu Chen's confidence came from. The last battle suffered both losses, and no one can do anything. He hasn't seen him for decades. He believes that the opponent's strength has risen sharply. Isn't he staying in place and not making progress?

Boom boom boom!

Ning Hong’s body spewed a terrifying magic light, and the magical air currents revolved around him, and his eyes contained fiery magical light. In the middle of the road, a terrifying black storm was born. This storm contains destructive power. This kind of robbery, as if it can destroy all things in the world.

Ning Hong's practice was inherited from his Lao Tzu, and it was called the Magic Power of Ten Thousand Tribulations. This magic skill gave birth to a peculiar power called the Power of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

Now Ning Hongxiu is fully open, the power of a thousand tribulations turned into a black storm, wandering through Taichung.

However, this is not over yet, Ning Hong's thoughts moved, and many sword intents were born between the heaven and the earth, all of which merged into the terrible black storm, making the storm stronger.

"Your old man killed the sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty. You have a face to practice sword intent, and your face is thicker than the sky mark." Lu Chen saw Ning Hong use the sword intent, and he uttered a very ironic word.

Lu Chen felt that Ning Hong's sword intent had reached the early stage of the holy rank, and he had to say that Ning Hong was still very enchanting.

After all, he is still in the middle stage.

However, he didn't rely on his major in sword intent to eat. In the past few decades, he has used it to comprehend the rules. If it weren't for comprehending other rules, sword intent would most likely have reached the superior level.

Ning Hong's face was cold, and he did not speak. A steady stream of power was injected into the terrifying black storm, making the power of the storm stronger and stronger, and this power had reached the realm of Tianzun.

Outside the field, the warriors on both sides felt the destructive power contained in the black storm, and there was a look of jealousy in their eyes. This power has already reached the point of threatening Tianzun.

When the warriors of the mountain and sea world saw this scene, their faces couldn't help showing a worried look.

There was a faint smile at the corner of the purgatory emperor's mouth. Ning Tianjun was afraid of the power of ten thousand calamities of cultivation, and now Ning Hong's sword intent and the power of ten thousand calamities merged, reaching the point of killing Tianzun.

The apprentice trained by Su Yingxia, how can He De dare to ridicule Ning Hong? He didn't think he would be invincible if he was accepted as an apprentice by the Emperor of Heaven.


Ning Hong stepped on his feet, and the black storm brewing in the sky roared, like an abyss, swallowing directly towards Lu Chen.

In the center of the black storm, the energy is tumbling and it is very viscous, wiping out all vitality. On the periphery of the storm are strands of sharp matter like blades that make a violent roar when it collides with space.

Ning Hong's attack was extremely powerful, and even Tianzun would have to hate on the spot.

The creatures on the side of the Sky Demon Realm showed a cold smile, as if they felt that this blow would swallow someone, and the deity would be destroyed.

Lu Chen's face was lazy, with a cynical, lazy smile, and his eyes were calm. He didn't seem to put Ning Hong's attack in his eyes at all. When his thoughts moved, Lu Chen's body also bloomed with sword intent. The vigorous sword intent was intertwined with dazzling light. Very dazzling.

After Lu Chen covered his sword intent, he used the rules of killing. The two powers merged together. The sword intent on the surface of Lu Chen's body had many tiny patterns, dense and dense. These patterns contained the meaning of division and continued destruction. With reorganization, many small cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

The moment Lu Chen's body surface defense was completed, he was directly swallowed by the black storm.

As he was engulfed by the black storm, the sword intent of Myriad Tribulations collided with the sword intent of Slaughter, making a sneer sound, like metal rubbing, ear-piercing.

Inside the Dao Zhantai, it was pitch black, and people around didn't know what was going on. Many people watched with their divine minds. When they touched the two mutant sword intents, they felt a pain in their minds and quickly withdrew their divine minds in amazement.

The spiritual minds of people below Tianzun have all been backlashed to varying degrees.

Only the powerhouse above the emperor realm can ignore the power of sword intent, and all the powerhouses present show different colors because they have seen the ending inside.

Even though Ning Hong launched a terrifying blow, the person at the center of the storm had nothing to do. The opponent also had a combination of sword intent and rules on the surface.

The opponent's sword intent was not only higher than Ning Hong, but the rules of the combination were also quite terrifying, the rules of killing.

The killing rules also exist in the Heavenly Demon Realm. It belongs to the main rule of the Three-Headed Crocodile Royal Family. This rule is more than the power of a thousand calamities.

Therefore, that person's combined killing sword intent surpassed Ning Hong's sword intent.

"The rules of killing turned out to be the rules of killing" The powers of the two emperor realms narrowed their eyes, revealing a different color.

No wonder this young man had a arrogant tone and said that he was going to kill Ning Hong when he came to power. This was not an unpredictable one, but the power of slaying sword intent with confidence, and indeed threatened the martial artist of the Celestial Realm.

When the black storm calmed down, the people below Tianzun looked at the field and found that Lu Chen was standing intact. They all breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the younger generation of the Sky Demon Realm, they showed a look of surprise.

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